Manly vs Metro, Femme vs Butch



  • MUByM
    MUByM Posts: 208

    --I LOVE makeup with a passion.
    --I have a blog dedicated to the beauty world.
    --Most of my shirts/blouses are either pink, hot pink, black, purple or any other girly color.
    --I will take 3 hours to curl my whole hair and I don't care. As long as it looks nice then it doesn't matter!
    --I cry at everything sad on TV.

    --Every other word that comes out of my mouth is a cuss word.
    --I fart all the time.
    --I scratch my *kitten*.
    --I will knock someone out. I don't care who you are or how big you are.
    --I love racing!! Think because I'm a girl that I can't whoop some *kitten*? Think again.
  • janessac

    1) I practically live in high heels
    2) I love pearls (and diamonds, gold, etc) and wear them all the time
    3) I talk super girly (ie: omggggg, soooo cuteeeee)
    4) I'm always right. Or at least I think/act like I am. Especially when pms'ing. Your argument is invalid! :wink:
    5) I refuse to leave the house unless I look good- makeup, hair done, cute outfit, etc.


    1) I hate all small dogs. I want to kick them. Go big or go home! German shepherds, huskies, rottis, great danes, etc.
    2) You know that rowdy person at a bar who starts fights with everyone and gets kicked out for brawling? Ya that's me.
    3) My idea of a 'chill' night is drinking beer, eating wings, playing xbox and watching action movies
    4) Shopping is a current form of torture.
    5) Salmon is not a colour, it is a fish. Peach is not a colour, it is a fruit. Pink IS a colour.
  • beckie4442
    1. I like looking nice....but don't have the clothes.
    2. I always wear mascara when I leave the house.... I look ill if I don't.
    3. I collect fairie figurines.
    4. The best colour in the world is PURPLE.
    5. I like to be warm.
    6. I like to cook and hold dinner parties.

    1. I sweat like a pig and have to use 2 deodorants every day.
    2. I fart alot, loudly and smelly.
    3. I layed all my laminate flooring, and my mums x2 and my friends x2.
    4. I designed and built my own leanto green house.
    5. I can handle power tools.
    6. I live in flat shoes. I prefer my feet unmashed.
    7. I prefer action/ thriller movies, though my favorite is Star wars, the first 3 made.
    8. Most people in England Including me drive a manual rather than an automatic.
    9. I swear quite a bit.
    10. I was really chuffed that I got a mans hoodie for valentines day. :happy:
    11. I can change a flat tyre.
    12. I HATE cleaning ( I cleaned my windows when I moved in, that was nearly 15 years ago ) :noway:
    13. I'm having a go at lifting heavy weights.
    14. I love looking at hot women. ( and hot blokes too ) :smokin:
    15. I prefer hanging out with men, I find talking about hair/nails/shoes/gossip/fashion boring and I rather poke my eyes out with hot needles.

    Gosh the list could be endless!!!!
  • felice03
    felice03 Posts: 2,732 Member
    1) cry at everything
    2) LOVE shoes
    3) love to snuggle
    4) love to cook
    5) love bubble baths

    1) I hate cleaning
    2) curse like a sailor
    3) training wheels or chasers
    4) love playing in the dirt
    5) love fishing/camping
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member

    1) I do my hair and makeup all girly, wear dresses and skirts
    2) I love a great pedicure
    3) I love jewlery and accessories
    4) Love a good bottle of wine and a foodie meal
    5) My skin is super soft


    1) I don't like gossip or the phone - call with a plan and then hang up please.
    2) I like playing sports better than shopping
    3) I can swear like a truck driver
    4) I have my own tools and can change a flat no problem
    5) Sundays are for drinking beer, watching (and actually understanding) football
  • hsmithway
    These are great!


    1. OMG PONIES!
    2. Shoes. Dozens of pairs of shoes. Thank goodness I have freakishly short and wide feet so it's hard for me to find shoes that fit, otherwise I'd have a lot more.
    3. Crafts. I like to knit, bead, make jewelry and mosaics.
    4. Cooking is fun!
    5. I love to garden wearing funny hats.
    6. I own facial moisturizer.


    1. I used to be an aviation structural mechanic (hydraulics) in the Navy, working on F/A-18 Hornets.
    2. I'm good with cars. Once my '87 Dodge Raider died on the side of the road, and a cop stopped to see if I needed any help. He was very helpful - he held my flashlight while I fixed it. :laugh:
    3. Getting grimy, muddy, and sweaty feels like a job well done. In fact, I don't think I've ever had a job that involved me coming home clean.
    4. I like dirty jokes, filthy limericks, and bathroom humor.
    5. I can't understand why Hollywood keeps trying to stuff romance into otherwise perfectly good action movies.
    6. My favorite drink is beer, followed by whiskey, and I can't stand fruity mixed drinks or wine coolers.
  • aamclll
    Love perfume and most room diffusers
    Shopping is not a problem, rather an ability which I exercise frequently
    Dogs and babies distract me during all "people watching" sessions
    Can write and voice my feelings equally well
    I do the one-handed dancing/drinking finger point on the dance floor at country bars

    Can drive a tractor
    Worked as a (blueberry) farm slave for my parents in the summers
    Try not to dirty dishes and thus use the same plate/cup for many meals
    Like golf
  • Fat_Bottomed_Girl
    Fat_Bottomed_Girl Posts: 354 Member
    Towels. I'm a sucker for a good towel. I have thought about getting married, JUST so that I could register for some towels that I would never splurge on myself!
    Register anyways, and send a link to your 'out of town' friends that would never show up.... have your fake wedding in Africa or Australia... where they would never go, and hope for them sending the gift via mail. Towels would just 'show up' at your door.

    Then, a few months later, have a fake divorce. :laugh:

    Hell, I can just get married HERE and have no one show up! :)