decided I dont want to die



  • JeffSFO
    We certainly don't want you to die either, longhaul64. Congratulations for taking your first steps towards a better life.

    Another poster here mentioned the documentary "Fat, Sick and Nearly Dead," which is available on Netflix. I found the film to be inspirational because it does show how good nutrition, a proper diet, and a healthy lifestyle can have profound effects on weight loss and on your overall well-being.

    Also, the BBC aired a documentary titled "How to be Slim," which featured some interesting research on good eating habits that are very useful for losing weight and adopting healthy, but satisfying, eating habits. It's up on YouTube so just do a quick Google search on "How to be Slim."

    Best of luck with your journey. It will be worth it!
  • mom2mozart
    mom2mozart Posts: 307 Member
    Well done on your recent decision and your early sucess!!! If you stick with this, you will achieve your goal. It is a worthy one.
    I also have made that decision. We are in this together...
  • lisacandygirl37
    Well done for taking the first step to a healthier you, the first step is never easy so congrats. With the love and support of your family and ofcourse you're MFP pals you will get through this and we are in this together . Good luck on your healthier you journey and all the best :):):)
  • cortigosa
    The first few steps to change are always the most difficult, look forward and not back. if you want it, you got it. and man do you have this one. push yourself and keep working on it. everyone on this site has a goal they are looking towards, we support you and will help you in any way we can. keep us posted buddy.
  • glennstoudt
    glennstoudt Posts: 403 Member
    Well yours is seriously an interesting post and although I am certain you will receive plenty of support and encouragement here, I would like to congratulate you on your decision. Fear is a powerful motivator if used in the proper context, such as taking positive control as you indicate. You seem quite ready to do that. My suggestions would include spending whatever money and time you can to have medical supervision of your first stages of lifestyle change. That being said, there is no magic in the mathematics of calories in and calories out. Set interim goals for weight, as many as you need- First 100 for example, and a reasonable time/date. Your weight to 225 sounds great, but what about all the time in between. Set your caloric intake for a BMR of your first goal weight and over a week or a month, don't exceed that daily number, on average. Record everything. You will lose weight. Take gradual steps of exercise assuming your recovery from your injury is complete. Best of luck in your new adventure. You will soon enjoy the benefits.
  • gabadabadoo
    Hey - well done for starting - I think that's the hardest part. What I love about MFP is that there are other people here in the same boat, and always with an encouraging word!
    Your name says you aren't on a 'diet' this time, but a long-term life change - so allow it to take time, and accept that you will sometimes slip back into old habits - but use that as an opportunity to recognise the patterns that led you there, brush yourself off, and get yourself back on track!
    Best of luck (and feel free to add me as a friend on here!)
  • ChristineS_51
    ChristineS_51 Posts: 872 Member
    Hi all,
    I want to be able to sit in a chair with arms, I want to ride a roller coaster again someday. But most of all I want to be around to enjoy my family.
    So I need some help. A kind word, a attaboy, or maybe just some encouragement.
    I have lost 8 lbs in the last 10 days. I have a long way to go to my goal of 225.
    Thanks for reading. LH
    :flowerforyou: Hi Longhaul64
    When I read your post I thought of EdDavenport, who has had an amazing journey to get healthy, and I see Ed has posted on this thread. He has done what you are starting to do.

    It can be done - and YOU want it, so it will be done. All of us are here to encourage and help, sharing your diary with your friends is a good way to go, so they can review your day and maybe offer good advice. Take each day as it comes; don't beat up on yourself if you have a bad day; review the nutrition values on everything you put into your mouth - I have been surprised at the differences in simple things like breakfast cereals and bread - some are full of sugar/fat and others are much better choices. Choose healthy options; eat lots of fresh vegies, avoid fatty junk stuff except for rare times.

    Don't know if this will help you, but I am drinking lots of water, and I put a little squirt of lemon juice in it - it gives it a taste, and I am drinking lots of water, plus the lemon is making sweet things taste too sweet, so it is doubly good!

    I suggest you spend lots of time here, looking at motivational and sucessful posts, educate yourself about food, and try and move a little each day; maybe use hand weights to do arm exercises since your legs are not the best? Muscle increases metabolism rates - I need to get some!

