Why are YOU fat?



  • I am fat because I wasn't eating nearly enough. I was so angry...."I'm so active and really only eat once or twice a day so why am I bordering obesity?" When I was younger I was constantly eat, working out, playing with my babies, dancing around while cleaning. Life was good.... then I went back to school, worked and had no time to worry about things like nutrition or usually stop to eat except at dinner time. Not a healthy habit and as it turns out NOT eating made me fat. My body stored every bit of nutrition I did get like it was the last it would ever see.

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  • ahinski
    ahinski Posts: 200 Member
    I really hate using the "f" word when it comes to describing someone's appearance, but for argument's sake... I think it's the same for everyone:

    a lack of self-love.

    EDIT: this of course excludes medical conditions or medications that cause weight gain.
  • Truth be told, my eating habits have never really been that bad (my biggest downfall was soda, but I dont drink it anymore). And as a Medical Assistant, I was always on the go (9-10 hours a day), plus I'm a soccer/basketball/sports in general mom so weekends are busy.

    My problem is that I'm battling against PCOS. So take that as an excuse if you want, but any woman with the same medical condition will agree. I'm fat because of PCOS.
  • lalala06
    lalala06 Posts: 153
    i just love food and spend most of my day visiting the fridge and pantry :laugh:
  • Years of poor nutrition, followed by minutely better eating but really poor fitness habits, combined with years of severe depression. That's ALL behind me now, and I am moving forward with both better eating habits (vegan) and regular exercise (hey, I'm not doing PX90 but I am up and moving daily).
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    my superpower is being able to attract ice cream and cake. i can't turn it off, it's the mutant gene, okay, world???
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Took pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and however much I wanted. Once I had my son, I was left with an extra 15 kilos. Husband resented that and bullied me because of it. I developed depression and turned to food (didn't realise that was what I was doing though). Husband would say things like "You're fat, lose weight" Tried hard to lose it, but always failed. Husband would say things like "Knew you couldn't do it" and "Why do you want to look so good anyway?" Talk about confusion :explode:

    Husband became Ex-Husband :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kicked the depression but still left with 20 extra kilos. I didn't really care anymore. At least, that's what I told myself. Have been trying, unsuccessfully, to lose the weight ever since, but all my attempts were only half-hearted. I think I might actually be successful this time!!

    Scratch that. I'm GOING TO BE successful this time!!!!!! :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • Sixleafclover
    Sixleafclover Posts: 24 Member
    I find it hard to STOP eating sometimes.... I tend to just eat and eat and eat, which is what caused me to be fat.

    I'm getting better, but once in a while, the binging still happens...regrettably.
  • sunspotalli
    sunspotalli Posts: 46 Member
    pretty much always have been and a lifetime of poor eating, lack of activity, taking care of my family and being happily in love and thinking it didn't matter what i looked like were just the excuses i needed not to change well no more excuses b/c it all matters and I'm ready to change
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    I was always fat for a variety of reasons throughout my life.

    When I was a small child, I was fat because I ate whatever my family gave me and my grandparents are notorious food pushers/grandchild spoilers.

    When I was going through puberty, I was fat because I ate to cover up my feelings. I was being abused at home and bullied at school and food was the only friend I had who never turned on me.

    When I was transitioning from teenager to young adult, I was fat because my emotional eating had developed into a full-blown food addiction. I ate whatever I wanted whenever I wanted, and I never said no to any extras offered until I felt like I was going to explode.

