Weight loss pills?



  • Alli works good !!

    You have to be careful with that stuff because in the event that you do over eat something happens called "anal leakage" . . . its not a pleasant experience.
  • princessputz
    princessputz Posts: 283 Member
    I used to take Meridia before they took it off the market lost 12 KG in 2 weeks (cause that's safe) :noway:

    Diet and exercise!
  • hiker282
    hiker282 Posts: 983 Member
    A combo of healthy (er) eating, strength training, and cardio have worked wonders for me! No money down, except the money spent on groceries and some workout videos.
  • lizard053
    lizard053 Posts: 2,344 Member
    None of them has ever worked for me. Just made me jittery and anxious!
  • spectralmoon
    spectralmoon Posts: 1,179 Member
    I took Hydroxycut (original formula, before the controversy of people dying) and I felt like it worked but I was also fairly close to starving myself and felt lightheaded and jittery all the time. When the news hit of someone dying I connected that with my strange/uncomfortable feelings and stopped taking it (although to be fair, me half-starving myself probably didn't help the 'uncomfortable' feelings very much). Now that I'm older and wiser and have found MFP and the relative ease of calorie-counting and exercising, I really wouldn't try anything like that again.

    I'd tried Hydroxycut as well, before all the reformulations. I was definitely losing weight, but the high caffeine/ephedra/CRACK in it started to have a reversed reaction on me; I'd take two of the pills as recommended, and I'd pass out shortly after! Soda started to do the same thing to me, so I stopped. I couldn't face the reality of caffeine not working for me anymore. :P
  • jdeckness
    jdeckness Posts: 22 Member
    I used Leptopril for about 3 months and lost 40 pounds. then I lost my job and couldn't afford it anymore. Now they don't carry it where I used to buy it. It is a generic version on Leptoprin. That is the one with the commercial that asks when a diet pill is worth $153 a month. BTW: I did NOT gain that 40 pounds back. I used it before I found out that I have high blood pressure and it cautions people with high blood pressure so i just haven't tried it again. I think they have it at most Wal-Marts or at least Walmart.com has it. Hope that helps.
  • jessilyn76
    jessilyn76 Posts: 532 Member
    Wait a minute.......there are pills out there that make you lose weight??? Why have I been wasting my time eating clean and excercising?
  • tiamaria3
    tiamaria3 Posts: 92 Member
    What is the opinion for the "ultimate fat burner" apparently this product has all natural health ingredients :huh:
  • I have some friends that take the Goddess Fast Pack. THey say is works as good as some prescription. They say when they take it, it completely takes their hunger away and sometime they forget to eat for days. I tell them thats not healthy because its putting them in starvation mode and they will just end up putting it all back on. When I looked at what was in it, it was a bunch of stuff that increases the heart rate which isn't safe. I take the One A Day Weight Smart. It doesn't make me jittery, doesn't take my hunger away. It does minimize my cravings though. Its more multivitamin then it is diet pill.
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?
    Caffeine pills made me hyper, but at the end of the day, it's just no different than coffee except more expensive.

    And no matter what other ingredients these folks advertise, the one item they all seem to have in common is caffeine.
    I get that people seek a softer, easier way, but addictive pills get results that end up being temporary.
  • wapan
    wapan Posts: 219 Member
    Hi Shannon, I've tried Hydroxycut and Xenadrine. The first made me feel really hot and anxious. Xenadrine gave me the most hellish of panic attacks, I actually had to call the paramedics. You ever want to feel stupid - try explaining to a paramedic that you feel like you're having a heart attack because you took 2 xenadrine tablets! They were not impressed. Even worse than that experience, I felt the effects of the xenadrine for the next five days. It was a frightening week!
  • JessG11
    JessG11 Posts: 345 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    I have tried medically prescribed pills. All they do is suppress your appetite and give you energy. But if you eat healthy foods, you are putting healthy things into your body and getting your energy naturally.

    The pills will cause weight to come off quickly but studies show time and time again that weight lost fast is not weight kept off. I'm doing it right this time: eating right for fuel, counting calories in versus burned. Good luck!
  • AnCus
    AnCus Posts: 13
    Interesting posts! Crapping yourself over dosing etc. way to encourage someone huh! Anywho do what you like. Post here if you want. Opinions are like butt holes everyone has one. If you choose to or not to take a pill just be careful and stay healthy!
  • I used to use Hydroxycut. At the time, I had a very active job where I was working outside at an amusement park, walking around, checking seatbelts, harnesses, etc, and walking up and down the ride platform. Believe it or not, I ate McDonald's almost every day, and dropped something like 20 pounds. It was ridiculous. But, I went back to school the following semester, and even though I continued to try the pills, gained all the weight back.

    MFP is fabulous, and calorie counting has been working phenominally for me, and I wouldn't recommend any diet pills. :smile:
  • tunktunk5583
    tunktunk5583 Posts: 76 Member
    Just out of curiosity, PLEASE NO NEGATIVE COMMENTS OR SUGGESTIONS THIS IS JUST A QUESTION !!!! What has worked and what hasn't for you guys? and if you never tried it which one would you choose if you could?

    I'll be honest. I took Stackers 3 when I was in college and got down to 99lbs. This was when fen phen was still legal over the counter. Though I looked good, I never ate and felt like my heart was going to explode...that was back then.

    Now...My husband is a physician so whenever I pick up a bottle of diet pills now he'll read the ingredients and tell me "THIS IS BULL****" (pardon my french). I"m going to go with no they don't work...it's all what you believe :)
  • MaximalLife
    MaximalLife Posts: 2,447 Member
    Why would you come here to ask for advice on weight loss pills? This isn't a site for gimmick diet programs or pills that are the equivalent to legal speed or caopectate.

    Eat healthy, work out, drink water, lose weight. It's surprisingly affective to not destroy your body.
  • ceecee368
    ceecee368 Posts: 21 Member
    Most diet pills are essentially a bunch of caffeine, possibly with a gentle laxative and other chemicals in them. If you're looking for an energy boost or to detox or whatever, just try to stick with black coffee or some herbal teas. There really is no miracle pill, but caffeine has been shown to temporarily increase your metabolism, so that's what most of these pills are filled with.
  • Foxefabuluz
    Foxefabuluz Posts: 39 Member
    I've only lost weight on pills from going to what I call the FAT DOCTOR (Adipex), however, it did not last. Once you stop going the weight comes back unless you really put in the work to eat healthier and exercise. Pills etc...may be a temporary quick fix to get you motivated but you still have to eat right and exercise to maintain.

    If the past I have lost over 80 pounds and did it without any pills or gimmicks - just the old fashion way of healthy diet and exercise. I put some back on because I stopped practicing healthy eating. So here I am again doing it the old fashioned way but I'm doing it and so can you.

    Be encouraged!
  • djmi1
    djmi1 Posts: 7 Member
    I lost 28lbs in 3 months by using Alli. It is good if you follow the diet plan as well. Works if you are overweight and it should be temporary. It was 4 years ago and kept it off. If you are careful on what you eat, you don't get the "accidents".
  • mickipedia
    mickipedia Posts: 889 Member
    over the counter pills - don't work (for most people)

    prescription pills - a little more effective

    the problem is that if you do get results from either then its normally because they have been combined with diet and exercise (and its that that makes you lose not the pill) and the results are hard to maintain once you get there.

    i've concidered it before but after reading about them i realised i would probably end up wasting my time, effort and mostly my money.
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