Wanting to lose weight, but likes the bigger guys...?



  • AllanMisner
    AllanMisner Posts: 4,140 Member
    <<<<< Currently chubby.
  • Wendi_S
    Wendi_S Posts: 489 Member
    My husband is slender but MAN do i have a crush on Dan Connor (John Goodman on Roseanne lol) and I LOVED Drew Carey (before he got skinny)

    Yes, Drew Carey!!!! :heart:
  • RAFValentina
    RAFValentina Posts: 1,231 Member
    I'm exactly the same! You don;t look big in your pic though!
  • Elizabeth_M
    Elizabeth_M Posts: 562 Member
    No, i want to be with a guy who is bigger than me. If they wear jeans smaller than me, I would feel like an amazon. BUT, having said that, I still want them to be healthy, and, you fall in love with who you fall in love with!

    My hubby is bigger than me, football shoulders (and a big tummy to boot lol) and I like feeling 'protected'.
  • BigPapaGato
    BigPapaGato Posts: 96 Member
    Omg no. I'm exactly the same! I can't see myself with a small, thin guy. I don't even like an overload of muscles.

    My hubby <3




    Is that Carlos I see in that picture? If so... Tell him Gato says whattup!
  • sf08003
    Nope, no weird at all. I like 'em too! Always have, always will. :happy: Same thing. I like 'em with meat on their bones. Just not sloppy.
  • rinangel
    the love of my life is a chubber...but I ADORE him so!!!
    go for what you love , who cares what fashion magazines try to sell us all.....
    and by the way...please you are not that thick yourself! :)
  • luckybunny84
    I am the same way. I prefer guys with a barrel chest and strong arms, but I get completely turned off buy 6 pack abs. I am actually kind of sad to see my boyfriends beer belly getting smaller, but I dont tel him that :)
  • OliviaJoey1
    I'm the same way! When me and hubby got together we were both thin,NOW 12 years later - I'm trying to loose weight, and I find him very HOT! He is not a huge man just has some meat on his bones! I think it is all what you like, but on the other hand I think Larry the Cable guy is good looking, and I think Dale Jr is Hot, so I guess I like my rednecks! I just know what you are saying, I've never been attracted to the buffy guys maybe in High School but I was 90 pounds so every guy was built with muscles! Go for what makes u happy! Sorry I'm tired and just ramblin!
  • keddabee
    My partner is just a bit taller than me and is smaller than me but hey I dont care I love him to bits! I have always chased the bigger guys and felt attracted to them but I found that they never had much interest in sex? Anyone else find that?
  • TimeToDoMe87
    Kevin James is adorable. I have a crush on Adam from Man vs food lol Soooo bad :smooched:

    THat made me giggle. Cause I think that everytime I watch that too. So cute.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hmmm... I don't think it's weird. You like who you like. You may not always click with a chubbier guy either, but that's life.

    I've had some great bf's in my past....many were tall and slender, a few were bigger or muscular and at the end of the day, all that seemed to matter for me was that they told stupid jokes and laughed at mine. lol

    Go for who you want. As long as you're happy, party on!! :drinker:
  • TimeToDoMe87
    My partner is just a bit taller than me and is smaller than me but hey I dont care I love him to bits! I have always chased the bigger guys and felt attracted to them but I found that they never had much interest in sex? Anyone else find that?

    no . I haven't I have had BETTER sex with the bigger guys compared to the smaller guys....
  • bigredhearts
    ive never been a fan of a man that could be smaller than me, cept when i was in middle school and those were my only options... i like my guys tall and at least 180+... not a fan of huge muscles either... and i think it has more to do with primal instinct. women "tend" to go for men that appear to have the ability to provide and protect, whereas men "tend" to go for women that have a certain ratio of hip size due to the ability to bear children. i think its all very primal... now this doesnt apply to everyone but it does seem to carry some scientific weight. still i say, to each their own :)
  • thoma74
    thoma74 Posts: 187 Member
    He's the cheese to my macaroni :heart:

    How cute!! Love this!
  • Miss♥Ivi
    Yes that is Carlos lol I'll tell him (:
  • Stefanie7125
    Stefanie7125 Posts: 462 Member
    glad to know I am not the only one! I love bigger guys, not into muscular types at all. I love to cuddle with a bear of a man!!!
  • christina0089
    christina0089 Posts: 709 Member
    I LOVE when a guys is thick! And it don't have to be all muscles and brawn! My fiancee is 6 ft tall and solid with a soft center! lol I love it! it's sexy and l feel safe in his arms. :heart: :love:
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I get physical preferences...ok that's fine...some people like particular looks...but when you make generalizations like "chubby guys are/aren't better in bed" "muscular/skeletor guys are not as loving/caring as chubby guys" ....it's just idiotic. I'm sure I don't need to paint the picture any clearer by making a stereotype statement against women.
  • lind3400
    lind3400 Posts: 557 Member
    I liek my men to feel like MEN not little boys, plus I cannot date someone who weighs less than me haha....