What crowd were u w/ in school :-? Jock, punk, misfit, nerd?



  • LPinTheD
    LPinTheD Posts: 129
    Burnout/hippie... but also the newspaper editor. :)
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    I bounced around between a few group. Drama geeks, band nerds, gamers, goths, artsy kids, etc.
  • njean888
    njean888 Posts: 399 Member
    I was a mean girl! Sorry, I know the movies are terrible, but I wasn't that bad. I was also on the schools dance squad.
  • I was called a "mosher" and "goth", deffo wasnt a goth lol Guess I was just a misfit then!
  • LesliePierceRN
    LesliePierceRN Posts: 860 Member
    I was ecclectic. I think I belonged to every group. I was in all honors classes, and generally thought of as exceptionally smart, so I qualified for nerd. But I played sports, the rougher, the better, so I was definitely a jock. And I loved the 80's hair bands and skateboards, so I hung with some MetalHeads/Thrashers. I also didn't have a lot, would have been considered poor, so I wasn't with the popular kids. To this day I articulate well in society, I can almost always find a facet of myself that compliments the person I'm around, and I get along with almost everyone. One type of person I will never be or tolerate? Liar, gossipy drama types. Save it for yo mama.
  • ElleOQuent
    ElleOQuent Posts: 429 Member
    I was the nerdy girl who dated the most popular guy in school. I also was sort of a social butterfly -- I fluttered around from group to group. I preferred to have friends all over, instead of isolating myself to a particular group.
  • strunkm4
    strunkm4 Posts: 265 Member
    Idk how you'd classify me..... I played varsity sports year round, did beauty pageants,and tried to be friends with everyone. Miss Luzerne County, Miss Sweet Valley, and Miss PA state fair 2nd runner up right here!! Lol
  • I kept to myself and did what I was suppose to basically.Nerd I guess.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,014 Member
    I started out a band geek but as the years went on, I had connections in every group and was pretty social with everyone. This may be shocking news to my friends on here but I was voted Class Clown numerous times in my schooling years so sometimes I was labeled a misfit too.

    All in all, I have life long friends from all the groups and look back on school with fond memories <3
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    I got along with everyone. I was a jock mostly I guess. Typical captain of the football team and cheerleader girlfriend and Homecoming King. But I was also in show choir (think Glee) and theatre. I did choir competitions and was in the school plays. Although I did only join show choir because my buddy said we'd meet tons of chicks at the competitions. Boy was he right! :tongue: Oh the teenage mind. But ended up finding out that I wasn't too shabby of a singer. :bigsmile:
  • KnottyJen
    KnottyJen Posts: 1,070 Member
    I was a drama/choir nerd. And always enjoyed being in charge (still that way now). But I was always a social butterfly, so I had friends in pretty much every clique.
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,284 Member
    This is a weird one for me. I am the same person in H.S. as I am today. I never place people in certain class or groups. I literally was friends with the Jocks, the nerds, the misfits (no punk as I lived in Brooklyn). I always made friends with the popular kids as well as the least popular person. If I saw someone sitting by themselves at the lunch room table I was the first one to sit next to them and say hi.

    Granted I did have my own group of friends but they were a mixture of all these groups.

    CAKEDOC Posts: 110 Member

    This is a weird one for me. I am the same person in H.S. as I am today. I never place people in certain class or groups. I literally was friends with the Jocks, the nerds, the misfits (no punk as I lived in Brooklyn). I always made friends with the popular kids as well as the least popular person. If I saw someone sitting by themselves at the lunch room table I was the first one to sit next to them and say hi.

    Granted I did have my own group of friends but they were a mixture of all these groups.

  • rileamoyer
    rileamoyer Posts: 2,412 Member
    Went to 3 high schools and my dad taught at each one, small towns. What does that tell you?
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    nerd and misfit? a little of both I guess. Fun times.
  • kimoRUN
    kimoRUN Posts: 325 Member
    I was a drama/choir nerd. And always enjoyed being in charge (still that way now). But I was always a social butterfly, so I had friends in pretty much every clique.

    You drama/choir nerds hated me.
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    I was in a crowd. A crowd of one...


    Errrr, actually I mixed with a lot of groups in school: arty, nerdy, grungy, geeky but was not really a part of any of them. I had a strong sense of individualism from a young age.
  • I went to a very small school, so I kind of fit into all of the categories.
  • Tiggerrick
    Tiggerrick Posts: 1,078 Member
    Well if you are judged by your friends: My lunch "crowd" 1 Stoner, 1 band member, 1 dumb *kitten*, 1 'player', 1 geek, 1 punk rocker, and me: Jock for the wrong game (soccer in a Football school) - A student - councelor's worker. I guess that would be a misfit crowd.
  • angied80
    angied80 Posts: 713 Member
    I was a floater.. I floated from one group to the other!