Who else hates Conda from biggest loser???



  • afwg1979
    afwg1979 Posts: 170 Member
    I tried to watch the first episode of this season.

    It needs to go away now. Stick a fork in it.


    I'm really not "feeling" the love this season. Conda is one big negative vibe!
  • lruff1987
    lruff1987 Posts: 263 Member
    This is a really one of the worst seasons of BL. I am not convinced that any of the contestants really care about their health and well being. I miss Jillian. Too much drama and tackiness. Please give us some factual information! Like how many calories a day do they burn? How many calories are they eating? How are they coached to eat healthier right away? How does hiking compare to working out in a pool? Please - use this amazing platform to educate and entertain.

    1000000000000% AGREE!!!! I have been saying this forever! Thanks for putting it better than I ever could have!

    100% AGREE TOO!!!!
  • plt55
    plt55 Posts: 111 Member
    She is rightly named a bit snakey lol She is a *****!!!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    I can't stand her!!! Her and Kim, the *****es coven. I felt sorry for Adrian, I know he didn't handle the whole thing very well but they were absolutely horrid to him from the moment he arrived. I'd hate for Conda to win, last season I didn't like John and he won, I want a nice winner this time.
  • I am watching Biggest Loser on OnDemand to get some inspiration. And I actually joined this site in part to be able to reply to this threat.

    You know the South Park song about Kyle's mom? Yeah, Conde is that! She's a super, ginga, mecca mecca, you know what!
  • Rags2Righteous
    Rags2Righteous Posts: 200 Member
    I'm not one of those people that cries "RACISM" whenever someone of color is mistreated. But the truth is that people are misunderstood because of their ethnic background. Race, ethnicity, and culture DO actually play a part in how people communicate. Yes, Conda and Kim have nasty attitudes and would have treated anyone badly regardless of their race, and Adrian had a big mouth, BUT... don't you think Black women and men get tired of people of the dominant race telling them to shut up and just fall in line? It's degrading and dehumanizing to think that Adrian had to bow down to the likes of Conda, when HE is HER elder.
  • soccer8s
    soccer8s Posts: 238 Member
    I"m SOOOOO done with Conda!!! She needs to go like now!!!! I have been sick of her since day 1 and each week she gets worse!
  • sofaking6
    sofaking6 Posts: 4,589 Member
    I'm not one of those people that cries "RACISM" whenever someone of color is mistreated. But the truth is that people are misunderstood because of their ethnic background. Race, ethnicity, and culture DO actually play a part in how people communicate. Yes, Conda and Kim have nasty attitudes and would have treated anyone badly regardless of their race, and Adrian had a big mouth, BUT... don't you think Black women and men get tired of people of the dominant race telling them to shut up and just fall in line? It's degrading and dehumanizing to think that Adrian had to bow down to the likes of Conda, when HE is HER elder.

    Is wearing ascots a black culture thing I haven't been aware of? I'm gonna Google it.
  • Conda needs to shut her mouth already... She has done nothing but complain...complain...complain... I'm sooo glad that she was called out by Dolvett.. She is soo ANNOYING!! !"Grow up chiild!" Kim looks like a back stabber as well... she may be putting up a front in front of the camera...but she has other intentions... These two gots to go!!!
  • HeaderAutumn
    HeaderAutumn Posts: 119 Member
    I don't understand why anyone listens to anything she says. She makes me feel violent.
  • Nelski
    Nelski Posts: 1,607 Member
    This is funny there is a topic about her lol, I can't believe I didn't see it sooner.

    I hate her and it's ruining the show for me. I'm not really watching it as much this season. I'm acually unhappy with about half of them but she really is the worst. When she is gone maybe I will watch more of this season.

    Ughhh just thinking about those snotty *****y faces she makes...makes me angry.
  • MyFriendLinn
    MyFriendLinn Posts: 102 Member
    If you read my post, you saw that I feel as you did, my take on it: Adrian came back into the game, all excited about the program, and just being there....and Conda and Kim just were the mean girls. They would have been mean to anyone because they are so mean. I don't think Adrian brought it on at all...he was just enthusastic about being there.

    Bob did the right thing with his sister, sat down and talked to his team, told them, she was on week two at the ranch etc. Nice thing to do. But Conda is such a witch, the only way she can feel good about herself is putting someone else down.

    I really was rooting for Adrian, now I'm rooting for Conda and Kim to get kicked off the show.

    I hope Adrian wins the at home prize, and hope that Conda and her Boy Wonder Kim both go home tonight!
  • Bcin
    Bcin Posts: 1
    Conda is so immature and hard to watch. I also agree with another poster about Bob. I used to really like Bob a lot, but his attitude towards Dolvett is really making me dislike Bob. I am not enjoying this season.
  • sjtreely
    sjtreely Posts: 1,014 Member
    Gotta hand it to Dolvette for electing to spend a week with her.

    Honestly, I wouldn't make it before the law would have to be called in.

    Maybe there's a method to his madness!
  • bjbixler
    bjbixler Posts: 253 Member
    Gotta hand it to Dolvette for electing to spend a week with her.

    Honestly, I wouldn't make it before the law would have to be called in.

    Maybe there's a method to his madness!

    OH no, I'm sure the producers had a hand in this. It's basically them pitting Conda against Daphne... it's all for the DRAMA. And I've just about had enough of it this season. I am super close to giving up on the entire season.
  • I was SO mad at the way they treated Adrian.

    I was especially mad at the trainers who were mad at them for only losing 1-2 lbs in their first day back at the ranch.

    Obviously they pulled a big number the week before. Otherwise, they wouldn't be allowed back on the ranch.

    GAH! I stopped watching the show last week because of how cruel everyone was to the noobs.

    Conda and Kim are super annoying and the scary thing is, they both have kids!!! I am so sad for those children.
  • - Sorry for the double post -
  • tabik30
    tabik30 Posts: 443
    OMG!!!! why in the hell havent they gotten rid of that complaining, trouble making *****?!
  • chazbo35
    chazbo35 Posts: 79 Member
    Who the *kitten* names their kid Conda????

    noooooo who names their kid Chism LoL....I'd have to change it then slap my parents for naming me that hahaha
  • I cannot stand her....she irritates the hell outta me!