Severely depressed



  • misscaligreen
    misscaligreen Posts: 819 Member
    Have you been taking any new supplements or shakes or anything? My husband was trying some weight loss supplement several years ago and some ingredient did NOT agree with him. He was moody and quick to anger. Within 2 days of stopping the supplement he was back to normal. My sister in law has battled depression her whole life and used to take prozac. She no longer has medical insurance and cannot afford it so she played around with herbal supplements. She swears by a mix of St. Johns Wort, fish oil, and magnesium..... I would also suggest sunshine, exercise, prayer, and positive affirmations along with lots of cuddles and kisses from your little ones. I hope you find something to alleviate your sadness. Good luck and God bless.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 431 Member
    Please know that, no matter what, you are never alone.

    I know that depression can be extremely isolating, but allow yourself to feel natural human emotion by talking to someone. I'd suggest diet and exercise, but assume that you've been fine-tuning this for quite some time now.

    The winter months could be brutal for depression sufferers, so keep in mind that spring is just around the corner. Take advantage of sunny says whenever possible. I find that the warmth it provides is a tangible reminder that there is , in fact, a light at the end of the tunnel.

    You can get through this, I promise. Keep yourself afloat by remembering that you are loved, you are beautiful, and you are worthy.

    I know that I'm a total stranger, but if you ever feel terribly alone and need to vent, please feel free to message me.

    Best wishes to you. :flowerforyou:
  • ChristieisReady
    ChristieisReady Posts: 708 Member
    You are absolutely not alone. I suffer from depression too. But more than all the people on here who know (more or less) what you're going through, your husband is with you.

    Apologize (I know it either isn't your fault or doesn't seem like it, but that is not the point). Tell him that you love him and that you need him right now, because you're not at your strongest.

    Try to not let the little things bite you. It's good that you are counting your blessings. It won't help your mood, but it does help you cope.

    And celebrate Valentine's day. You have a Valentine.People get mad. **** happens. But you've got to keep moving forward, or the depression wins. So buy him some chocolate, apologize, and tell him that this evening is important. You deserve it.

    :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart: :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • KimsWeightloss
    When I am dieting and exercising is when it is so much more vital for me to be taking my supplements. Otherwise the blues creep in on me.
    This is what has helped me and its been a miracle in my life,
    Cod liver oil
    Flax seed oil
    and what really helps as well is Superior Amino 2222 liquid
    B Complex vitamins
    Multi vitamins
    Extra Vitamin D3 not D2. The vitamin D3 is the one you want.
    I spread these supplements out. I don't take them all at once. I use my intuition on what I feel I need for the day.
    It has been a miracle for me!
    Good luck!!!
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,556 Member
    You are not alone at all. I have suffered from anxiety disorder and depression for years. I have made great progress lately but it is always there. Never feel alone. I would always be glad to talk if you need to.
  • TwinkieDong
    TwinkieDong Posts: 1,564 Member
    I know things are tough, there is always someone that is willing to listen, offer advice, or just be there for you.
  • amyofftherecord
    amyofftherecord Posts: 64 Member
    You're not alone. I've been battling depression for 15 years. I hate being so upset -- functionally debilitated, really -- for no apparent reason, but the thing is you *know* this is depression. You *know* this is a mental state. And, because of that, you *know* it can get better. Your brain just needs to re-balance. Take care of yourself, wait it out, ask patience of those around you, and this episode will pass.
  • Bella1hud
    Bella1hud Posts: 530 Member
    Hugs to you today and everyday from your MFP friends! You are loved!! :heart:

    And as you can see you definitely have lots of company on your journey in dealing with depression. We are not alone in the battle with this dreaded disease. We are here for you and will keep you in our prayers. Bless you.
  • ejllshaw
    ejllshaw Posts: 38 Member
    I wish I had the courage you do now...I let my depression get so bad that I lost my marriage. I couldn't see anything around me, but I began reading this book called "your best life now". It's a religious book but it helped me. I was able to see things more clearly, I saw that I wasn't alone. NO matter what you are NEVER alone! There are days I can feel myself slipping back into depression but I follow the advice from the book, it religion isn't your thing that's okay you just need to tell yourself..."I'm not perfect, but I'm a perfect work in progress!". If you ever need another friend please add me! Every night has a day!
  • Catherine0205
    My thoughts are with you. Do something right now to make yourself feel a little better. Maybe You and your husband can talk it over and make up.
    Many hugs.
  • jrditt
    jrditt Posts: 239 Member
    I suffer from depression as well and sometimes it's really hard to not let it take over. Do something that makes you happy. Like I will read a good book, dance around to music, snuggle with my dog or look at baby animal pictures. Hard to be sad when doing any of those things. Also, I will start a list of everything I am thankful for. Depression makes us forget how lucky we are and we need to remind ourselves.
    go exercise! It feels really good just to distract and forget for a little while and you can feel proud of yourself. Good luck, it's a hard road.
  • michellebd1980
    Hey girl,

    I can completely relate... I suffer from clinical depression and it can hit you like a ton of bricks out of no where! Some of the things I do to help me out of my funk are: watching a lot of comedies, painting my nails, washing my hair with nice smelling shampoo, talking to friends and reaching out and just trying to laugh even when I don't feel like it. Feel free to add me!
  • lynheff
    lynheff Posts: 393 Member
    I am sorry to hear you are so miserable. As a nurse I understand that being depressed has nothing to do with how many blessings you have but is a result of your particular brain chemistry. That is why it often runs in families.
    Can you see your regular family doctor sooner and can he/she help? I have had several friends who suffer from depression and it can be a devastating disease. So many well-meaning but misguided folks urge you to just get over it, buck up etc without understanding that this isn't a choice.
    Since exercise causes a release of the same endorphins that make us happy, it can decrease the symptoms of depression. I hope it helps. Hugs and best wishes to you.
  • cassuccino
    cassuccino Posts: 702 Member
    I can totally relate to your feelings!! I have had depression for years!! Sometimes it's not bad... other times it's almost unbearable. I too have many things to be thankful for but, when it's so bad, I can't seem to see the light at the end of the tunnel (though, I always try to remember the good things in my life... it doesn't really help per se, but it at least gives me a reason to keep living... if not for me, then for them. =)

    Right now I'm in a good mood but I never really know when that's going to change. It's a constant worry of mine (which probably doesn't help.) While I don't have any real advise on how to 'get over it' or 'through it' or anything like that, I definitely believe that mine is not only hereditary but also some kind of chemical imbalance. And people who don't 'believe' in depression are idiots.

