Pooping - this is a serious question...



  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    Increased blood flow and water retention in muscles that wouldn't show up right after workout until muscles begin to relax and go into recovery mode?

    But wouldn't it still all be within my body, and therefore weighing on the scale whenever? (Until I got rid of it, that is - sweat, urine, etc...)
  • iKristine
    iKristine Posts: 288 Member
    Unless you either ate or drank inbetween, or you were imbalanced on the scale to start... not possible.

    The scale might be off, or youve changed clothes or something. But SOMETHING has happened to cause that. You just don't go up out of pure thin air.
  • wvbuckeye
    NOOOOOOOO, Ive never done this! :embarassed:
  • Emily_Katherine
    Hilarious. Seriously, this made my day. I bet it is something to do with your scale, though. I would be interested in knowing if the following experiment produced the same result:

    1. Workout
    2. Weigh in
    3. *cough*Daily Constitutional*cough*
    4. Wait 10 minutes - don't eat, drink, or let anything touch the scale
    5. Weigh again just for kicks
  • danschultz01
    danschultz01 Posts: 9 Member
    The real question is do you normally have floaters or sinkers. If floaters maybe you will weigh more. But if sinkers.... You will enjoy the scale afterward like myself!
  • keiraev
    keiraev Posts: 695 Member
    LOLOL :laugh:
  • rprussell2004
    rprussell2004 Posts: 870 Member
    The real question is do you normally have floaters or sinkers. If floaters maybe you will weigh more. But if sinkers.... You will enjoy the scale afterward like myself!

    Oh I hadn't thought about this. Maybe I produce hydrogen instead of methane.
    1. Workout
    2. Weigh in
    3. *cough*Daily Constitutional*cough*
    4. Wait 10 minutes - don't eat, drink, or let anything touch the scale
    5. Weigh again just for kicks

    I will try this, next time the occasion presents itself. Would taking a shower count against me? Morning time is generally pretty packed.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Same scale? Zeroed both times before weigh in?

    Yep - and yep!

    Maybe it needs new batteries.

    And there's really not a whole lot going on in between. No eating or drinking - there'd be no mystery if that was the case. It's become a minor obsession now, I'm trying to keep the variables as controlled as I can.

    No different clothes. Not holding the cat. It's weird. It's sometimes been only a half pound (which is the lowest increment the scale goes to) but this morning it was two.

    I had the same problem. It was my scale. Once I got a new one it stopped happened. I thought I was going crazy!!! lol
    OLFATUG Posts: 393 Member
    I *never* lose weight after defecation, I always weigh the same. I have noticed that after I urinate I can easily lose a pound, but I drink water like it's going out of style. I wish I had any useful information for you.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    Okay, first time poster and I'm a *little* embarrassed to be posting about pooping, but hey... this is a good crowd, right? (I apologize profusely if this isn't the right forum, but it seemed to be the "least inappropriate.")

    The upshot is: On mornings that go like this...
    1. Workout
    2. Weigh in
    3. *cough*Daily Constitutional*cough*
    4. Weigh again just for kicks

    The second weight has been CONSISTENTLY higher than the first. The 1st couple of times it happened I chuckled, made jokes about gas, whatever.

    But it's ALWAYS the case. (A sample size here of more than 4, anyway.) And it is so absolutely counterintuitive that I started wondering if I'm the only person that has encountered it.

    Thanks for your insight, or at least your tolerance...
    I do a similar routine and used to get 1-2 lbs drops with my old scale. The new scale.... No change at all and it weighs digitally to 1/10 LB. I know for a fact that when I drop a duece it weighs way more than 1/10 of a lb so Im confused as well.

    Scale Mysteria.
  • LovShelly18
    WOW, I have no idea. That's crazy, I've never heard of that before.
  • Pkiddy
    Pkiddy Posts: 145 Member
    I would go with the scale. unless it's a really good one. i had an old scale i used that would change it's mind 5 times with in 30 seconds. i'd get on, weigh, off, weigh, off, weigh, off, weigh and each time would be different. the scale was 10 years old. i have a new one now and it's the same in a row, in a row, in a row.
  • nixirain
    nixirain Posts: 448 Member
    Seriously - a second weigh in just for kicks??

    That would drive me insane. Weighing in once a day is one thing, more than once a day is a bit crazy- IMO. No offence!
    Really, you've never been curious about how different things affect your body? It's interesting!

    I heard a comedian once say that he has an on going contest with his family to see who can lose the most weight after taking a dump. lol

    Yes, just for kicks. Not everything has to be about weight loss.
  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,311 Member
    that is weird and yes I will be trying this myself this morning ahhaha. Short of weighing the actual bm I don't know what to tell you. Have you tried weighing yourself like 10 mins later without drinking or eating anything.


    Did you really just overtly suggest weighing S***?
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    Hilarious. Seriously, this made my day. I bet it is something to do with your scale, though. I would be interested in knowing if the following experiment produced the same result:

    1. Workout
    2. Weigh in
    3. *cough*Daily Constitutional*cough*
    4. Wait 10 minutes - don't eat, drink, or let anything touch the scale
    5. Weigh again just for kicks

    I'm with this one... If I weigh myself first thing in the morning (straight out of bed, but after the restroom, no clothes) I consistently weigh about a pound more than if I wait about 10 or so minutes, and that's the weight that's more likely to stay constant. The only things that happen in those ten minutes are daily grooming sorts of things, brushing teeth, brushing hair, etc. It's very, very odd, but I just go with it. That's also with an old fashioned dial scale. My digital scale likes to tell me wonderful, wonderful lies, like that I've lost 6 pounds in two days. Pretty sure it's broken or I'm not using it right.
  • ChrisStoney
    ChrisStoney Posts: 479 Member
    It was only a matter of time.......
  • Kissybiz
    Kissybiz Posts: 361 Member
    It could be your scale. I can get on mine 8 consecutive times and it'll vary a pound or two. I just take the highest reading.
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    Are you eating anti-matter?

  • ReverendJim
    ReverendJim Posts: 260 Member
    My scale is built into my toilet seat. It's one of those collectible LED Star Trek toilets.
  • iwillsoonbeslim
    Me toooooo!!!!! Exact same thing! lol lol Thought I was the only one that a) did this and b) was heavier post-poo!