Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • Helice
    Helice Posts: 1,075 Member
    Towels. I'm a sucker for a good towel. I have thought about getting married, JUST so that I could register for some towels that I would never splurge on myself!
    Register anyways, and send a link to your 'out of town' friends that would never show up.... have your fake wedding in Africa or Australia... where they would never go, and hope for them sending the gift via mail. Towels would just 'show up' at your door.

    Then, a few months later, have a fake divorce. :laugh:

    That is such an amazing idea!!
    I might try it!
  • MissVCI
    MissVCI Posts: 277 Member
    Femme Fatale

    1. My sexy curves and long hair
    2. Always manicured hands and feet
    3. I love drinking wine
    4. I love to cook and throw dinner parties
    5. I love wear tight dresses and skirts.

    Butch B*tch
    1. No embarrassed to burp in public
    2. I snore like a bear
    3. I hate wearing high heels.
    4. Rarely ever wear make up
    5. I have a mouth like a sailor and talk crudely about sex all the time.
  • catshark209
    catshark209 Posts: 1,133 Member
    I can cook. And not just boil water or slam something in the microwave, I can make white bread and tortillas from scratch.
    I wear a lot of pink.
    I'm a makeup addict
    I spend too much money on clothes.
    I can run in heels

    I HATE chick flicks. HATE them. I've never seen The Notebook and I don't care to.
    I know my way around MW3 and I like kicking the boys butts.
    I use a Condor range bag as a purse. I may like clothes but my "purses" are tactical. Either Condor or 5.11 but I'm wanting a Blackhawk Tactical Bag soon.
    I drool at the Blackhawk catalog. Law enforcement or military people will know what I mean.
    Google thinks I'm a teenage boy cuz of what I look up. LOL.
  • Banrion
    Banrion Posts: 157 Member

    1. I have an inner-goddess, she is peaceful and serene
    2. I have more than 40 bottles of nail polish, my toenails have to be painted at all times or I feel naked
    3. I love to get dressed up and wear super low-cut tops that show of my boobs
    4. I keep my hair long; it makes me feel super girly and sexy
    5. I wear super lacy bras and panties, no matter what I am wearing the under


    1. I have an inner-goddess and she is a warrior goddess who likes to kick butt
    2. I love to dress-up, but after 2hours somebody better get me to my sweatpants OR ELSE
    3. I was a hammer thrower at a division 1 university-benched 215, squatted 430, Cleaned 260
    4. I can change my oil, and fix tractors
    5. When a bar fight happens, I run INTO the fight not away
  • lumina0o0
    lumina0o0 Posts: 498 Member
    1. I love makeup
    2. I cry at movies and to songs
    3. I have so many clothing I've broken my rack in the closet
    4. I love getting my hair done
    5. I can cook and bake

    1. I hate shoes, I would go barefoot everywhere if I could
    2. I can leave the house with my hair in a pony-tail and no make-up
    3. I'm hardly ever late
    4. I burp in public
    5. I have a higher sex drive then my husband
  • 1996gtstang
    1996gtstang Posts: 279 Member
    other than wearing clothes that match, i dont know what metro things are
  • sillygoose1977
    sillygoose1977 Posts: 2,151 Member
    I love shoes
    I cry easily
    I never take my jewelry off (even at the gym)
    I wear make up every day
    I love to decorate

    I have super short hair
    I'm outdoorsy
    I'm cynical about romance
    I play fantasy football
    I dig beer and sandwiches
  • ShrinkRapt451
    ShrinkRapt451 Posts: 447 Member

    1. I am a huge fan of Jane Austen books/movies.
    2. I sew, crochet, and occasionally bead.
    3. I love dangling earrings, high heels, and skirts.
    4. I like cats; too bad their fur doesn't like me.
    5. I love to dance.


    1. I consider "Die Hard" to be a Christmas movie. I watch it at least once a year.
    2. I am currently driving my second Subaru WRX. (And what the hell is automatic transmission about, anyway?)
    3. I have my own toolbox and helped a friend buy and learn to use her first electric drill. To assemble furniture.
    4. I loathe tiny dogs. Even more when they're wearing clothes or have their own handbag.
    5. I do not understand the point of softball. Baseball? Yes. Softball--- huh?
  • Oishii
    Oishii Posts: 2,675 Member
    My friends, when we were pretending to be a family in my early teens, called me an 'ankle', half aunty, half uncle, because I had aspects of both. So...


