The truth about sugar subsitutes



  • KimsWeightloss
    Why does giving a source of information or personal experience seem to bother people and bringing out the worst in them?
  • lorenzoinlr
    lorenzoinlr Posts: 338 Member
    Ahh....the wonderful world of Research Studies. Absent funding they'd barely exist. Sometimes the funding source is only after knowledge but often the purpose is to defend their side of the street. Just the fact that that phenomenon exists means we have to take them with a grain of salt. Enough studies pointing the same way helps but often you don't have that.

    For me prudence has me avoid risks that can't be justified. I avoid artificial sweeteners because I'm fine without them and the possibiility does exist they're harmful along with the possibility that they're not, I'd just assume be risk averse here.

    Now, if it were something I loved or felt I needed, my risk benefit calculus might be different.
    How dare you tell me I have to take in salt!!!!!:wink:

    oops, forgot to turn off the sarcasm switch

    And I'm not giving up deodorant.....
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    I would just prefer a non-biased source of information is what I'm saying. that entire site seems to be dedicated to taking down artificial sweeteners. it's basically a propaganda site. so I can't trust that any of the information therein is balanced and trustworthy.
  • KimsWeightloss
    When I offer information that I feel is important, I think it is insensitive of someone to make insensitive nonsense comparisons to blue eyed drivers getting into accidents.. So sad someone feels like they need to cut someone else down or belittle them.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    When I offer information that I feel is important, I think it is insensitive of someone to make insensitive nonsense comparisons to blue eyed drivers getting into accidents.. So sad someone feels like they need to cut someone else down or belittle them.

    ok. but what I was pointing out is that you were claiming a cause and effect that isn't necessarily a cause and effect, and did so with another example. of course it was a nonsense comparison. that was the point. one has nothing to do with the other.

    and if you feel I was insensitive, I apologize. it's why I started with the fact that I was truly sorry about the situation.
  • rjt1000
    rjt1000 Posts: 700 Member
    When I offer information that I feel is important, I think it is insensitive of someone to make insensitive nonsense comparisons to blue eyed drivers getting into accidents.. So sad someone feels like they need to cut someone else down or belittle them.

    The point was that there is no causal link between aspartame and the brain tumor. One did not necessarily lead to the other. Just as the blue eyes did not lead to the car accident. Correlation is not causation. In no way did the person who posted to you cut you down or belittle you. THey just pointed out that there was no factual link between aspartame and the brain tumor.
  • LSchloss
    Actually when Nutrasweet first came out we had a youth group so we bought kool-Aide already sweetened with he stuff. We took our group to a music and learning weekend. Let me tell you it was one of the worst weekends of my life. I had a terrific headache and I was so nauseated it wasn't funny. I didn't learn about the side effects until about a week later. That was the only time I ever used the stuff again. We weren't in our camp except for meals so it wasn't like I was drinking a pitcher full every hour. So it doesn't take much at all to induce a reaction.
  • zasiiniya
    zasiiniya Posts: 100 Member
    When I offer information that I feel is important, I think it is insensitive of someone to make insensitive nonsense comparisons to blue eyed drivers getting into accidents.. So sad someone feels like they need to cut someone else down or belittle them.

    I know people who've had many products, including artificial sweeteners, throughout their lives and have not had brain tumors.

    Can I say drinking soda/having artificial sweeteners stopped them from getting a brain tumor? With as much veracity as your claim that it caused them. We've got the same proof.
  • TanyaCurtis
    Soooo true, the best is Trivia, other than that u should just eat regular sugar if u think u need it! So stupid all these low cal, low fat things, there all worse for us and make us gain weight!!! Thanks for sharing hun!! :)
  • KimsWeightloss
    He didn't even take his time before looking at the website before he made a comment about the site "looking legit". He posted like a minute later with that comment. So how can he say anything without even taking some reasonable time to really check it out.
  • tsh0ck
    tsh0ck Posts: 1,970 Member
    He didn't even take his time before looking at the website before he made a comment about the site "looking legit". He posted like a minute later with that comment. So how can he say anything without even taking some reasonable time to really check it out.

    so now we've jumped to the next comment? now that's the one I offended you on?

    yeah. I opened the site. the entire thing is link after link about why aspertame is bad. in fact, one link posted says that a high-level military source claims gulf war syndrome is caused by artificial sweetener. seriously?

    so, no. I don't think a site is legit when every story on there is clearly slanted in one way or the other.

    and I make my living reading and using computers. so I'm quick. doesn't change the facts.
  • LabRat529
    LabRat529 Posts: 1,323 Member
    When I offer information that I feel is important, I think it is insensitive of someone to make insensitive nonsense comparisons to blue eyed drivers getting into accidents.. So sad someone feels like they need to cut someone else down or belittle them.

    No one was belittling you. She merely expressed the opinion that the site was bias. I agree. If the site has an agenda, it's bias and therefor suspect.

    If I were to post a link to Splenda's or Nutrisweet's websites, would you trust them to present a completely objective and fair view? Of course not.