    If you need to talk, vent, whatever, feel free to send me a private message. Also, is there any kind of warm line you can call to talk to someone? Does your psychiatrist know how bad you're feeling? Maybe if you stress the real NEED you have to see him/her, they can squeeze you in sooner. Whatever happens, you shouldn't have to go through this alone!! ((((HUGS))))
  • brandiuntz
    brandiuntz Posts: 2,717 Member
    As others have said, you are not alone.

    Wanted to add something I haven't seen others mention (or I missed it). Consider getting a physical check-up. There are physical conditions out there that can cause depression. Thyroid issues, certain vitamin deficiency, etc. If you have any of those issues, getting them treated may help you feel better. I used to be clinically depressed from past traumas, but I also have hypothyroidism. Getting my thyroid levels back into the normal range went hand in hand with therapy to help me heal.
  • Ilovepeppers
    Ilovepeppers Posts: 396 Member
    I cannot thank everyone enough. You've all left such heartfelt replies that made me feel so much less alone. Sometimes depression can feel unreal since I have a life I have to continue despite it, which makes it seen lije it's all in my head and I *should* be able to overcome it all.

    I also deal with generalized anxiety disorder, OCD and PTSD (which brings a whole host of symptoms that make me feel like I'm losing my mind to some spreading disease, ugh) and adding depression just made things so much harder.

    I wrote a little note to my husband explaining why I was upset and after a short argument this morning he said he saw my point and apologized... Still awkward, but better. Hopefully we can still go to diner tonight. Hes so funny sometimes; he read my note, it made him angry and he went out to get me some flowers for valentines before getting into it with me. Abyhoo...

    I'm feeling better knowing in definitely not alone and your sympathy and kind words have gone a long way. I so appreciate everyone who took the time to respond.

    Also, I called back the psych. and she will be able to see me this Friday which is a HUGE relief. Hopefully I begin to feel better soon. The happier I am, the happier everyone else is :) LOL
  • lorro
    lorro Posts: 917 Member
    Ilovepepper, if you haven't already done so please consider getting a full assessment from a really good cognitive behavioural (CBT) psychotherapist. CBT is really effective for anxiety disorders such as GAD, OCD and PTSD. In my experience, multiple disorders develop when the underlying ones are untreated. Medication can be a lifeline but sometimes doesn't treat the underlying cause. I'm glad you sorted things out with your husband and got in to see your psychiatrist sooner. Hope you feel well again soon (((hugs ))) :flowerforyou:
  • _Kate_P
    _Kate_P Posts: 132
    I can definitely relate. I used to be pretty depressed, sometimes I get depressed now but it never lasts too long anymore, and it was truly awful. The worst part was feeling like I couldn't tell anyone that I felt that way because I never really saw a reason that I was depressed, I had basically everything. But, I realized that the main reason for it was because I had become friends with a girl who was extremely depressed. She brought a big grey cloud of gloom everywhere she went, but I didn't realize it until I had already become really good friends with her and let her depressive thoughts become my own. She was constantly bashing on other people and saying how stupid or annoying or materialistic etc, they were and I was the only person she really talked to. So by default she became my only real friend. I mean, I had other friends in my classes, but she was the only one that I hung out with during lunch (this was in high school), but she was always talking about how she needed new friends, which of course made me feel even worse. At that point I had no good friends b/c she kinda treated me like I was only there to make her look not like a complete loner. Talk about a toxic person. I actually ended up switching schools after sophomore year and joining the cheer squad at my new school. By far the best thing I've ever done! I met girls very like minded to the happy person I actually am and never saw her again. You have to find what the trigger is that makes you so depressed and do everything you can to get rid of it!!!!! Even if it means making a drastic change in your life. If you ever wanna talk, feel free to message me :heart:
    JSMSDSAS05 Posts: 136 Member
    well this thread has helped me see that many people suffer from depression.......... i know that there is something wrong with me and there has been for many least 15 probably. how does a dr determine what is wrong with you? do they ask u a bunch of questions? run some sort of tests? how do I know if I'm depressed, bi-polar, or need anger management???? and what do I do? call my family doctor and say I want an appt becuz I think I'm depressed? it does make me feel a bit embarressed or ashamed?
    but i hate the way i am. i get mad at little things. when i get really mad, like when my husband and i are arguing and I feel like he doesn't give a crap about me, i can end up callng him names, throwing things and even hitting. i feel like no one loves me. i didnt have a terrible childhood but i had a dad that abused my mom once in awhile and he ended up becoming a nasty drunk cuz he was in the gulf war and ended up having PTSD. when i was 21 my mom and i moved away from my dad and about 6 months later she met someone and a few months later she chose this guy over me and kicked me out. so , i dont really talk to either of them. i have no sisters, brothers, aunts, uncles, grandparents...........
    i never feel truly happy, tho others probably wouldn't understand. i have a family, a son and a daughter, and a roof over our head. i feel like i matter to no one.