The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Everybody has a theory on what you should and shouldn't do. The simple answer is there is no simple answer :). Our body is nothing but a chain of complex reactions. And anybody with any chemistry knowledge knows that there are many things that influence reactions. The reason why some things work (or work faster) for some and not others is because our bodies are not the same nor are our environments. So don't criticize what people find to work for them, just respect that its not what works for your particular lifestyle.

  • 2fit4fat
    2fit4fat Posts: 559 Member
    bump :-) people we are all here to support one another. OP was just letting us know what they have found. you dont need to be negative about it
  • HMonsterX
    HMonsterX Posts: 3,000 Member
    bump :-) people we are all here to support one another. OP was just letting us know what they have found. you dont need to be negative about it

    So we shouldn't point out the errors? Just accept it all as solid truth? Sorry, some of us prefer the actual facts.
  • ask4itall
    The plan I outlined is solid and works for people all the time. Does it work for everyone...I doubt it; however, it's worked very very well for me. I simply provided information for people to consider trying. I personally think weight loss is a very very simple formula...and there is nothing complicated about it. Getting fit, muscular & lean is a very very simple formula...nothing complicated about it; however, people spend billions of $$/year buying supplements, diet pills, weight loss programs, etc.

    If you don't like what I have's unnecessary to be mean about it.

    Good luck to you whatever your weight loss/fitness goals are.

    I wasn't being literal...sleeping metabolism is a figure of speech...of course your metabolism is NOT's just slower.

    Slower than what?

    The vast majority of your metabolic burn is your BMR, which by definition is your body at rest. If your BMR is 1440 Cals/day, that equates with 60 Cals/hour; with 8 hours of sleep, that's 480 Cals.

    Exclusive of specific exercise, if your activity factor is 0.2, that means that in all your other waking activity you burn 288 additional Calories over the remaining 16 hours of the day, or 18 Cals/hour.

    Breakfast doesn't "jump start" this. Actually, this fact is the basis for intermittent fasting.

    And to use the thermogenic effect of eating is dangerous: no one should consume Calories in order to burn off a little bit of those Cals by its effect. And you'll get that thermogenic effect whenever you consume those Calories, in however many meals you eat.
  • _Sally_
    _Sally_ Posts: 514 Member
    Dear Posters,

    Vigorous debate on topics is certainly an acceptable use of the MFP forums. People sharing alternate views, even passionately, should not be viewed as "negativity" in and of itself.

    HOWEVER, I just want to remind folks to please share your opinions (and/or research references) without personally attacking other users or insulting anyone's intelligence or character if you don't agree with the validity of their opinions or views.

    Please read the community guidelines and keep them in mind when you are posting on the main forums:

    With Respect,
    MFP Forum Moderator

    [EDIT - I also want to remind users to please use the REPORT POST link for any inappropriate posts you see.. please do not respond or reply to innappropriate posts, which takes away from the thread. Also, if there are other users that just plain annoy you, but are not in violation of the community guidelines, please consider using the IGNORE USER option from the drop down located under the poster's profile picture.]
  • laurenk182004
    laurenk182004 Posts: 1,882 Member
    Gotta get my husband to read this. Very well put together :)
  • ask4itall
    Thank you...I'm surprised how ugly some people have gotten over this post. It's crazy.



    Dear Posters,

    Vigorous debate on topics is certainly an acceptable use of the MFP forums. People sharing alternate views, even passionately, should not be viewed as "negativity" in and of itself.

    HOWEVER, I just want to remind folks to please share your opinions (and/or research references) without personally attacking other users or insulting anyone's intelligence or character if you don't agree with the validity of their opinions or views.

    Please read the community guidelines and keep them in mind when you are posting on the main forums:

    With Respect,
    MFP Forum Moderator

    [EDIT - I also want to remind users to please use the REPORT POST link for any inappropriate posts you see.. please do not respond or reply to innappropriate posts, which takes away from the thread. Also, if there are other users that just plain annoy you, but are not in violation of the community guidelines, please consider using the IGNORE USER option from the drop down located under the poster's profile picture.]
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    I don't know why people are being so mean about what the OP wrote. Nothing he put out there is harmful. All he said was what was working for him. He's not promoting unhealthy weight loss. Who cares if the "science" is correct or incorrect. I'd LOVE for the people arguing with the OP to give scientific reasoning of how eating breakfast, drinking more water and exercising is unhealthy? Please point out to me what the OP wrote that will harm someone who follows his advice.
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
  • fiberartist219
    fiberartist219 Posts: 1,865 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree with what was posted. I don't know much about science either, but I've been doing something similar and it is working. I think that changing your metabolism has a lot to do with your success in a lot of things, not just weight loss and fitness.