    This is the same thing... there's no reason to get upset about it.
  • rachemn
    rachemn Posts: 407 Member
    I've spent a lot of time researching Splenda and I've made an informed decision that it's safe to use...and since sugar makes me very sick, I LOVE it! I also love xylitol and erythiritol...depending on what I'm using the sweetner for.

    These work for me, but to each their own. Though I get really sick of people saying that Splenda causes cancer. Seriously folks!
  • rachelpries
    rachelpries Posts: 26 Member
    Isn't that ridiculous!
  • sabinecbauer
    sabinecbauer Posts: 250 Member
    Sugar replacements are artificial and nothing but chemicals. Sugar is a natural substance. Regardless of the pros and cons, I don't want to pump my body full of chemicals.

    Stevia also is a 100% natural substance. Just sayin'...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    Morning all!! I got sent this via email this morning and it basically told me things that I already know from my Chemistry background but I thought I would share it to see what you all think!! Have fun! But keep the comments clean!! ;)

    Dear Laura,

    Everyone thinks that sugar is a nutrition baddie. Well sometimes the replacements are even worse!

    Most artificial sweeteners – eg: NutraSweet and Equal – are made of a chemical called aspartame. It took many years for these products to come to market because of the bad side effects. The United States Federal Drug Administrations lists some of the side effects of aspartame to be: memory loss, nerve cell damage, migraines, reproductive disorders, pain lesions, joint pain, hair loss, food cravings and weight gain.

    Sweet & Lo contains saccharin, a coal-tar compound affiliated with cancer that is illegal in many countries. Splenda which is “derived from real sugar” is made by chlorinating sugar, changing it to sucralose. Each molecule of sucralose contains three atoms of chlorine which makes it 600 times sweeter than a natural molecule of sugar which contains no chlorine.

    And there is even worse news: studies have consistently shown that artificial sweeteners actually promote weight gain. A sweet taste induces an insulin response which causes blood sugar to be stored in tissues and fat. But artificial sweeteners do not actually increase blood sugars, so you actually can become hypoglycemic which leads to an increase in food intake.
    Eye roll here. I'd like to see PEER REVIEWED CLINICAL STUDIES as to the actual findings. For all the years I've been doing this, I haven't heard anything but misinformation from "naturalists" and "anti-chemical" followers. Opinions, blogs, articles (with no peer reviewed clinical studies to support them) spread a lot of bad info or pseudoscience trying to make people think that they are being poisoned by artificial sweetners.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    "Study reaffirms safety of aspartame

    By Deborah Halber
    News Office

    Even daily large doses of the high-intensity sweetener aspartame, also known as NutraSweet, had no adverse effect on study subjects' health and well-being, a visiting scientist at MIT reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition last week.

    "We conclude that aspartame is safe for the general population," said Paul A. Spiers, visiting scientist in the Clinical Research Center (CRC).

    Mood, aggression and selected cognitive functions were tested during a study in which some of the subjects consumed doses of aspartame nearly 20 times the daily amount taken by the vast majority of the general population.

    During a four-month period, subjects received either aspartame, sugar or a placebo and underwent physical and psychological testing. Some subjects were given doses of up to 45 milligrams per kilogram of body weight--the equivalent of 17 to 24 12-ounce diet beverages for males and 14 to 19 12-ounce drinks for females."
    See REAL studies show TRUTH.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ShellyMacchi
    ShellyMacchi Posts: 975 Member
    just want to say...

    whether artificial sweeteners are healthy for us or not.. i have no idea *LOL*... BUT...

    what i have found is true for me is:

    - Eating lots of processed sugars (most sweeteners other than fruits) = me still craving sweet constantly

    - Substituting artificial sweeteners for white sugars = me still craving sweet constantly

    - Cutting out sweets completely = lasts about 1 week max, and i have tried this many many times, so another bad choice

    - Eating less processed sugars, in smaller amounts (ie just a drizzle of honey or pure maple syrup) when the urge for something sweet hit = me not still craving sweets constantly

    So ... no artificial sweeteners, no refined sugars either, for me.

    Sadly i proved these truths for myself over The Christmas holidays by letting myself slip into the old habit (after a year of not doing so) of overindulging (for about 6-8 weeks) in my old nemesis, refined sugars (aka... lots of delicious xmas goodies and baking!!).. and now i am back to square one in terms of re-educating my cravings and eliminating the sweets again. This time though i know how i react, and i know i will get back to the 'no craving of sweets' zone again. *s*

    What this all means chemically, scientifically or biologically?
    idk *LOL*

    all i know is which choices result in cravings in me *S*
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    But my point was that these sweetners are in everything and a lot of people are binging on them every day! It is a cumulative effect that has very bad results in much smaller doses than the example he used. That was the point I was making!
    Correlation doesn't equal causation. Your point is anecdotal if there is no real proof (actual peer reviewed studies) to back them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,701 Member
    But, you know, it'd be really cool if people didn't try and present something as fact when it's not fact just to support their choice.
    THIS! It's irresponsible to make claims of "truths" when there is no actual evidence to support them.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition