How often do you weigh yourself?



  • annameier8706
    annameier8706 Posts: 572 Member
    Once a day, but i only record on mondays
  • Kempossible
    Kempossible Posts: 158 Member
    Once a week. Every Monday morning.
  • lillystargazer
    I weigh every single morning. Sometimes I'll do it throughout the day, too. I only log my weight on Wednesdays though.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    I weigh my self everyday .. in fact I look forward to it-- it keeps me focused.

    However, I only log it on Mondays
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
    I only weigh once a week. They have a more accurate scale here at work so I weigh once a week in the morning once I get here.
  • SweetMommaof21981
    I do daily as well :-S
  • Tanishhaaaaaa
    Tanishhaaaaaa Posts: 54 Member
    I used to weigh in everyday, but to test my willpower, to see if I could stick at losing weight, I changed it to every Monday and Thursday.

    It's much better, but I don't think I could weigh in once a week.
  • rainbowbuggy
    Once a day. I like to see the trends and how what I eat affects my body weight -- I find it interesting.

    This! Although I do admit to weighing myself every time I use the restroom on weekends. I have found that I weigh the less around 10 a.m.

    I told my co-workers I was going to start bringing my scale to work and would strip down in the bathroom at 10 a.m. daily to weigh myself. :bigsmile:

    This is exactly me! I weigh the least around 10am.
  • sambee7
    Every sunday! Otherwise, I focus too much on the numbers.
  • seoid
    seoid Posts: 151
    morning and night
  • necqua01
    I dont weight myself much. I don't own a scale because I know I will get on everyday. I usually weigh myself once a month because I judge my weight gain or loss by how my clothes fit.
  • ohpilot
    ohpilot Posts: 73 Member
    Once a week, or once every two weeks. I was an everyday weigher but to be honest, I just started forgetting. I like it better this way because sometimes I get losses that I didn't even see coming.
  • antrat1965
    Once a week. Every Saturday morning after using the bathroom and before breakfast.
  • jnagy9886
    jnagy9886 Posts: 48 Member
    I used to weigh myself everyday, and then my scale broke (digital scale, actually I think it just needs a new battery). Since it stopped working I only weigh myself once a week at my grandma's house. Its actually a great feeling not staring at that number everyday. Once a week is perfect!!
  • Sk8rG
    Sk8rG Posts: 55 Member
    Every time I am near a scale...seriously. For sure every morning before hitting the shower and again when I get home and change into casual clothes. Usually again before bed. And often while I'm at the gym. It's an obsession. But it's more a game to see how different things affect the scale - clothes, high sodium meals, big glasses of water, exercise - it interests me.

    I only count my "official" weight as my weigh in at WW - once a week.
  • dragynyss
    When I had a working scale I was compulsive about it. I didn't replace it when I moved a year and a half ago and now I'm doing the medi-weighloss where I go in once a week for a weigh-in with body analysis. I chose NOT to replace the scale and just rely on the weigh-ins which has actually helped me. (btw - today was weigh-in and I lost 3.5 lbs this week since I started working out again!)

    I do, however, measure my waist on a regular basis instead of weighing. To me, this is a much better indicator of where I am.
  • chardawg80
    chardawg80 Posts: 31 Member
    I weigh myself Monday morning, same time (6:30am) before breakfast, in the same clothing (boxers only). Seems to give me the most accurate reading.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Every day. But I only log a couple times a week.
  • n8vchick77
    n8vchick77 Posts: 114 Member
    I weigh in once a week although I get tempted to do it more...
  • madisons_mummy
    madisons_mummy Posts: 169 Member
    Every morning butt naked