Why are YOU fat?



  • tsherm3850
    tsherm3850 Posts: 353 Member
    Good topic.

    I'm fat because.....

    1) If I wanted it, I would eat it....not recognizing it was high in calories
    2) I didn't care
    3) I had 4 children
    4) I thought I still looked good
    5) I'm lazy
    6) Peer pressure with my overweight friends
    7) Eating junk food was better than making a decent meal
  • no matter what dark crap, mean stepfathers, perverted step brothers, learned bad eating habits, or genetic predisposition i might have experienced during my 47 years...i CHOSE everyday to be fat....now i choose differently...everyday...i choose to eat healthier...i chosse to get up early and go to the gym... i choose to change my attitude about food...myself...my past....and my future...

    I CHOOSE....
  • a21smp
    a21smp Posts: 26 Member
    1) I've always been fat, for as long as I can remember (since I was about 4-5)
    2) I don't care what other people think
    3) Whatever
    4) I can't do anything anyway
    5) This is how I'm supposed to be
    6) It's genetics

    Ugh, what a depressing list...That's why I'm trying to loose weight now :flowerforyou:
  • im fat because i have a thyroid disorder and i get depressed alot and food is comforting i use to think it was hopless for me because with my thyroid disorder it was harder than it is for most people but in the past 3 months ive lost 30 lbs its not even close to my weightloss goal but its a start
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member
    I am fat because I like to eat and hate to exercise. That's the bottom line.


    I think a better topic probably would be "why do you eat too much" rather than "why are you fat". People get fat usually because they consume too many calories but there are different reasons I think people eat too much. Some people just like very large meals, some people eat foods which are calorie dense (eg high sugar high fat), some people it's a lack of education and others they just binge eat and know full well what they are doing is wrong.
  • xSophia19
    xSophia19 Posts: 1,536 Member
    Im fat, because i used to love my food a bit too much!! (i still do now, but ive learnt what quantity means:smile:)

    I have also been bullied all through high school - many different reasons i used to come home and comfort eat all night, and not move off the sofa. =/ i gained like 6 stone in about 5 years. Then January 2011, i smashed the scales at 16 stone 6lbs. and realised i had to do something immeadiatley!! I was right at the top of Obese on the BMI chart! :cry: now, a year later from starting this weightloss journey, i am 3 stone lighter and my BMI is in the middle of 'at risk of overweight' :bigsmile:
  • Eating too much food laden with sugar, bad fats and carbs for too long. Looking in the mirror thinking, yea I've put on weight but not THAT much weight. Having people say that I used to look sick and unhealthy when I was thin (made me not want to go back to that - although I didn't know when to stop)

    But the main reason is depression, my ex who I was with for 3 and a half years cheated on me constantly, threatened me and ultimately tried to kill me. It was a volatile relationship and when I finally got the courage to cut the ties the damage was done. All I wanted to do was stay at home with the curtains shut, watch TV and eat junk. I binged on lollies, chocolate, fizzy drink and chips and dip. During this time I also went from working in a job where I was on my feet all day to working 9-5 in an office. My ex was a chain smoker, smoked in my car, my bedroom everywhere I was - if I complained he blew it in my face. As a result I developed asthma and chronic bronchitis. Many exercises put my lungs under too much pressure so I find it extremely difficult to jump rope and to run.

    BUT... that is all behind me now! I'm in a healthy relationship, I go to the gym at least three times a week and I try to avoid junk food because if I get a taste I still binge. I have ditched the inhaler and can exercise without it but have still not managed to run for more than 2 minutes without feeling like I'm having an asthma attack. I hope to get there - I would love to be able to go for long runs, any advice on how to graduate to that level would be welcomed! :smile:
  • i became fat when we moved. i missed my extended family so bad (i'm an only child) and i unconciously turned to food for comfort. also, there were several foods here that i couldn't usually have back home (like i have to go to the mall to get a delicious slice of pizza) and the convenience of having it within a minute overwhelmed me in so many ways.

    i play around a lot with my cousins back home too. and i studied in a school where i have to climb 5 flights of stairs just to get to my class. but when we got here, i rarely moved for the first months and my mom gives me every food she thinks will make me happy. since we never really got the chance to be together, she treated me like a baby. and so i gained and i gained and i gained. when i do video chats with my cousins, they're like oh you're getting fatter and fatter every week! i never really realized it myself, until everyone, even the people from our church told me the same thing.

    so i exercised and ate within my calories and i lost a lot of pounds. i was 123 lbs before and i'm 104 right now. i'm planning to lose a couple more but i'm not really stressing on it because i might go overboard and become underweight. slow and steady is the key, as what they say. :)
  • Stephaniededeyan
    Stephaniededeyan Posts: 18 Member
    My reasons are:

    - I'm a super foodie. I love food and everything that has to do with it. Ingredients, recipes, information, cooking, eating, sharing it...
    - I hate exercising.
    - My hobbies are cooking and reading.
    - I eat at every occasion. When I'm sad, happy, excited, nervous. Sharing life's moment with food is like second nature to me. I love eating love it love love love it! ugh
  • That is a good question! I have many reasons, er, excuses:

    1) Living in a truck, most of my options are fast food.
    2) I get bored, and feel like munching.
    3) My husband loves to feed me.
    4) I can't stop with just a little bit. I just ate a whole (small) bag of Hershey's kisses.
    5) Exercising is very difficult. Our routine is non-existent, and there aren't many places to walk safely, especially this time of year.
    6) We enjoy food a lot. We have a huge list of places we like to eat all over the country. It's become a hobby.

    So yeah, most of this stuff is pretty fixable, if I wanted to fix it. Fast food places have become pretty good about offering healthy choices and I just need to make them more often. I have to kick my addiction to McD's fries, somehow. The eating while bored is managed simply by not having junk food easily available. Lately, we keep a bag of apples next to my seat, which provides a bit of a sweet fix, too. The exercise thing probably will never be ideal, but there are plenty of times and places i could go for a 20-minute walk and I don't. I got spoiled, spending most of my life in Oregon, where everything is so pedestrian-friendly and the weather is mild. I just have to adjust. As to the other stuff; counting calories helps me with that a lot. If I'm counting, i tend to plan ahead and make better choices. Sometimes.
  • crzyone
    crzyone Posts: 872 Member
    I'm fat because I like food. I like to cook. I like to eat. I like to eat food. I like socializing with friends and in this part of the world, when you "get together"with friends, it means eating, especially out.

    I'm fat because I love good food.

  • Jackie9950
    Jackie9950 Posts: 374 Member
    Iam an emotional/closet/bored/binge eater. I believed as long as no one knew I ate it then it didnt count. I always knew I was heavy but I didn't realize how fat I was until this last summer. I hadn't looked in a mirror or had my picture taken in years. It was a true awakening. I still have issues with my eating, but I am working o them.
    Other reasons:
    NEVER drank water
    ALWAYS drank soda
    NEVER exercised
    ALWAYS sat on my as*.

    'nough said! LOL