Why are YOU fat?



  • jcnewme11
    I used to think you only live once so why not enjoy everything? Now I realize: Yes you only live once, but you live a longer and better life being healthy!!

    Agreed 100%!!! :D
  • Winner20122013
    I've ALWAYS been big...if you look at my baby pictures I was a chubby baby (a cute one)
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Because I bulked up over the holidays.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    My love of food exceeds my love of exercise...
    I am not forced to walk to my destination, because I own a car...
    I have all the modern conveniences known to man, which allows me to
    sit more than stand, relax more than work...
    Chocolate tastes better than carrots...
    Thinking about things doesn't burn as many calories as one would hope...
    Being happy does not mean being skinny...
    Eating habits are formed at an early age, when activity levels are very high and my failure to
    make the necessary adjustments in my diet to correspond with my decreased activity levels...
    Advanced age has slowed my metabolism...
    5 pregnancies in 5 years took a toll on my body...
    Because I haven't been doing this long enough...
  • kiki41
    kiki41 Posts: 80 Member
    I love food and all the joy and celebrations of life are surrounded with food and all the disappointments and losses in life are surrounded with food .
    isn't that the truth?!

    I am overweight (well, not anymore but was) because I love cooking and food. And I just happened to be eating too much of it. :( It still sucks that I have to give all that up but a moment on the lips, forever on the hips! And arteries etc.
    poo. :(
  • Akijade
    Akijade Posts: 210 Member
    I'm lazy and love burgers and fries. @_@
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Good for you... Keep up the hard work and you will be on that hot thread...
  • jenniebean1680
    jenniebean1680 Posts: 351 Member
    Heyyyyy, my mom always told me I was big boned... :sad:
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    i got a job in fast food + depression + anxiety + antidepressants

    *why were you fat*
  • susanb573
    susanb573 Posts: 111 Member
    Mostly it's because I'm lazy but if I had to find another reason it would be six IVF cycles and the meds that go with them. Six pregnancies including two sets of twins which makes for 8 babies. Love of chocolate and sweets more than veggies.
  • missjoci
    missjoci Posts: 412 Member
    Taco Bell, Alcohol, and making excuses not to go to the gym regularly.
  • coquette87
    1) I moved five hours away to start vet school this year. Consequently, I lost access to the only sport I've ever been good at - horseback riding. And being the overly perfectionist type ("If I'm not good at it in the first five minutes, I don't want to play!"), I was too lazy/chicken to find something to replace it with. (Until very recently, obviously. Yay!)

    2) Long study sessions lend themselves to candy and pizza. A lot of clubs at school offer free pizza. And cookies. And ice cream. And pop. Overly sugary cappucinos for late night cramming. Lack of planning snacks led to grabbbing whatever was cheapest at school and giant muffins cost the same as apples, and cookies were cheaper than salads and the salads were always sad looking wilted messes.

    It all adds up to me being too lazy to care.
  • beatnik236
    beatnik236 Posts: 120 Member
    Here is my theory:
    1) I have a deep emotional tie to food. It is my "comfort."
    2) I can blame "fat" for my other shortcomings.
    3) Each time I was "skinny" I got date raped and subconsicously know that the weight keeps them away. (which leads to)
    4.) I don't know what to do with men's attention (which I get when i am skinny) due to lack of male figures in my life.
    5.) I am self-destructive
    6.) I need to love myself.
    7) lazy

  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    4 words:


    Those words contributed to my fatness too. lol

    I'm fat because I like to sit on my *kitten* and eat junk food. That's pretty much it.
  • CSummers316
    I am fat because of Nintendo! My princess was always in another castle! WHY WAS SHE ALWAYS IN ANOTHER CASTLE??? And that dang dog in duck hunt! Laughing at me! Always Laughing!!!!

    Seriously though, videogames as a kid helped encourage me to stay inside, and then I ate crap all the time. That got me started on my path. What probably led to it being out of control was college. 6 regular 20 oz Cokes or Mountain Dews (Diet? Pssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Diet is for sissies!) a day every day for 4 years put it all into effect wonderfully.

    Course now I am laying some smackdown and getting my weight where I want it. Feels pretty damn good too.
  • lrnpage
    i worked in a pub where i was around food all day long, we had free reign to the chip bowl and the yorkshire puddings on a sunday and the roast potatoes.. it was just a downward spiral. anything i ate the whole summer was deep fried and then i got a taste for it and kept it up for about a year before i realised i was over 13stone and cried myself to sleep for a week. The i realised i had to do something about it.
  • DaisyHamilton
    DaisyHamilton Posts: 575 Member
    This post is really interesting! Definitely proud of those ladies who had hubbies poking fun at them, and kicked them to the curb! I was in the same situation for a few months with my EX-fiance!
  • Winner20122013
    dbest thing to do for soda craving....find a new addiction lol..i went from coke to vitamin water zero
    I am fat because of Nintendo! My princess was always in another castle! WHY WAS SHE ALWAYS IN ANOTHER CASTLE??? And that dang dog in duck hunt! Laughing at me! Always Laughing!!!!

    Seriously though, videogames as a kid helped encourage me to stay inside, and then I ate crap all the time. That got me started on my path. What probably led to it being out of control was college. 6 regular 20 oz Cokes or Mountain Dews (Diet? Pssssssssssssssssssssssssshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh Diet is for sissies!) a day every day for 4 years put it all into effect wonderfully.

    Course now I am laying some smackdown and getting my weight where I want it. Feels pretty damn good too.
  • Winner20122013
    comment on number 3....it doesnt...trust me. My ex molested me and he didnt care how big i was

    Here is my theory:
    1) I have a deep emotional tie to food. It is my "comfort."
    2) I can blame "fat" for my other shortcomings.
    3) Each time I was "skinny" I got date raped and subconsicously know that the weight keeps them away. (which leads to)
    4.) I don't know what to do with men's attention (which I get when i am skinny) due to lack of male figures in my life.
    5.) I am self-destructive
    6.) I need to love myself.
    7) lazy

  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    I ate too much & sat on my butt all the time!