Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    They did an episode of Seinfeld based on my "man hands"
    I rode a bike (not "bicycle") during college because I just thought chicks should be able to ride-My dad STILL doesn't know!
    I think automatics are blasphemy
    I love construction and remodeling projects and can tile and hang cabinets like a pro
    I DETEST shopping!

    I love spending money, whether I HAVE it or not
    I love nice dinners at upscale restaurants
    Home decor and cleanliness is IMPORTANT
    SHOES-mostly cause they always fit. :)
    Towels. I'm a sucker for a good towel. I have thought about getting married, JUST so that I could register for some towels that I would never splurge on myself!
  • kellyisloved
    kellyisloved Posts: 441 Member
    1. I'm known for squeaking/squeeing/squealing at the sight of something so adorable I just can't help myeslf (puppies, adorable children, etc.)
    2. I'm a sucker for love songs/movies/novels.
    3. I cry at pretty much every movie ever made (sometimes even those action ones), commercials, etc.
    4. I love miniature versions of things for no other reason than the fact that they are super cute and tiny.
    5. Burning candles with a lot of fragrance makes me happy; pretty much have one burning 24/7 while I'm home.

    1. I wear men's clothing more often than women's (only recently have I started to buy clothes from the women's section).
    2. I carry a wallet rather than a purse (I hate purses, in fact)
    3. I cannot understand the concept of needing more than about 5 pairs of shoes; anything more than 10 just seems out of control.
    4. I cross my legs "guy style" rather than girl style unless I'm wearing a skirt, which is rare, and even then only if I remember
    5. Although I actually do like looking at jewelry and I think I want to wear it, I very rarely wear any jewelry at all (and have never even had my ears pierced).

    I love tons of the others listed, too, though. Love the Hitchhiker's books, love football (NFL, really, not much into college), etc.

    Love this post! :drinker:
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    1. I wear skirts and heels more often than not.
    2. Sports are incredibly boring to me.
    3. I love cooking and baking.
    4. I do all the housecleaning.
    5. I like to knit and sew and make scrapbooks.

    1. I'm an engineer.
    2. I like women.
    3. I like math.
    4. I own a pair of steel toe boots.
    5. Chick flicks are incredibly boring to me.
  • southernyankee716
    1. I love long hot bubble baths & they're even better with candles, a good book, a glass of wine and some romantic music.
    2. Pink is my favorite color.
    3. When I drive, I love to sing and dance very loudly to Prince, Alanis Morisette or some 90's dance hit.
    4. I spend 2 hours just blow-drying and straightening my hair-!
    5. I cry to get out of traffic tickets.
    6. I have five "girly" tattoos.

    1. I can burb the ABC's
    2. I wear a men's size 11 shoe.
    3. After sex- instead of cuddling, please roll over and go to sleep. Better yet, go sleep somewhere else.
    4. Putting on makeup is a pain in the *kitten*.
    5. I'd rather remodel and landscape over baking and shopping.
    6. I love boobs.
  • HannahMarieMcDougald
    1. I have so many bottles of lotions it isnt funny
    2. I have professional hair produst out the wazoo
    3. I love makeup
    4. I love candles
    5. I love pink and purple

    1. I cuss
    2. I will fart in front of you and not give a damn
    3. I love boobies ;-)
    4. Yes I can put that together
    5. Hell yes for action flicks and hell no for chick flicks
  • BellydanceBliss

    3. After sex- instead of cuddling, please roll over and go to sleep. Better yet, go sleep somewhere else.
    4. Putting on makeup is a pain in the *kitten*.

    rotfl i know right
  • smiler1974
    Ok here goes!!

    I love to wear high heels
    I love to wear dresses and get on my makeup.

    Dammmmmm Wrong website LOL Just kidding!!

    Here goes

    Man things=

    I worked in a factory on nightshift making large plastic pipes (very heavy and manly work).
    I do all the odd jobs and wash the cars and anything else that needs doing, Rubbish and so on.
    Will not stand back and let people take me for a mug, have no time for disrespectful people, and never struggle to let them know.
    Can make flatpack furnature without the instructions.
    Even if I get lost I still won't ask anyone for directions! Even SatNav. Very manly stuff!!

    Lady things=

    I owned a cupcake company and I made them myself! Swirls and everything.
    I wore a dress and high heels, (To wash the cars once to stop a nosey neighbour curtain twitching).
    I hate to get my hands dirty OCD I think!!
    I love chic flicks
    Have more clothes and shoes than anyone I know.

    Is this the sort of thing you want to know...........
  • Iamkim73
    Iamkim73 Posts: 924 Member
    1) I get a mani and pedi at least twice a month
    2) shoes.... Need I say more?
    3) I wear pink workbooks when I go into the fields (I work in the produce industry)
    4) I love to shop
    5) I am a kick *kitten* baker

    1). I don't mind getting dirty contrary to 1 on the above list
    2). I don't cry
    3). I love to camp
    4). I burp like a guy
    5). My brother made me learn how to change the tire, oil, and even the starter on the old ford truck I drove in high school.
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    1. Will wear dresses when the occassion warrants it.
    2. Cry for almost any reason, but not without reason.
    3. Had two children that are now strapping young men.
    4. NCIS is my favorite show. Still in love with Ducky from his Illiya Kuriyakin days.
    5. An avid lover of art and music.

