Worst book you had ever read?



  • misskerouac
    misskerouac Posts: 2,242 Member
    Are you serious?! They are for entertainment, they are not self-help books. It's FICTION. Jesus. Just because that's the message YOU got, doesn't mean that's the only message. Like I said before, I don't care for the books, but I'm pretty sure the author didn't mean them as a "message" to girls that nothing else matters but a boyfriend. It is for ENJOYMENT. Don't be so freakin' judgemental. Next, you're going to be saying the author should go to prison for sending the message to people that vampires exist.....

    I read the Sookie Stackhouse series and if I lived my life by it's "message" I would think my life was meaningless because I wasn't banging a bunch of vampires and were-animals. Sookie is a tad "easy".
    It's fiction.
    Twilight is trashy romance novels for teen girls, that's all it is.
    And my theory is, if it gets some 14 year old girl to pick up a book that normally wouldn't read, then I'm fine with it.
  • sunkisses
    sunkisses Posts: 2,365 Member
    John Milton's "Paradise Lost" was the worst for me. He is a skilled writer, don't get me wrong, but the content of Paradise Lost infuriated me.
  • littleenginethatcan
    A few others~

    Jodi Picoult-Vanishing Acts, A Novel (My sister recommended her to me...never again)
    Allison Dubois- Don't Kiss Them Good-Bye (Loved Medium the show, based on her real life, but she's not an author worth reading)
    Dean Koontz-Odd Hours ( I loved the first two Odd Thomas books...the last one I could barely get through it)
    Anita Shreve- The Pilot's Wife (Just bored me)
    Dean Koontz-Your Heart Belongs To Me (Couldn't finish. Terrible)
    Ernest Hemingway- The Old Man and the Sea
  • JDviant
    JDviant Posts: 92 Member
    I don't know about the worst I've read, but I know the worst I own. A book called Eventide. Its the fourth book in a particular series from Magic: The Gathering. The first three aren't terrible. One has a lot of good moments, and two is just decent but stretched out (if Lorwyn and Morningtide had been one volume it'd been really good). The third book is the strongest of the bunch, and is legitimately good on its own. It's an anthology from the world the series takes place in, just giving a good over-view of its flavour. But the fourth book is dreadful.

    Due to an event at the end of the second book, most of the characters are basically wiped out and presented with alternative versions of themselves. So right there you can throw out most of your reason to care. It's a very drastic change too, meaning most of the sub-plots in 1 and 2 now completely don't exist - and they were never resolved in those stories. The rest of the book is just a mess with powerful and mysterious characters we never get to know well doing powerful and mysterious things. I only finished it because I had read the first three, and it took me several months to force myself to do that.
  • JessiC1984
    JessiC1984 Posts: 97 Member
    Toss-up. In school I read the three least favourite books I've ever read in my life.
    1. Lord of the Flies. Sorry, despised it.
    2. A Separate Peace.
    3. La Vengence do L'Orignale.
    Terrible books, all.
  • Lisa_222
    Lisa_222 Posts: 301 Member
    Jodi Picoult My Sister's Keeper. Oh, god, it was slow torture.
  • MissMisery1313
    "In The Cut" by Susannah Moore. Violent pornographic trash trying to pass itself off as an erotic thriller, with the most blindingly stupid heroine this side of Bella Swan. I needed take about five showers to wash off the grime that book left on me. Yuck and double yuck.
  • HollieDoodles
    HollieDoodles Posts: 678 Member
    Driving Manual by The DMV
  • SabrinaJL
    SabrinaJL Posts: 1,579 Member
    House of Leaves. Very Confusing. Very weird. Very dense.

    Yeah and it was a pain in the *kitten* to try to read. Reading shouldn't be that much work.
    After I calmed down, I was OK. It took about a week, though. Then my take on it was, "Well, it's the only ending that could be."

    I agree. I wasn't happy about it at first, but the more I thought about it, the more it seemed fitting. Also, I was fully prepared for King to put himself at the top of the tower, which REALLY would have made me angry.

    I also agree with the people who said Catcher in the Rye and The Lovely Bones.

    Another one I hated was Atlas Shrugged. Sooooo much long-winded douchebaggery.
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    In school my most hated books included:
    The Illiad
    The Old Man and the Sea

    Recent most disliked books (but I finished):
    Cutting for Stone
    The Sweetness at the Bottom of the Pie (I found it totally unbelievable)
    Hell at the Breach
    The Story of Edgar Sawtelle
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    House of Leaves. Very Confusing. Very weird. Very dense.

    House of Leaves was one of the most remarkable books I ever read. I recommend it to everyone. I can't say I understood it completely but it was beyond reading, it was an experience!
  • dollymixsix
    Jodi Picoult is the worst author ever. Next to Stephenie Meyer
  • Runs4Wine
    Runs4Wine Posts: 416 Member
    And I'm currently reading "The Night Circus" and w/ 80 pages left I'm not a fan.
  • LolaGotThin
    LolaGotThin Posts: 111 Member

    Also, I'm not really a fan of Audrey Niffenegger. The Time Traveler's wife was mediocre, in my opinion, and Her Fearful Symmetry just pissed me off.

    OMG Her Fearful Symmetry was terrilbe! I was pissed at having read it to the end...maybe I shouldn't be in book club anymore...

    Wasn't it like you were cheated?? After plowing through a couple hundred pages of other crap? And poor kitten. :<
  • chipaddict
    Oh I love Jodi Picoult! Though I didn't like Vanishing Acts.
    I had to read Silas Marner for class and hated every dull, cryptic moment of it.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    I'm not a fan of Jodi Picoult - I've read a few of her books but I find they drag and the endings tend to be REALLY annoying. Why do that??? ie. the end of My Sister's Keeper and Handle with Care (I'll spare you the spoilers).

    I loved "Time Travellers Wife" (though the movie left a lot to be desired, maybe because I just can't take Eric Banna seriously)but "Her Fearful Symmetry" was pretty bad.

    And I have to admit (shamefully) that I likethe Twilight series. I have a lot of problems with the messages there and don't think they're a great read for young girls - but I got caught up in the story and managed to suspend disbelief enough to enjoy the books. And I liked the movies :smile:

    But I think the winner in the category of "books I couldn't stick with" was Anna Karenina - I just couldn't get into it, I tried and tried but just found it soooooooo dull!
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    The Shack. Pygmy by Chuck Palahniuk (couldn't get through the vernacular). That is the only book of his that I haven't finished (he is my favorite author, afterall).

    Exactly the same here, I adore Chuck Palahniuk but couldn't get through more than a few pages of 'Pygmy'. I intend to give it another go sometime but other books that don't melt my brain keep getting preference.
  • psiren28
    psiren28 Posts: 530 Member
    Atonement, couldnt even make it through the first 50 pages... although i fear that i was not in the right mindset (vacationing in punta cana)... maybe ill give it another try

    Don't bother, it's not worth it.

    No no DO bother... It's fantastic :)
  • curlytop89
    curlytop89 Posts: 163 Member
    Mrs.Dalloway by Virginia Wolf. UGH! I got the idea, but it was sooooooo boooring! I think I got interested after watching the hours. One of the characters was supposed to be virginia wolf. It is like one big paragraph of what she is thinking and doing for a whole day or something. No chapters or anything. Just irritating. I haven't gotten into the twilight series either, seems a bit juvenile. I'm not a big vampire fan anyway.