    1) I love dresses.
    2) I'm a very mumsy mummy.
    3) I have a lot of patience for people's problems.
    4) I love my Wii Fit :laugh:

    1) I'm very target focused. I don't go for presentation just results.
    2) Sex drive, hormones and exhaustion permitting.
    3) Hair is to keep your head warm, not for worrying about.
    4) Make up is stupid.
    5) I am ridiculously untidy. I just don't see the point.
  • scaredofcoasters
    scaredofcoasters Posts: 90 Member

    I'm trained in Karate and teach in Kendo and Iaido (sword arts) and study multiple other martial arts on the side.
    I love some stupid action movies, namely Fast and the Furious.
    I'm a car guy, but there's more to that which will be mentioned in the Feminine section.
    I'm a huge gamer, and play all sorts of video games.
    I'm a sci-fi geek and play D&D whenever I can.


    I have LONG hair. Like, to my lower mid back long.
    I'm a sucker for good romance stories.
    I am an artist in all aspects: I have done drama, I compose music and sing, and I am a full time artist.
    With cars, I could care less about the technical aspects and really just want an aesthetically pleasing car.
    I love to sew costumes, and also have gotten into the hobby of modding and sewing for Ball Joint Dolls and Barbies.
    I have technically crossdressed (as a male character who does crossdress in the game he is in) and would do that again.

    I've always considered myself more feminine than masculine, and while I am straight, people have asked me multiple times if I was gay, usually because my friends were all women and to the surprise of others, I didn't try to date any of them while I was still single. In my costume mentioned above, I've been mistaken for a woman, and while I can't pull that off now, part of the reason I would like to lose 20 pounds is because I want to do that again. :D
  • waterwing
    waterwing Posts: 214 Member

    1. I love things that make me smell good
    2. I love baking.. especially cookies and cakes
    3. I keep a journal
    4. I love spa treatments
    5. I love chocolate, red wine and chick flicks


    1. I'm perfectly happy spending significant time in the woods camping and canoeing
    2. I like rye/whiskey
    3. I can build a good fire
    4. I can easily kill or dispose of spiders and other bugs
    5. I love Rocky movies
  • taffiepie
    taffiepie Posts: 7 Member
    I'm going to lay mine out a little differently...
    1. I have a mean vocal growl when singing along to Pantera, and can mimic James Hetfield eerily well.
    But I prefer to sing Show Tunes and Jazz
    2. One of my all time favorite movies is Fight Club
    I'm often caught singing songs from Dirty Dancing at random times.
    3. I know how to throw a proper punch.
    I'll slap someone before I think to close my hand.
    4. My favorite shoes are low top Converse Chucks. (so much so that I wore them as my wedding shoes)
    I own different colors of the same shoe and MANY other random shoes.
    5. There is nothing sexier then a red sports car
    Except maybe red lipstick :wink:
  • mznisaelaine
    mznisaelaine Posts: 2,262 Member

    -I sew and love clothes
    -I love accessories
    -I love romantic, love, and chick flick movies
    -I am so kind and caring, I am so sensitive about the people I am or become close too
    -I like men
    -I wear make up

    -Not afraid to scrape my knees or anything playing sports (I love it, esp. Football (tackle) and volleyball)
    -Love outdoors and would love to hike more
    -I sleep in hoodies and sweats!
    -I play video games..... Love to play against guys though :)
    -I don't care for flowers! (Surprise me by sending me food and a nice card or something lol)
    -Not afraid to lift heavy things, such as carrying boxes, give up my seat for someone else, open doors, etc.
  • ummlovelovesyou
    ummlovelovesyou Posts: 1,024 Member
    -I like to paint my nails---therapeutic!
    -LOVE to bake
    -Shopping is my thangggg
    -I own a lot of fake eye lashes. Yup.