    I have struggled for years with hormonal issues, and addressing that situation has made more of a difference than anything I've eaten or any workout I've done... however, being awake and present has enabled me to pay more attention to food and get off my butt and workout. Then, the benefits of eating well and working out pay me back and I get even more energy and mindfulness than before. It's a cycle. The hormones and the behaviors both affect each other, and gain momentum, whether in a good direction or a bad direction. If you have the power to influence your metabolism, you absolutely should.

    As far as the specifics of how that is done, I am sure it is different for everybody, but to me, eating breakfast and protein and whole grains, etc have helped along the way. I am more stable when I have a routine and eat proper nutrition.

    To each their own. If you don't like those methods, don't follow them. I happen to agree with the OP though.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    The plan I outlined is solid and works for people all the time. Does it work for everyone...I doubt it; however, it's worked very very well for me. I simply provided information for people to consider trying. I personally think weight loss is a very very simple formula...and there is nothing complicated about it. Getting fit, muscular & lean is a very very simple formula...nothing complicated about it; however, people spend billions of $$/year buying supplements, diet pills, weight loss programs, etc.

    If you don't like what I have's unnecessary to be mean about it.

    Good luck to you whatever your weight loss/fitness goals are.

    I think had you read through this, you'd see the contention is not with what you were advocating, but the basis on which you were advocating it on. For instance there's nothing wrong with suggesting to eat breakfast, but holding calories and macros constant it makes no difference if you eat breakfast or not. And there's no need to throw in the discounted food combination theory or metabolic advantage to meal frequency, it's completely unnecessary
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    Yes, you've said that already. What I wanted was someone to tell me how it is UNHEALTHY. I don't care if its a myth. If it works for him GREAT. Would LOVE to hear you debate how these myths are unhealthy.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    Yes, you've said that already. What I wanted was someone to tell me how it is UNHEALTHY. I don't care if its a myth. If it works for him GREAT. Would LOVE to hear you debate how these myths are unhealthy.

    So if something is not unhealthy, then who cares? Just let's put it out there so others can become more ignorant on nutrition?
  • TexNut
    TexNut Posts: 53
    Wish the message boards would create a forum called "Argue with Everything I Say"... Then we'd know where to stay away from.

    Thank you for the time you spent putting your thoughts together to share with us...

    Right?! :)
    To the OP - thanks for posting! I personally agree with a lot of your larger points and have seen it make all the difference for myself, as well as many other people.

    We have to remember that every BODY is different and requires different things at different health/fitness levels. I've seen clients over 500 pounds be able to lost weight by only eating 1 meal a least for a while. Eventually, as you become healthier, your body requires more frequent feedings as it becomes a calorie-burning machine. The 500# person won't agree with me at first, b/c they're still losing weight. But after the first 100# or so, they'll have to change their approach to continue getting positive results. Similarly, a fairly fit person may experience a plateau in weight-loss until they start eating a good breakfast with lean protein.

    My point is this: our health is like a puzzle...find what piece(s) you're missing, put them into the puzzle and watch your body do amazing things!
  • crystalslight
    crystalslight Posts: 322 Member
    So if they follow what he said.. What will happen? Will they be unhealthy? This is a fitness site. Their is tons of different ideas on how to do it. I think he had good information that will help SOME people lose weight. It's not like he's promoting taking diet pills, hcg ect. Maybe his "science" is wrong but the information has nothing that will harm people if they do it. Plus people following his advice will probably lose weight and become healthier. Gasp.... Even if they follow myths.
  • gp79
    gp79 Posts: 1,799 Member
    You are misinformed and much of what you have stated is marketing at its best.
  • lglg11
    lglg11 Posts: 344 Member
    I have no time to read through this now but when sidesteal , tiger and acg are all involved , I HAVE to read it !