    As a young woman of 20 years old, I am proud to say that I am still fat because I simply am not finished with my weight loss journey. I've gone from 285 lbs to 229 lbs without once gaining a pound back or giving up, and I'm still going. I struggle with my food problems every day and sometimes I don't do as well as I'd hoped, but I'm not going to stop trying until I get to where I want to be.
  • heyghoge
    heyghoge Posts: 153 Member
    Took pregnancy as an excuse to eat whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted, and however much I wanted. Once I had my son, I was left with an extra 15 kilos. Husband resented that and bullied me because of it. I developed depression and turned to food (didn't realise that was what I was doing though). Husband would say things like "You're fat, lose weight" Tried hard to lose it, but always failed. Husband would say things like "Knew you couldn't do it" and "Why do you want to look so good anyway?" Talk about confusion :explode:

    Husband became Ex-Husband :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    sounds like you lost a lot of dead weight with that move right there! :tongue:
  • howehr
    howehr Posts: 1 Member
    I'm too lazy/tired to workout after 2nd shift. Gotta get my booty in gear in the morning!!
  • kittenmitton
    kittenmitton Posts: 231 Member
    Bad life choices, man. Bad life choices.
  • I was a swimmer in HS and literally burned 2000 calories a day swimming and working out during the day, not to mention swim meets...and I consumed around 4000 calories a day, and after high school I continued to eat that amount, and didn't realize just how much I was gaining.
  • hisgirl86
    hisgirl86 Posts: 142 Member
    I grew up very in a very controlled strict religion, and my parents were very controlling and never let their true feelings show "I'm always happy, we have the perfect marriage" situation), so I felt the only thing I had any say over was food. If I wanted more, and they said no, I'd sneak food to my room to eat while I read later. When I got my license, there wasn't a time I went out that I didn't get some sort of fast food--just because I could. I didn't have to be hungry, but I could make that choice to do it myself.

    I let that get the best of me, plus as I got older I developed Grave's disease and had a total thyroidectomy which really made my weight balloon.

    Plus I think I'm a little bit scared to go for my goals, afraid to succeed. I know that doesn't really make alot of sense.

    And I'm just lazy. Pure and simple. I've had so many chances to make a good choice, but I go the oppisite.
  • extremewinner
    extremewinner Posts: 98 Member
    1. Genetics not in my favor.
    2. After serious surgery never got back to my hobbies.
    3. Not enough resources available to live healthily for the past few years.
    4. Family eating habits.. no support.
    5. Fear and embarrassment taking over
    6. Being so used to being fat..

    In no particular order btw. :)
  • everyone in my family is fat, my mom pampered me when I was little so I was very lazy, mom liked to cook fattening foods, when I moved to Wv pretty much everyone else was fat so I didnt really have to impress anyone. Now that Im 19 and getting ready to move out I realized that enough is enough and I need to get in gear with getting healthy!
  • I'm fat for a few reasons;

    1. I have been in and out of hospital my whole life so it makes it hard to keep a routine.

    2. Diagnosed with clinical depression.

    3. Medical condition which makes it hard for me to loose weight.

    4. Bored eater.

    5. Haven't truly loved myself or wanted to be myself so i just gave up.

    But i have been told that if i want to be loved, i have to love myself, and i can't when i hate even looking in the mirror.
  • 1 ) I had two children, and then did two rounds of IVF as an egg donor.

    2 ) I love baking.

    3) I didn't seem to have an off switch once I started eating.

    4 ) My husband is an evening snacker, so I would eat in the evenings even when I wasn't hungry.

    5 ) I had no idea that wine contained so many calories.

    6 ) I hated exercise (hasn't that changed!)

    7 ) I spent most of last year either ill (pneumonia and then pleurisy) or injured (achilles tendon)

    8 ) My husband was away with work for a few months an I ate to stave off loneliness

    9 ) My favourite treat is going to a cafe and I was making bad food choices when I got there.

    10 ) I'm lazy and full of excuses.
  • littlemegzz
    littlemegzz Posts: 292 Member
    1) I have always been fat

    2) Told myself I'm still fitter than any person my size (I did a lot of karate)

    3) I didn't eat enough - I have mainly realised now that I had a shocking metabolism when I was a teenager because I didn't eat enough. I would go to karate straight after school and teach/train until 8:30. I would then eat dinner and junk food because I was hungry and hadn't eaten all afternoon.

    4) I use to eat A LOT of junk food when I was bored

    5) I would get lazy and stop exercising.

    6) Once I broke my healthy habit (on a binge), then I would binge for the next month.