Negativity....I literally want to strangle someone!!



  • Girl, you look AMAZING!! congrats, and they are just haters! I have one in my daily life, but I just use that to keep pushing me and keep me laughing!
  • jamiedailey
    jamiedailey Posts: 7 Member
    I would only keep the supportive friends anyone who isnt happy for you when you reach a goal is not a friend worth having...looks like you need to clean your fb friend list and sweep the haters to the trash:) by the way you look fantastic!
  • Misery loves company. I say that they are all jeaulous of you. Keep up the good work!!!! Don't let those haters discourage you...
  • karenwill2
    karenwill2 Posts: 604 Member
    Hello gorgeous! Walk with your head up and know you truly are beautiful inside and out. Also unfriend said people. Too much time is wasted on these people.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Thanks so much guys...I am super happy with myself at the moment :D wwwooooooo!! xxx
  • I agree, if people are giving you crap...unfriend them. They are NOT your friends. They may be jealous of what you have accomplished, and trash talk is easy. Or, they may just be jerks. Your posts are fine. It's good to be happy with what you have accomplished. Unfriend away, girlfriend. You don't need that negativity.

    i agree 100%

    part of getting healthy, also includes surrounding yourself (which ever format that may be) with positive, supportive people.
    time to do a little clean up on the FB friends list!
  • LOL, I literally have green eyes and can say you look fantastic!!!!!!!!
    If it were me, I would unfriend anyone who could say something negative. With friends like that, who needs enemies!
  • FlyByJuly
    FlyByJuly Posts: 564 Member
    OH EM GEE! I'm assuming that ppl on fb are friends. Wow, those were some pretty snarky comments from them. I sense a bit of envy, maybe? In any case, you look great! I would almost bet that, as you carry on with your program/progress, and post more photos and/or milestones, you might see some "friends" un-friend you. Some ppl (I've known a few) can't stand it when a friend makes changes for the better, works hard at it, and is successful at it. I think you look beautiful, and if you were my fb friend, I'd be all over it with "congrats, woo-hoo, you look fabulous" etc.
  • bevskiwolf
    bevskiwolf Posts: 296 Member
    omg PEOPLE SUCK! Why why why do they feel the need to put others down to feel better! ARGHHHHHHHHHHHH. Come here. We 'get' you! More than anyone else, we get it.

    You are gorgeous. Simply stunning! Time to clean out the friend list. You'll feel so much lighter! I just dumped about 50 or so. Go for it!

  • Haters gonna hate, not much you can do about that. Keep your head high knowing you did it for you
  • lilkitn
    lilkitn Posts: 25 Member
    Unfortunately when you make positive changes in your life there are going to be some people that don't like it. They are usually insecure with themselves and instead of jumping on the bandwagon and changing with you they try to drag you down so that you don't go anywhere with them. Sometimes when we change we learn who our real friends are, some you get rid of and others you hold on tighter to. And with change always comes new friends too!

    You're never in this life alone, keep it going you're looking great!
  • One word: delete
  • viper121
    viper121 Posts: 2 Member
    You are hot girl! F those dip****s!
  • viper121
    viper121 Posts: 2 Member
    Tru dat.
  • Fatbuster205
    Fatbuster205 Posts: 333 Member
    Don't worry about it! You look amazing and if you feel good about yourself go ahead and show off all you want! If I had your looks and body I would show off too! As to nasty comments - ignore!
  • JenD2Vivi
    JenD2Vivi Posts: 8 Member
    You look amazing! Don't listen to jealous people. Time to "defriend"! You don't need them!
  • Comments like that are born from jealousy most of the time so I would just take them as a compliment, you look great and if you feel great then no one can touch you :drinker: Well Done!
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I only post that I've lost weight on facebook when I want to piss people off. Facebook is for drama and unmotivated people. oh ya and sarcasm... lots of sarcasm. let people hate their way to the buffet in their snuggys.
  • TiffaniBarrett
    TiffaniBarrett Posts: 369 Member
    Aww thanks guys...

    You make me smile :D xx
  • jjblogs
    jjblogs Posts: 327 Member
    I've learned to never mention anything about working out/weight loss, etc. on facebook. People aren't interested. Lots of reasons for that. That's why MFP is sooooo fun...:)