Jillian Michaels Body Revolution



  • WARNING - annoyed poster, read at your own risk :)

    I have been getting increasingly annoyed with how long it has taken Body Revolution to get to my wife and I since we got "express shipping", come to find out that they have to send out another copy to me... Customer service is just about useless, so if you are experiencing problems, I wouldn't put too much faith in them. I have called three times now and they JUST told me that hadn't shipped after 9 days. I have also read everywhere that this is very backordered yet I was told that it would be going to tomorrow, interesting... Good 'ol USPS strikes again.
  • sholtz79
    sholtz79 Posts: 48 Member
    I ordered mine the night of 2/8 and just got an email this afternoon that it was shipping... Can't wait to get it!

    To all who order and get a tracking number, when you click on it, it will send you to a USPS tracking screen, though it is not shipped USPS. The Jillian Michaels Body Revolution is shipped FedEx. If you plug the tracking number they give to you into a FedEx tracking field it will tell you where it is. I hope this saves someone some aggravation.
  • By chance, does anyone recall what state these packages are being shipped from?
  • I ordered mine 2/8 and got it today (a wk later) by surprise. I have to finish 30ds first though, so it's killing me,lol. I hope you all get yours soon!

    To all who order and get a tracking number, when you click on it, it will send you to a USPS tracking screen, though it is not shipped USPS. The Jillian Michaels Body Revolution is shipped FedEx. If you plug the tracking number they give to you into a FedEx tracking field it will tell you where it is. I hope this saves someone some aggravation.

    WOW, thanks so much. That was so helpful. I tried to plug it into UPS a few days ago to see if it was a ups tracking number. But it wasn't of course. Didn't even think to use FEDEX. Why wouldn't customer service know this when you call. Anyway i should be getting mine tomorrow it looks like. This made my night! Thanks so much for figuring this out. Hope you get yours soon too!
  • HotChrissy
    HotChrissy Posts: 6 Member
    Mine shipped from Ohio.

    I ordered mine on 2/11, and according to Fedex it shipped yesterday, so hopefully it will be here tomorrow. Time wise--the package is an hour away--so I expect it to be out for delivery tomorrow. If so, I will start it a day or two later. Monday is too far away to wait.
  • I just ordered mine last night. I love Jillian's workouts and this reminds me of P90X just a lower key where I think I can handle it. Everyone post your results, I'd love to hear how it's working for you.
  • eponine1976
    eponine1976 Posts: 143 Member
    Have any of you who are doing this program ever done Chalene Extreme 90 Day? I had been thinking of ordering Chalene but now that I see that Jillian has this program I'm not sure which I would rather order. I would love to hear from someone who has done Chalene Extreme and can give their opinion on how the two compare and which program they prefer.
  • I have done Chalean Extreme and I didn't get the results I wanted. She incorporates too much leg exercises and combines it with heavy weights. In the end it made my legs way to bulky but i did like the upper body strength portions. I have done several Jillian Michaels DVD's and her videos have made my muscles more sore that Chalean Extreme and without the use of extremely heavy weights.

    My other problem with Chalean, is that her program doesn't incorporate enough Cardio. I'm hoping Jillian has enough Cardio so it doesn't make me feel like I'm doing nothing but lift weights like Chalene's program did.
  • lorinjer
    lorinjer Posts: 233 Member
    So this program is 30 minutes a day 6 days a week? I have loved all of her DVDs so far.....thinking I need to order this one....
  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    MIne is supposed to arrive on Saturday. I am hoping to start on Monday.
  • mxmama112
    mxmama112 Posts: 29 Member
    I ordered mine on 2/8 and received it 2/16. This morning was my first day. Love it. The first workout is a lot like level 1 of the 30 day shred. The meal plan to me is unrealistic. Weird foods that no one in my house would eat, ie; Lox--what the hell is that anyway and just weird meals--spaghetti squash with shrimp???. I always eat pretty sensibly and will continue doing so. I do have the family biggest loser cookbook which is awesome and will be using some of those meals. I don't have a lot of weight to loose, just want to tone and burn a little fat. I think it will work just fine for what I'm looking to do. I'm starting with the kickstart, which adds cardio to the afternoon. I will keep everyone posted.
  • I ordered mine on 2/8 and received it 2/16. This morning was my first day. Love it. The first workout is a lot like level 1 of the 30 day shred. The meal plan to me is unrealistic. Weird foods that no one in my house would eat, ie; Lox--what the hell is that anyway and just weird meals--spaghetti squash with shrimp???. I always eat pretty sensibly and will continue doing so. I do have the family biggest loser cookbook which is awesome and will be using some of those meals. I don't have a lot of weight to loose, just want to tone and burn a little fat. I think it will work just fine for what I'm looking to do. I'm starting with the kickstart, which adds cardio to the afternoon. I will keep everyone posted.

    I just wanted to be of some help with the meal plan and I hope it does not come across as pushy at all :) All of the recipe's come from the Master your Metabolism cook book which is what my wife and I use almost exclusively already. The food is actually amazing!
    When we started Making the Cut by Jillian we thought the same thing about her menus, however they were almost all phenomenal. Give at least some of them a shot, I really think it will change your mind about the meal plan :)
  • trixirn
    trixirn Posts: 130 Member
    Just got the email that mine shipped :happy:

    Let us know when you try it out!
    I hope mine ships soon. JM was on facebook saying it is on backorder and they have to burn more DVDs.
  • It FINALLY came, I was starting to wonder! We're psyched to start! We haven't started yet(going to start on Monday) but we watched workouts 1 and 9. We kind of wanted to see what we are diving into and after seeing workout 9 I can not wait! Neither my wife nor I am overweight but want to get "ripped" and "shredded" as our beloved Jillian would say. Keep up the good work everyone, and please let me know if you are blogging about it. I am reading Phatoslim's and it's really good, you should all take a look!
  • ashiggins
    ashiggins Posts: 144 Member
    I ordered mine and hoping to start March 1st! If anyone wants to hold each other accountable, add me! Good luck everyone!
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    So I am on Day 5 today. Workouts are done for the day and I am feeling great. You can follow my 90-day journey through my blog http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/phatsoslim

    I probably won't be checking in at this message post much longer. If you have any questions, message me.

    Have fun with the Revolution.
  • Kristin6608
    Kristin6608 Posts: 56 Member
    I ordered mine on Monday evening (2/13) and it shows that it was sent Fedex on 2/15. Expected arrival is 2/21. Hopefully you guys get yours soon! I am really looking forward to starting and hopefully completing it by Memorial Day weekend!

    I would love friend requests but please reference "body revolution". I really need some support in the form of accountability!

  • Whitetail24
    Whitetail24 Posts: 42 Member
    I got it in 12 days, did phase 1 today just to see what its like. Starting Monday like it says just to follow along. Very excited about it. Anyone that wants to friend request me to follow along I'm good with it, i have about 40lbs to lose.