    You care; we care; you will get there, and you are already starting on the road with 8 lbs behind you.
    All the very best from me here in Australia :smile:
    PS Rollercoaster are you mad they are as scary as all get out aarrrgghhhhhh :laugh:
    ME TOO! My story is in my profile. My advice is to put a eating and exercise plan togetther. I kept it simple. Three meals a day, 300 calories per meal=900 calories per day. I eat exactly the same thing for every meal, a large bowl of mixed non starchy vegi(150 calories ) & a protien shake (150 calories). I bought the stir-fried mixed vegi at Costco in the frozen food section. They also sell a protien shake. For me I had to start this way because figuring out what I had to eat at every meal would never work for me. This way I didn't have to think I only had to execute.For exercize I walked and lifted 10 lb dumbbells. It was't pretty but the important thing is to started doing something. I committed to this for 8 weeks (56 days). I kept a daliy journal of my progress and emotions. Some days were very hard and I unloaded in my journal. I lost 42 lbs. Next I went to 1,200 calories per day. Three meals same as first 8 weeks except added fish and white chicken 400 calories, three times a day=1,200 calories a day. You will think you have died and gone to heaven when you can eat 1,200 calories in a day after 8 weeks at 900 calories. If I were in your shoes I would hold at 1,200 calories, exercise everyday (you may have start in smaller time segments 3 or 4 times a day but get moving), and drink lots of water. Don't worry about the past,that was then and NOW IS NOW.-you have the power-start NOW-not tomorrow-NOW-"100% is easy,99% is a *****"!!!
  • chunkymonkeymoo
    good for you, joining this site will help you with alot of encouragement from some really lovely people, ive only been a member for a couple of days but everyone has made me feel right at home and shown alot of kindness, if you ever need any kind of encouragement or help or just a chat we are all here to help you out ;0) x well done on the 8lb too thats great news x
  • twilightteamedward
    We don't want you to die either. Welcome to MFP. there are some great people on here all with similar goals. XX :flowerforyou:
  • Sweeterescape
    Great job for taking the first step, you will get there! We are all here to help!!!
  • wmlpd6
    wmlpd6 Posts: 135
    The journey of a thousand miles begins with the first step. Congrats on taking that first step and welcome to MFP!
    Lots of very nice, inspiring folks on here to join you and encourage you. Good luck and feel free to add me if you like.
    hey man.. good luck. you will get through it.. my dad is a trucker and he has spent nights and weeks away from home and came home with broken lims and torn muscles and everything.. its all part of being in a truck. you have bad posture and you have to eat over the road.. which is mostly McDonalds, Burger King, or any other fast food place.. thats why my dad started to brink things from home to eat on the road.. he will stop at a truck stop and find a microwave and heat up dinner.. unless he goes to an actual resturant. so theres a solution.. go to a resturant that seels good food. and im telling you.. my dad was pretty big too. but that was from being over the road. so dont give up and keep working. it will pay off. just take my advice and eat right. dont over eat and dont under eat. eat until you are full or maybe a little bit less.. drink some water.. alot of water and that will fill you up and you will lose the weight! Good luck sir!
  • PurplePookie
    PurplePookie Posts: 85 Member
    This is the best site for great tips and overall feel-good, positive encouragement! You have already taken so many positive steps to a new and healthier you - congratulations for that! There are so many people who have responded to your post that can empathise and offer some great advice. After all, that's what we're here for - to share and learn. Feel free to add me if you like - I will gladly be one of your mfp buddies!
  • garbanzalo
    garbanzalo Posts: 61 Member
    A keto diet might be good for you. Check with your doctor -
  • toni400
    toni400 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm glad you are working to get closer to your goal. I had 3 heart attacks and found out I cant have surgery, I too want to live. I have to lose 66 pounds and I'm new to this as well. You can do it!!!
  • groovyfirechick
    Congrats on taking the first step to being a healthier, happier you! It will take time but YOU CAN DO IT!! Everyone here has been a great help and encouragement during my on again/off again diet which I am back on and sticking to this time. Good luck and hit me up any time if you want to chat!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    Congrats on the first step! You mentioned your goal of 225. This is very good (assuming that is where you need to be)... Truth is, a 400 lb goal is really hard to motivate your self... It is so far in the future. You will not be able to (should not) maintain a 1 lb per day loss for the duration. Yes, it is possible early on because of your current weight in relation to where you ought to be. As you close in on your desired weight, your metabolism will slow down your weight loss per week. To stay motivated, set smaller goals... 50 lbs lost by Christmas for example... Once you attain that, set another goal. It helps you to actually reach a goal and see success early on... That is not nearly as far away as 400 lbs. Best wishes.
  • monkeymouse74
    Wow!!! This really made me tear up!! You can do this! But as so many have said, dont look at the overall amount you need to lose, take it one goal at a time. It would be an honor to support you through your journey! Feel free to add me..:flowerforyou:
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    by all means make sure you are working with your doctor toward this goal. These type of health problems can cause serious problems if you don't do it very sensibly.