Fat Shaming



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    So would you be offended if someone judges themselves as less of a person? Or if someone judges themselves as being unhealthy just because of their weight?

    I wouldn't be offended, I'd be very, very sad for that person. What's the point in going through life hating yourself? I was at that point. It's horrible.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    So would you be offended if someone judges themselves as less of a person? Or if someone judges themselves as being unhealthy just because of their weight?

    I wouldn't be offended, I'd be very, very sad for that person. What's the point in going through life hating yourself? I was at that point. It's horrible.

    Why do you think they hate themselves? They could just hate the idea that they have no control over their own health. Doesn't mean their attitude won't change upon regaining that control and losing the weight.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Why do you think they hate themselves? They could just hate the idea that they have no control over their own health. Doesn't mean their attitude won't change upon regaining that control and losing the weight.

    Because if you think you're 'disgusting', 'gross', 'insert negative word here' then you don't like yourself very much. It's a lot harder to make changes when you're negative and beating yourself up.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Why do you think they hate themselves? They could just hate the idea that they have no control over their own health. Doesn't mean their attitude won't change upon regaining that control and losing the weight.

    Because if you think you're 'disgusting', 'gross', 'insert negative word here' then you don't like yourself very much. It's a lot harder to make changes when you're negative and beating yourself up.

    What if someone believes that they are unhealthy because of their weight? Is that acceptable?
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Yes. I knew I was unhealthy at my heaviest. I know is I stay at this weight I'll have health complications in the future. As long as they don't go into threads and be nasty to others who don't think the exact same way they do then I don't have an issue.
  • It should be obvious that anyone on this site is aware that their weight is not ideal and is at least trying to take steps to make changes. Telling someone that they're fat/unhealthy is completely unnecessary.

    Unfortunately, many people can make themselves feel better by running others down. It's much more comforting than looking at their own flaws. Heck, I've been criticized for being underweight, overweight, and everything in between. When I was at a normal weight, someone called me anorexic!

    While we all know that we shouldn't take criticism to heart- after all, it says a lot more about the person dishing it out- it's still hard not to feel hurt. We're wired to care about what other people think. That also makes it easy for people who derive their chief entertainment from starting fights on the internet, because we naturally want to defend ourselves.

    On a site like this, support should trump every other attitude. Besides, in my experience, those constantly delivering "tough love" or "brutal honesty" are just trying to excuse *sshole behavior. They're usually not very good at taking what they dish out, either.

    So yeah, it's one thing to make helpful suggestions in response to specific problems and questions. It's quite another to claim you're getting people to "see the light," when their presence here already indicates that they can see it just fine.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    Agreed. Although not true for everyone, THINKING and BELIEVING you are disgusting is a mindset, not a weight issue. People who believe it will go away by weight loss are usually mistaken. I personally went through this process once before and the self-loathing didn't melt away like the weight did. Think about it in terms of the other direction, if that helps. Someone who is battling anorexia doesn't necessarily believe they look good or they'd stop losing at a healthy point. Their mindset keeps telling them they are disgusting even when they aren't what they think they are.
  • grinch031
    grinch031 Posts: 1,679
    Agreed. Although not true for everyone, THINKING and BELIEVING you are disgusting is a mindset, not a weight issue. People who believe it will go away by weight loss are usually mistaken. I personally went through this process once before and the self-loathing didn't melt away like the weight did. Think about it in terms of the other direction, if that helps. Someone who is battling anorexia doesn't necessarily believe they look good or they'd stop losing at a healthy point. Their mindset keeps telling them they are disgusting even when they aren't what they think they are.

    I don't know if this is in response to what I was asking, but I didn't mean 'disgusting' in the sense that you see yourself as gross/unattractive because of weight. I meant 'disgusted' in one's self for being unable to control their own health and weight. I think there's a distinction.
  • Aerohead21
    Aerohead21 Posts: 333 Member
    I don't think it breaks down so neatly as to say disgusted in appearance vs disgusted in not having control. I know there is a distinction but it is such a fine line I sincerely doubt anyone is that self aware that they can distinguish between the two that easily. If it were as simple as you are trying to make it sound eating disorders of any kind (anorexia/bulimia/overeating) wouldn't be as prevakent an issue. Besides which, for a good majority of people, including the negative Nellies, the two go hand in hand: people see exerting that sort of control as attractive and when you don't (or can't) you are deemed unattractive. That's part of the reason this thread isso important. People need to learn it isn't that simple and it isn't fair to judge that way.