Name 1 odd/unique/unusual fact about yourself



  • ❤lindsay❤dawn❤
    I am addicted to Excel... If I can make a spreadsheet for it, consider it DONE!! : D
  • moniquelessard
    I have super hearing. I can hear sound waves that other people can't.
  • dubw
    dubw Posts: 429
    Oh, why I love the internet - I am nearly deaf (yes, I sign); but I do a good job reading lips and can fool most people. My students have to set the music volume in my T'ai Chi classes.
  • SnakeDarling
    SnakeDarling Posts: 352 Member
    I put EVERYTHING in my pillow.
    Flashlights, lube, alarm clock, phone, laptop, extra t-shirt, a few bottles of water...

    LUBE? oh lord. :)

    Well I keep everything I might need in there ;D
  • magichatter06
    magichatter06 Posts: 3,593 Member
    I crack every crackable bone in my body. Not good, I know. But it feels SO good.

    Me too! Except for my neck.
  • Taylors_Cricket
    I have a ring of freckles on my ring finger - that is right in the spot that the ring would normally sit... When i was a camp Councillor, the children always noticed it and thought it was a tattoo of a wedding ring.....
  • Baby_Chim
    I read magazines from back to front...
  • persephone87
    persephone87 Posts: 220 Member
    I'm hypermobile, and allergic to alcohol and pink which is really random, anything with pink colouring in breaks my skin into a painful burn/rash.
  • TeutonicKnight
    TeutonicKnight Posts: 367 Member
    I hate cheese, all forms of it. I have not had the cold/flu in over 25 years. and I have never taken antibiotics. Had no need to.
  • mlybrn
    mlybrn Posts: 31 Member
    Like someone else here, I have a ridiculously good long term memory. When I had just turned two years old, a plate fell on my head and I had to be brought to hospital. I still remember watching my mother phoning the ambulance, and later lying in the hospital bed while a nurse looked after me.

    I also learned how to do things very young. I could work the VCR by the time I was 2 and a half, and I learned to read faster than the other 5 year olds in my class.

    My short term memory is pretty good too, I'm a waitress and I can remember peoples' orders as they're dictated to me, once there aren't too many people.
  • springermad
    I have two rare medical conditions
  • hypotrochoid
    hypotrochoid Posts: 842 Member
    When I a little girl we lived in Germany next to a gypsy camp. They had a small menagerie and the lion's roar would keep me up at night.

    Also, I make octopus jewelry. It's a compulsion.
  • Tiggermummy
    Tiggermummy Posts: 312 Member
    I also have virtually no sense of smell. I can smell petrol and friesas but nothing else - weird.

    I had my tonsils & and adenoids removed as a child because they were physically too big and caused airway obstruction issues.
    My Eldest daughter had to have hers removed for the same reason when she was 2.5, and my youngest daughter is due to have hers removed next month at 3 for the same reasons again!

    my eldest daughter's birth date is the reverse of mine 02/08/70 - 08/02/07
  • lillystargazer
    I have a birthmark on the inner side of my right calf, right below my knee, it's EXACTLY the same as my grandmother's.. who I was named after. When I was little I used to tell people my dad spilled coffee on me and it never came off (I actually did believe that until I was about 7)! Haha.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I walked before I crawled, just flat out refused to crawl and cried when people would try to make me. My mom wound up putting me in a cardboard box for me to hold myself up in her office while she worked. I actually think this is pretty representative of my personality.

    I talked early, and memorized the poem "The Owl and the *****cat" when I was two (I still memorize ridiculous numbers of movies and songs).
  • Pakitalian
    Pakitalian Posts: 218 Member
    I was kidnapped and taken to a different country for 4 years. Oprah wanted my mother on her show. True story.
  • firesoforion
    firesoforion Posts: 1,017 Member
    I was kidnapped and taken to a different country for 4 years. Oprah wanted my mother on her show. True story.

    WOW. =-O Glad you're ok! :frown:
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I have a dent in my head.

    Me too! ;)
  • stacygayle
    stacygayle Posts: 349 Member
    I can touch the tip of my nose with my tongue and I can't remember people's faces unless I've seen them ALOT. I can see someone and a week later not recognize them at all. People will walk up to me in public places and say hi and I just pretend to know who they are.
  • Ya, not the coolest diagnosis. But could be worse, right? **OOPS** Ignore this!