    Will take the time to do so later :)
  • letmebeda1_wechange
    Thank you for the advise I'm definately taking pointers. great job!!!! thank you for the help, keep doing what you are doing. people will always have opinion but you are doing what is helping you and will help others as well.
  • Acg67
    Acg67 Posts: 12,142 Member
    So if they follow what he said.. What will happen? Will they be unhealthy? This is a fitness site. Their is tons of different ideas on how to do it. I think he had good information that will help SOME people lose weight. It's not like he's promoting taking diet pills, hcg ect. Maybe his "science" is wrong but the information has nothing that will harm people if they do it. Plus people following his advice will probably lose weight and become healthier. Gasp.... Even if they follow myths.

    I'm glad you brought up HCG, so how is that unhealthy if done for a short period of time?, granted the actual HCG doesn't do anything but keep in mind PSMFs and VLCDs have been safely used for many many years

    We have to remember that every BODY is different and requires different things at different health/fitness levels. I've seen clients over 500 pounds be able to lost weight by only eating 1 meal a least for a while. Eventually, as you become healthier, your body requires more frequent feedings as it becomes a calorie-burning machine. The 500# person won't agree with me at first, b/c they're still losing weight. But after the first 100# or so, they'll have to change their approach to continue getting positive results. Similarly, a fairly fit person may experience a plateau in weight-loss until they start eating a good breakfast with lean protein.
    All over the internet, on forums dedicated to everything from weight loss to muscle gain, people will loudly argue that they are different. “My metabolism is different.”, “My nervous system is different”, “My muscles are different”, things of that sort. Everyone is a unique and delicate flower, just like their mom told them.
    This usually follows them explaining why the good advice that others have used can’t possibly work for them. They are also usually the ones making no progress who won’t even consider trying something else. THEY. ARE. DIFFERENT.
    Individuals who have a lot of fat to lose either think that they can magically gain weight eating only a few hundred calories per day, or that they can lose weight just by rearranging their food in some special way. Because their metabolism is different.
    Diets play on this of course, hiding the simple fact that they are causing you to eat less in a complicated pseudoscience of macronutrient ratios and such. But there is never any magic to be had when you look at these books critically: it all comes down to making the person eat less, exercise more, or both. It’s just hidden in complex schemes and pseudo-physiology.
    Before you think I’m just coming down on overweight individuals, let me say that bodybuilders and athletes want to magically gain muscle and lose fat with a similar rearrangement of nutrients. That by adding some magical nutrient (usually an overpriced supplement) will make them start gaining muscle (or losing fat) without changing the dynamics of the energy balance equation. In the same way diet books play on the frailties of overweight individuals, supplement companies play on the frailties of the athletes telling them to “Use this product if you aren’t gaining” when the real problem lies with the diet or training program.
    In short: you can’t beat thermodynamics anymore than anything else in the universe. You. Are. Not. Different. You can’t gain bodymass unless your energy intake exceeds your energy output because you can’t make something out of nothing (muscle or fat). And you can’t lose bodymass unless your energy intake is less than your energy ouput. These are rules that every system in the universe has to follow, including the human body. Nature’s rules, not mine to quote the all-knowing Mr. Miyagi. We may not like them, but we have to live by them anyway.

    Read the rest here
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    OK, here's the problem as I see it.

    Will doing what the OP suggested result in weight loss? Yes, absolutely. Do all that and you will lose weight, but you'll also be wearing a polka dotted skirt with grass clippings in your undies. (Don't understand that reference, then you need to read more of the thread.)

    The BIG problem comes when people who've been successful losing weight doing exactly as the poster said try to pass on their tips. They don't really understand the reason they lost the weight (controlled diet and exercise), and so they pass on their information, focusing on the different things that they did. They focus on meal frequency, not mixing macros, and such. The new person takes that information and changes their diet to match this new information, but they don't do the things that are really responsible for the weight loss and leave their daily calorie consumption the same. They, might eat slightly less because they're on a new diet after all, throw in a few salads, and lose a lbs or 2. but then they stop losing, start getting frustrated and give up. That's the problem.

    The simple unvarnished truth is there is no magic secret to weight loss, and that calorie reduction along with a good exercise regimen, while fairly boring, is the reason the weight was lost.