The Origin of your Profile Name



  • When I first signed up MFP it was through the iPhone app store and I was leery/ didn't want to use an alias I usually use so I went with "bulletprooff" -- "bulletproof" was taken and I add the extra F because it's easy to remember. Now, I obviously don't care if people associate it with me (hello profile picture) but I used bulletproof as a way to be anonymous.

    The idea came from a lyric/ song I like. "Bulletproof... I Wish I Was" by Radiohead.

    Limb by limb and tooth by tooth
    Tearing up inside of me
    Every day every hour
    I wish that I was bullet proof

    Wax me
    Mold me
    Heat the pins and stab them in
    You have turned me into this
    Just wish that it was bullet proof

    So pay the money and take a shot
    Leadfill the hole in me
    I could burst a million bubbles
    All surrogate and bullet proof

    And bullet proof
    And bullet proof
    And bullet proof
  • I chose the name Doc7136 because i love giving advice and would love to be a psychiatrist/psychologist ala the Doc part! I was married July 13 1996 ala 7136! Again nothing to magnificent! :glasses:
  • Well, I just started (again) on this wonderful journey of weight loss. The origin of my Profile name came from a quiz my children gave ...The name of the quiz was "what would be your hillbilly name" ... It came up Big mama crow. :D I use it for pretty much everything and I love it.
  • :laugh: i know what it means and brilliant might i add!!!!!
  • I've used this screename since the days of AOL Instant Messenger in high school. I grew up traveling and in school whenever we'd do introductions, I'd get a little fumbled with "where are you from?" so I just started telling people I was from the world! And the 28 is because my birthday is on the 28th.
  • ladyfox1979
    ladyfox1979 Posts: 405 Member
    I got mine from when I was a teenager. I used to rock the afro and was called foxxy. I am and always will be a lady and 1979 was the yaer i was born hence. Ladyfox1979.
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 198 Member
    Hi! I was feeling all out of sorts one day and really grumpy (really very unusual for me) and needed to come up with a user name and that's what started it.
  • wittlelacey
    wittlelacey Posts: 391 Member
    My name is Lacey, and "wittle" sounds like "little" :)
    > wittlelacey!
  • chatonx
    chatonx Posts: 32 Member
    My boyfriend calls me Kitty and I adore French so I figured I'd go with something in French. Chaton translated means Kitten. The "x" comes from "xoxo", as in a kiss. I don't like doing the whole "xoxo" so I just did "x".

  • Danielle8706
    Danielle8706 Posts: 33 Member
    Danielle is my name
    87 is the year I was born
    06 is the year I graduated
  • Wendi _S - Great story! :)
  • StuffyStuff
    StuffyStuff Posts: 16 Member
    This was my nickname given as a baby. everytime my parents said it ..I would it became my nickname. As i got older it was shortened to just STUFF. :happy: :tongue:
  • 519harley
    519harley Posts: 241 Member
    519 is my wedding anniversary
    Harley is what I ride
  • cnsmith2
    cnsmith2 Posts: 539 Member
    Mine is more just a universal name. Even though everyone calls me Nickie, I'm technically Christine. so cnsmith, Christine Nicole Smith ha ha.

    I have funny gamer tag names though.... Nickie of course is always taken, so when my hubby made my XBox Live account, he called it Spoiled Nickie... and it wasn't taken so now both my XBox and Sony accounts are Spoiled Nickie heh. :) that WEEZER in your profile pic?!?!?!? :)

    lol nope. It's Moss from a British comedy called The I.T. Crowd. It's ridiculously funny :)
  • zebraspots2069
    zebraspots2069 Posts: 213 Member
    I LOVE zebra print...and the spots just seemed to make it kinda know stripes and dots....
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    I like Family Guy probably a little more than I should, and changed my profile name to "GiggityGoo" on a random late night whim from my real, full name.
  • cgillentine416
    cgillentine416 Posts: 15 Member
    Well mine isn't that exciting, C is my first initial (Curtis) and then my last name, Gillentine pronounced Gill in tine then the last part is my birthday 4/16 :)
  • SixCatFaerie
    SixCatFaerie Posts: 690 Member
    I'm a Cat Lady & I love Faeries!
  • Uerzer
    Uerzer Posts: 273
    Head slammed keyboard
  • ok, mine's a bit snobby: nulli secunda is Latin for 'second to none' :D
  • mtbiker1069
    mtbiker1069 Posts: 62 Member
    mtbiker = mountain biker. I love anything to do with cycling, especially Mountain Biking....
  • princeza9
    princeza9 Posts: 337 Member
    Princeza is Croatian for princess. As an only child, I'm the "princess" of the family. And I got really interested in Croatia back in 2000, and have wanted to go there since. I even tried teaching myself the language!

    9- multiple reasons. I was born on 9/9 and one of my favorite soccer players wore the #9 when he played.
  • I got competition fever when I did my first last year, so I started over and re-named myself, because I now love every aspect about competing, hence I puffy heart competing. :bigsmile:
  • I came up with mine around the age of 16 or so. I thought torrid was a cool word:

    1.Very hot and dry.
    2.Full of passionate or highly charged emotions arising from sexual love.

    So in turn I perceived it as "setting the sky ablaze."
    & 4 is my favorite number.
  • docturtle
    docturtle Posts: 156 Member
    DocTurtle was the name of the Russian Tortoise I bought at 4-months-old and passed away at 4 years old. Plus my husband calls me turtle cause he's always rushing me and I keep saying "Slow & steady wins the race."
  • BettyandVeronica
    BettyandVeronica Posts: 333 Member
    My favourite comic growing up was Archie's Digest and I could never work out which character was my favourite so I decided to have them both.
  • gec1266
    gec1266 Posts: 201 Member
    <~~~~~Boring...Initials (gec)......month of birth (12)..........year of birth (66).....Hence gec1266..see? I told you...boring...
  • Jeeenjohnson19
    Jeeenjohnson19 Posts: 54 Member
    "Your a towel" is said by towlie in south park, and 1991 is the year I was born :)
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    Obscure reference to my favorite show, Andromeda. :) I was the only one for 12 years, but someone signed up on pinterest with it before I did! #OHNO! :sad:
  • SheriG9 is for Sheri Gail, and my nine children.:)