    -I LOVEEEE to wrestle guys. Very competitive..............
    -I can carry heavy problem ;)
    -I like to learn about cars (the internal stuff!)
    -Prefer to sleep in big T-shirts
    -Turn on baseball and give me peanuts...then leave me alone! :heart:
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    1. I have long hair that I flip and twirl a lot.
    2. I am totally Team Edward - need I say more?
    3. I love pink and frilly anything.
    4. I wear low cut dresses because, lets face it, my boobs are freaking fab!
    5. I like to hook up with hot dudes.

    1. I have fixed the plumping and electrical in my house.
    2. I can't sit through a chic-flick. I dumped someone for making me watch 'The Notebook'
    3. I love video games and anime. (Although thats more 14 year old boy than anything)
    4. I don't ask for directions.
    5. I like to hook up with hot chics.
  • Ocarina
    Ocarina Posts: 1,550 Member
    1) I looooove make up! I don't have much but it's sparkly! :smile:
    2) I am a huge fan of jewelery and feel naked without it.
    3) I have TONS of clothes and I'm VERY picky about what I wear. I blow tons of money on unnecessary outfits.
    4) I love being in the kitchen!
    5) I also go overboard on the pillows on the bed....
    6) I cannot get myself to go "camping" unless it involves wifi, hot cocoa, and a house. I blame my parents.
    7) I love pink and gravitate towards it.
    8) I do not know how to change a bike tire or how to do anything with a car. My dad and my husband always have done it for me.

    And on the flip side...

    1) I burp and fart.
    2) I never ever wear dresses or skirts or heels.
    3). I never wear nail polish and my nails look awful.
    4) I do not enjoy reality tv or soap operas. I like shows about guns, history, antiques, and building type stuff.
    5) I generally avoid foo foo drinks. I like some good old fashioned beer.
  • inetgirl
    inetgirl Posts: 174 Member

    1. I love sparkly shiny things
    2. I like to smell pretty
    3. I like lip gloss, lipstick, etc
    4. I really enjoy getting my hair done
    5. My favorite color is hot pink


    1. I have no problem wearing sweats all day.
    2. I drive an F150 (silly boys trucks are for girls)
    3. I love shooting guns and I am very accurate with them :)
    4. I own and ride a sport bike
    5. I'm a technology junkie
  • beccadaniixox
    beccadaniixox Posts: 542 Member
    1. I love to bake
    2. I spend a large portion of time listening to Showtunes or Disney music
    3. I will cry over the silliest things
    4. I love going to the beach when it's warm out
    5. I love going for long walks

    1. I wear jeans and t-shirts about 95% of the time
    2. I smell check clothes to decide if they're wearable or not
    3. I love to play computer games
    4. I will openly talk about anything sexual
    5. I have a 'I don't give an d*mn' attitude

    I had a harder time coming up with the girly things.. :laugh:
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member

    1. I love lace!
    2. I love wearing dresses, especially in the summer.
    3. I wear make up except when in my garden.
    4. I love jewelry especially gold.
    5. I cry easily!


    1. I can use a chain saw.
    2. I can change a flat tyre.
    3. I like making things especially woodwork.
    4. I built a deck in the garden - in one day!
    5. I love DIY and am really good at self assembly flat packs!
  • rockrosie
    rockrosie Posts: 59 Member

    pain is like candy, i eat it

    fan-FREAKING-tastic! I love it!

    - Eyeliner. Don't leave home without it.
    - I like shopping. Kind of a lot.
    - I like planning out the decorating of my house.
    - I like to DIY just about anything that doesn't involve sewing.
    - I'm an enormous softiy for my 2 little boys.

    - I play roller derby, so when people find out they say: is it real? yes. want to see pics of the finger I broke?..... how do you score points? hard to explain. have a minute?... and lastly, aren't you all lesbians? well, some of us are. and some of us aren't.
    - I'm also the captain of my roller derby team, so I'm kind of a hard-*kitten*.
    - At my first job, I coordinated auto worker union guys and teamsters to volunteer for a politician. They taught me how to use f**k in some really creative ways. I haven't forgotten.
    - I use power tools. I'm the reason we buy them, not my husband.
    - Mmmm, meat. Bacon. Cheese.
    - I can do more pushups than most guys I know (in real life). Yes, on my toes.
    - Everyone gets a nickname. All the time.
    - I'm a teacher (which sounds femme) until you find out that I teach high school. And I teach history & government, which is typically the domain of the football coach (which I'm not).