    1. Can't cook. (Fortunately hubby can.)
    2. More comfortable with computer programming than with reality TV.
    3. Read mostly political history, history and science fiction.
    4. Used to snore extremely loudly. It's toned down some since my weight loss.
    5. Never wear fragrances and seldom makeup, which makes hubby happy.
  • eashelton53
    eashelton53 Posts: 55 Member
    1. Before back surgery I played semi pro football
    2. Before back surgery I worked as a mechanic on construction equipment
    3. ESPN!!!!
    4. Though I prefer to drive only trucks and SUV's I do own an 89 Trans AM GTA (American Mucsle)
    5. I will fire up the grill at 20 below or 100 above
    6. I love the feel and smell of leather and cigars even though I do not smoke
    7. I love rubbing and kissing my wife all over

    1. I love to cook
    2. I keep an assortment of bottles of cologne because I love smelling good I never wear the same smell two days in a row
    3. I have more clothes in the closet than my wife does because I love to shop and she doesn't
    4. I keep isoplus hair gel to wave or curl my hair depending on my mood
    5. I keep my shirts and jeans starched and creased up
    6. I'm in school for a BS in Interior Design
    7. I shower two - three times a day depending on how much I sweat (wake-up, after gym, before bed)
  • Jferg69
    Jferg69 Posts: 241 Member
    Bump, for later.....
  • mcdonl
    mcdonl Posts: 342 Member
    "Manly" traits....
    1 - I love my wife and children
    2 - I am a leader
    3 - I am passionate
    4 - I provide security and protection
    5 - I teach health and well being to my family and friends.

    Metro traits....

    See above
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member

    1) I cant leave the house without make-up on, or my hair done.
    2) I carry a bag around with me Everywhere.
    3) I think bunny rabbits are SO cute!!
    4) Every pair of shoes i own has a heel.. (Apart from my sketchers..).
    5) I bought an alienware laptop because of the pretty lights you can have behind the keys. (Over other gaming laptops).


    1) Im bisexual and think girls are HOT!
    2) I trained to be both a car mechanic and an electrician.
    3) Im better than my bf at DIY
    4) I love nothing better than a large, greasy kebab smothered in chilli sauce!
    5) I'v been told i sit like a man..

    (I cant think of any more girly traits, but have hundreds more manly ones lol..)
  • r1ghtpath
    r1ghtpath Posts: 701 Member
    1. i am an amazing mommy to 5 amazing kids!
    2. i cry when i'm REALLY happy
    3. i love manicures, pedicures, getting my hair done
    4. i don't leave the house without make up
    5. i LOVE to hug and kiss

    not so femme
    1. i hate dresses and skirts. i live in jeans and tennis shoes
    2. i do not enjoy MOST chick flix. i'm more of an action/ adventure, thriller, zombie, vampire fan
    3. i do not enjoy shopping!
    4. i don't really like talking on the phone
    5. i'm always game, and of the opinion that, anything goes in the bedroom
  • TexasRaised89
    TexasRaised89 Posts: 204 Member

    1. I love doing my makeup & hair
    2. I change clothes when getting ready about 4 or 5 times before deciding
    3. I cry during commercials or movies soooo quickly...all the time.. lol
    4. Reality tv junkie... Bad Girls Club, Tough love, Revenge etc.
    5. If I don't have my nails done, I feel horrible about myself


    1. I LOVVVVEEEE Football!!!!! I will scream, & cuss with beer in hand at the tv while standing on my couch.
    2. I can probably out drink you
    3. I will not hesistate to whoop your *kitten*....twice
    4.I am addicted to Nike's
    5.I love muscle cars!
  • woou
    woou Posts: 668 Member
    ah gender roles and labels being further perpetuated -- no thanks
  • SewerUrchin
    1) I'm obsessed with My Little Pony
    2) I like pretty dresses
    3) I dig celebrity gossip
    4) I love shiny, sparkly things
    5) I know absolutely nothing about cars or sports

    1) I hardly wear makeup
    2) I can drink my boyfriend under the table
    3) I have short hair, which takes me a whopping ten seconds to "do" in the morning
    4) I have a lot of tattoos and piercings
    5) I've built trains for a living
  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    ah gender roles and labels being further perpetuated -- no thanks

    I do agree with this!
    But.. im taking this as a laugh and nothing serious.
  • Yolanda_85
    Yolanda_85 Posts: 143 Member
    -I love scented candles, especially the fruity scents!
    -I will bake up cookies or a cake from scratch because I had a random urge to bake something
    -I cannot stop myself from awwwing over large breed puppies
    -I love warm fuzzy blankets, pjs, socks
    -I have face wash, body wash, and feminine wash in the shower with my shampoo and conditioner, and can easily spend an hour in the shower
    -I love home decor stuff
    -Chocolate and Peanut Butter are my best friends once a month
    -I love earrings

    -I HATE shoe shopping!!! A pair of sneakers and a pair of boots are all I need...flipflops or nothing in the summer!
    -I grew up on a dairy farm, bring on the mud and cow *kitten*!!
    -I cuss like it's my job
    -Weddings, babyshowers, and bridal showers make me cringe
    -I will proudly tell my boyfriend, coworkers, boss, that I'm going to go blow it up as I head for the bathroom!
    -Dresses/skirts are for the rare occasions that I can't get away with nice black pants. I would wear jeans to everything if I could
    -Small dogs are useless....sorry
    -I can go days without showering and don't care
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Towels. I'm a sucker for a good towel. I have thought about getting married, JUST so that I could register for some towels that I would never splurge on myself!
    Register anyways, and send a link to your 'out of town' friends that would never show up.... have your fake wedding in Africa or Australia... where they would never go, and hope for them sending the gift via mail. Towels would just 'show up' at your door.

    Then, a few months later, have a fake divorce. :laugh: