Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • penelepurr
    penelepurr Posts: 204 Member
    Butch (easy part):

    -thanks to working in restaurants or pizza places with mostly menfolk, I can take any masochistic remark you throw at me, and I probably laugh at way too many of them ;)
    -Most of my friends or roommates are/have been guys (me talking to a girl usually ends up feeling like a bad date you can't wait to leave)
    -my perfect weekend: Saturday- college football, Sunday- NFL (E-A-G-L-E-S!)- my dad is my sports buddy and we always text during the Iggs/Phils games :smile:
    -I prefer hard outdoor work to sitting inside painting my nails (which I haven't done since the 9th grade)
    -I LOVE scotch- no girlie appletinis for me thanks!

    Femme (uhhh....):

    -I enjoy dressing up and going out (though I think I more enjoy the contrast of rocking work boots and then cleaning up with a nice pair of heels)
    -I wear makeup (though really, it's only bc my bf requested to see it sometimes, and I figured it couldn't hurt if we were going somewhere nice lol)
    -I discovered I enjoy pedicures
    -I love my thick, wavy hair and love to wear it down and show it off
    -I get cuddly (gasp!) with my bf, who enjoys it too. My sisters and I joke about how I usually am reluctant to cuddle, I seem to date guys who love it.
  • WannabeSexyBexy

    * Love nothing more than to get dolled up in a dress and stupidly high heels that I can't really walk in
    * Pink, anything that I can have in pink, I have in pink
    * My nails are always painted
    * I don't burp or 'fart' in front of people, don't really see the need
    * I never leave the house without mascara on my lashes, not even for the gym


    * Love Liverpool FC, even wear a footie top whenever possible
    * Very rarely wear skirts/dresses on a day to day basis, not even sure I've worn one this year as yet
    * I love watching Top Gear
    * Regularly drink pints, why go to the bar twice as much as you need to?
    * I can't cook for toffee
  • wdwghettogirl
    wdwghettogirl Posts: 559 Member
    1. I like wearing shirts that show off my boobs
    2. I like sparkly things
    3. I have 2 bunnies and think there is NOTHING cuter than baby bunnies!
    4. I love Gilmore Girls, Jane Austin movies, and just chick flicks in general
    5. I've been converted to a shopper! (since losing weight, shopping has become much more fun!)

    1. I don't give a damn what my hair looks like & I hate make up... I only fuss with either of them on VERY special occasions
    2. When working out, I sweat like a man, breathe like a man, and grunt like a man
    3. I could out burp my brothers growing up
    4. I am VERY excited to get dirty at my Warrior Dash and Spartan races this summer!!
    5. Thinking of my butch qualities was easier than my femme ones... and I could go on! LOL
  • scribe313
    scribe313 Posts: 103 Member
    :mad: Manly

    I am a millwright
    I can weld
    I can fix heavy machinery, rig items over 20 tons
    Always stand up for the myself and the little guy
    Support my family

    :cry: Metro

    I love to cook bread, cakes, cookies from scratch
    Sometimes cry at news stories about kids
    love dance music to work out
    a sucker for a sad story
    thinks baths are awesome!
  • chameleon73
    chameleon73 Posts: 119 Member

    1. My nails are ALWAYS done.
    2. My bathroom cupboards look like the inside of my closest Bath & Body Works store.
    3. I wear rhinestones when I go out. If it doesn't sparkle, neither do I.
    4. I wear heels ALOT because they make my legs look fantastic.
    5. I love candlelight, and have a collection of different sizes and scents around at all times.


    1. I have NO problem stepping on a copperhead with a pair of boots and chopping it's head off with a shovel. I even think its cool to poke the head afterward with a stick... It will keep trying to bite for up to 15 minutes!
    2. I could spend every day (AND my yearly paycheck) in a Home Depot if I didn't have to use it for everything else, like bills and food. Lol
    3. When the Texas Longhorns are playing, I'm usually screaming at the TV louder than any men nearby.
    4. I can fix a toilet, digup and repair plumbing lines, sand and varnish floors, use a circular saw, and have my own collection of power tools. If I can learn and do it myself, I will.
    5. I'd rather drive a truck than anything else. Period.
    6. I would rather camp (tent, sleeping bag, and a flashlight) and fish, than stay in any hotel or resort you can think of.

    Edited to add: I found the more Butch qualities to be easier to think of, too!

    7. When I go out, I drink tequila straight. No girlie salt, lime, and chasers for me!
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member

    1. I am obsessed with shoes.
    2. I shower, at least, twice a day.
    3. I love to cook, clean, and sew.
    4. I have incredibly soft skin.
    5. I cry during sappy movies, songs, and even commercials.


    1. I curse like a Sailor.
    2. I will not back down from a fight.
    3. I think about sex all the time.
    4. I'm highly competitive.
    5. I love exotic cars.
  • nikkilou1978
    nikkilou1978 Posts: 146 Member

    1. I never go out without makeup.
    2. My favorite color is pink.
    3. I can cook and sew, sometimes at the same time.
    4. I love shoes and pretty dresses.
    5. I love smelly lotions and perfumes, they make me happy!


    1. I love hunting and fishing, and can clean a deer/fish like nobody's business.
    2. I can do anything construction related. Lay tile, finish drywall, paint, do electrical and plumbing...ect.
    3. I can change my own oil and tires, and don't mind getting greasy.
    4. I can run big equipment and have my CDL.
    5. I love power tools, the bigger the better.
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member
    1. I love diamonds
    2. A good vampire romance doesn't get dusty in my house
    3. Makeup is to enhance my beauty, so I use it
    4. Manicures are a MUST
    5. I like the door held open

    1. I'm in the front of the boat when Whitewater rafting
    2. I know how to use every tool in the tool box
    3. I can rack and stack a server with no help
    4. farting is natural :)
    5. Testosterone zone is my home at the gym
  • itgeekwoman
    itgeekwoman Posts: 804 Member

    1. I am obsessed with shoes.
    2. I shower, at least, twice a day.
    3. I love to cook, clean, and sew.
    4. I have incredibly soft skin.
    5. I cry during sappy movies, songs, and even commercials.


    1. I curse like a Sailor.
    2. I will not back down from a fight.
    3. I think about sex all the time.
    4. I'm highly competitive.
    5. I love exotic cars.

    dang I missed # 3 for butch, that's so me too :)
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I am a little manly sometimes:

    1: I can hunt, shoot guns, and fish.
    2: I can fix more stuff in the house and on our cars than my husband.
    3: My favorite car of all times is a 1979 Black Trans Am with a bird on the hood.
    4: I HATE wearing heels. I'd rather be in a comfy T-shirt and jeans.
    5: II am fully capable of surviving on primitive camping trips (no shower, no bathrooms, etc.) for weeks.


    1: I love to cook especially for big groups.
    2: I cry at some movies.
    3: I make an effort to look cute most of the time (no heels though)
    4: I have two cats, who are my children essentially.
    5: I absolutely love children.

    I'm a lot more of a Tomboy than most of my girlfriends.
  • WhitneyAnnabelle
    WhitneyAnnabelle Posts: 724 Member
    Wow, I feel like I'm at Smith College all over again. Haha.
  • HauteP1nk
    HauteP1nk Posts: 2,139 Member

    1. I love Madonna.
    2. I have more shoes than is really necessary and I NEED them all. .
    3. I cry over everything....
    4. I have to look good, even to go to
    5. I live for girls nights, make-up and shopping!


    1. I avoid romance movies like the plague and prefer to see something scary or action packed.
    2. I love bar foods.
    3. I prefer drinking beer over wine any day.
    4. I have always kind of feared committment.
    5. I try to act real tough even when I'm not.
  • Whinchat
    Whinchat Posts: 84 Member
    1. I wear make-up
    2. I love wearing corsets
    3. I cry at books, films, babies, cute things.....
    4. I eat chocolate with wild abandon when I have PMT
    5. I enjoy baking and sewing (resorting to gender stereotypes here :ohwell: )

    1. I like playing with chainsaws and brushcutters :wink:
    2. I do the the bulk of the DIY (putting up shelves, unblocking the toilet etc)
    3. I don't tend to shave my underarms
    4. I tend to live in boots (hiking boots, doc martens or similar) - don't like heels.
    5. At the adventure playground I'll be climbing, swinging on things etc with my daughter, alongside the other dads, rather than sitting on the bench gossiping with the other mums :tongue:
    (I can also belch and fart like a trooper and would rather a pint of decent 7% scrumpy cider than a glass of wine)

    *edit* butch stuff was way easier to think of and I could add a ton more to the list.
  • anberlingasm

    I like to be the little spoon.
    I cry over books, movies, music... you name it.
    I'll take chocolate over sex.
    I love to cook.
    I also love to clean.


    I do all of the heavy lifting at work.
    I sit with my legs apart way too often.
    I can drink ten double Jack and Cokes without passing out.
    I go out without drying my hair.
    I have a wife!
  • Guardien
    Guardien Posts: 109 Member
    Man side:
    If it has wheels, odds are I've driven it
    I like beer, whiskey, tequila, bourbon, etc.
    I've worked in contruction
    I believe that using a pad on the bar for squats is for wussies
    I have pushed a 7-man sled by myself

    Fem side:
    I've read books by Nora Roberts and liked them (3 Sisters Island Trilogy)
    I like colorful, fruity drinks sometimes
    I've cried in the moives
    I like "chick flicks"
    I bake
  • 4hotmama
    4hotmama Posts: 112 Member
    1. Will not leave my house without my eyeliner and mascara.
    2. Love Obsession perfume.
    3. I have a silk pillow case.
    4. Love to paint my nails with glitter polish.
    5. I have to have candles burning when I am home.

    1. I shingle like a man.
    2. I stack and split wood better then some men.
    3. I would rather hang w/ guys then girls-to much drama and cattiness
    4. I prefer beer over wine.
    5. I like fast cars & UFC
  • diddyk
    diddyk Posts: 269 Member

    I never go to work without makeup on.
    My boyfriend's clothes are kept in the spare room because our huge closet is full of my stuff.
    I ALWAYS have polish on my toes.
    I have more pairs shoes than I can count, or keep track of.
    I cry often, over anything, unless doing one of the activities listed below.

    I ride dirt bikes, snowmobiles and the like. (Preferably at high speeds.)
    I can't cook or bake without a recipe.
    I burp like a champ.
    I can change my tires, do an oil change, and I know that when my car won't start if I smack the start motor with a wrench it'll probably go.
    I like to spend weeks at a time camping. (No shower, no makeup, no toilet.)
  • hellonheels88
    hellonheels88 Posts: 262 Member
    hmmmm let me see

    1. Eyeliner and all times.
    2. I have an obsession with pumps/heels and purses
    3. I cry...usually on a daily basis...commercials with cute puppies get me all the freakin time.
    4. I enjoy a little drama/gossip
    5. I am a sucker for a tear jerking chick flick

    1. I taught myself to drive a stick shift when I was 16 and despise driving an automatic....
    2. I like big trucks and I cannot lie <3
    3. I'd have to agree with the always thinking about sex....
    4. I can change my oil, tires, brake pads, even helped replace the engine on my dads jeep when I was 9.
    5. I can drink most people under the table
  • HartJames
    HartJames Posts: 789 Member
    Love all things fashion

    Refinishing furniture & all things DIY
    Argue aggressively
    Cooking & cleaning are not my "place"
    Love hooking up my car (though my bling is kinda girly)
  • magicthedragon
    magicthedragon Posts: 1 Member
    1. I am a Domestic Diva! I cook, clean, knit, sew, bake, and garden.
    2. I don't curse...ever (ladies don't curse).
    3. I love all things small, fuzzy and adorable.
    4. I'm a natural nurturer, and tend to take care of everyone (even when they don't want me to ^_^ )
    5. I would like my house to look like a picture out of better homes & gardens magazine (ruffly bed skirts!)

    1. I hate clothes shopping, shoe shopping, trying on clothes, ect.
    2. I only use essential body products (soap, shampoo, deodorant, that's it!) and...
    3. It takes me 15 minutes tops to get ready to go just about anywhere.
    4. I'd rather see an action flick than a romantic film.
    5. I'm not afraid of any creepy crawly critters.