Jillian Michaels Body Revolution



  • xosharonxo
    xosharonxo Posts: 10 Member
    I have just started her 30 Day Shred DVD and I absolutely love it. With all of the bills that I have racked up, I'm going to have to wait until April to purchase this DVD. Maybe by then, one of you would be ready to sell me theirs, lol. Until then I'm going to have to buy her other DVDs at Walmart for $10,
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    I just ordered it. I'm really excited. Someone friend me so we can do this together! Should get here in 7 days and then I will start.
  • Stumbleine
    Stumbleine Posts: 55 Member
    So I was considering buying this, and my friend ended up getting it for me because she really wants to do it. So I am super excited to start! I have another friend at work who is going to do it with me as well. I like the more long-term 90 day workouts and I love Jillian Michael's style, so I think this will really be a success for me.
  • KayteeBear
    KayteeBear Posts: 1,040 Member
    I wouldn't mind trying this but I definitely cannot afford it but might purchase it once I have the money....
  • Today is officially day 7 of waiting for it to arrive so I'm REALLY hoping it comes today! Did anyone else have the issue of the tracking number on the not working? Please let me know.
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    Today is officially day 7 of waiting for it to arrive so I'm REALLY hoping it comes today! Did anyone else have the issue of the tracking number on the not working? Please let me know.

    Hey Seth,

    My tracking number doesn't work. I called the customer status and they said that the tracking number given will not work if you are in Canada. They said that the parcel was picked up by FedEx and then it will go through the postal service. So the tracking number means nothing. I am still waiting on my shipment to arrive. I even called FedEx(first) they had no information at all on my order. That is when I called Customer Status. She assured me that my order was shipped. So my fingers are crossed that I get it this week. It was shipped on February 1st.

  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    YaY!!! It arrived today! I plan on reading through everything and then I will decide when I will begin. I am going to continue doing Jillian's Extreme Shed & Shred until I begin my Body Revolution 90 day journey. I will blog about it and that will include pictures, measurements and thoughts about the workouts and the food plan. I may or may not do other workouts along side Body Rev, I know many people want to know if the program works, so I will keep track of other things I do in addition to BR.

    I will begin blogging very soon.
  • limex
    limex Posts: 81 Member
    For the Canadians who have ordered this, did you get charged any crazy brokerage fees? I know UPS does this, but I've never had anything shipped by Fedex.
  • ruthbs
    ruthbs Posts: 14
    I start day 1 tonight..feel free to add me - would love the support system.

  • Tiffm07
    Tiffm07 Posts: 21 Member
    I just ordered mine! I can't wait to get it and I'm excited for the challenge! Hope to get it soon so I can start by March.
  • Hi. I am considering ordering Body Revolution, but I am wondering how well it the diet portion of the program will work for a vegetarian. Anyone have the systems already? What do you think?
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    FYI, I read on FB today that it is backordered. So, if yours is taking a bit to get there that might be the reason...
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    For the Canadians who have ordered this, did you get charged any crazy brokerage fees? I know UPS does this, but I've never had anything shipped by Fedex.

    I was charged $24.05 duty for this. I don't care though because, I AM WORTH EVERY PENNY!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I have started my Body Revolution blog. If you want to check it out, please do so...http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/phatsoslim

  • coquetona
    coquetona Posts: 185 Member
    Ordered mine tonight! So excited to start! My BF will be doing it with me as well. He doesn't have weight to lose, he just wants more muscle. I'm down to the last ten pounds to lose so I'm hoping this will take care of that. I also preordered the JM kickboxing dvd out in March.

    Keep the posts coming! I like reading how everyone is doing with this!
  • Hello,
    I'm new to the site and I am on day 9 of body revolution. I am not looking to lose weight, I just want to get lean and ripped. I feel like I can't do 3 meals and 1 snack a day. I've always been an all day grazer but still fall within the recommended calories for the day. For those of you who have it and started it. Are you following the meal plan?
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    Okay...I've done a ton of JM videos...and I have been interested in reading all these posted here. So, for all of those that are currently doing her Body Revolution,I've got 3 essential questions
    how is it on your knees?
    Does she do her 3-2-1 rotation of strength, cardio and abs? I can't do abs right now....
    How are you liking the results so far for those who've been into the program 2 weeks or so?
  • Today is officially day 7 of waiting for it to arrive so I'm REALLY hoping it comes today! Did anyone else have the issue of the tracking number on the not working? Please let me know.

    i ordered mine 2/2 and still haven't gotten it. Also i had the same issue where the tracking number was invalid. I've called them like 3x. When i called monday a lady told me that if i didn't get it tuesday to call in and they would resend it. So that is exactly what i did when i didn't get it tuesday. The lady i spoke with then told me that isn't their policy and the orders that were shipped out the 2nd week of february had an issue with the tracking which they paid lots of money for. She still ended up resending it (so she said, not sure if she really did). So if the order that shipped out the 7th didn't get lost ill have one to return. But i've been super excited to start my jillian michaels body revolutions. Especially now after i just got a body bugg. Im a big bob harper/jillian michaels fan. Got most of their dvd's and looking forward to getting the kick box one coming out.
  • kent4j
    kent4j Posts: 391 Member
  • Today is officially day 7 of waiting for it to arrive so I'm REALLY hoping it comes today! Did anyone else have the issue of the tracking number on the not working? Please let me know.

    i ordered mine 2/2 and still haven't gotten it. Also i had the same issue where the tracking number was invalid. I've called them like 3x. When i called monday a lady told me that if i didn't get it tuesday to call in and they would resend it. So that is exactly what i did when i didn't get it tuesday. The lady i spoke with then told me that isn't their policy and the orders that were shipped out the 2nd week of february had an issue with the tracking which they paid lots of money for. She still ended up resending it (so she said, not sure if she really did). So if the order that shipped out the 7th didn't get lost ill have one to return. But i've been super excited to start my jillian michaels body revolutions. Especially now after i just got a body bugg. Im a big bob harper/jillian michaels fan. Got most of their dvd's and looking forward to getting the kick box one coming out.

    Wonderful, so now god knows when it will be coming and no one can track it?? UGH!!