30 pounds to lose...anyone else want to join for support?



  • rima933
    rima933 Posts: 151 Member
    ill join! Trying to lose the pregnancy/marriage weight!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member

    try keeping iced water in a beautiful insulated cup just for you! I've been doing this for a couple days and it works! my water intake increased and the iced water actually encourages burning of calories!

    Thank you, I will try that!
  • Hi, I need to lose at least 30 pounds....that's a good first goal for me! My big problem is eating all the wrong things at the wrong times for the wrong reasons! Oh yeah, I have a hard time motivating myself to get to the gym too....I can talk myself out of going so easily. I will be 50 in May, 5'3 and 181 lbs. I can use all the friends and support I can get here! :)
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Oh, and by the way, the sassy water was horrible! I don't know if I did something wrong, but omg! It simply tasted like cucumbers and that's it! I'm going to add lemon to my ice water and put it in a pretty container like was suggested and see if that helps.

    Have a great night everyone! I may be back!

    My plan: I try to eat clean with the exception of my lunch or dinner meal . One meal a day I use a frozen meal for convenience and quickness. I know I shouldn't but I just started again and figured the easier, the better, the more I'll stick to this. For good.
  • smithmom531
    smithmom531 Posts: 140 Member
    I'm in! I am 5'2 and have about 30 to lose. Hoping for a little more but even if I can get back to 133 I would be so much happier! I have three kiddos (9, 5, and 2) and work full time as a teacher. We can all do this, especially with the support of our MFPal friends!
  • I would love to add you and have some people add me too. I have 35 pounds to lose =)
  • skedzie
    skedzie Posts: 91 Member
    Count me in - I will send a rquest! I will be 50 in Sept. 5'6" started at 184 now at 172 and want to be 150 or less!! I started this journey around Jan 11th (seriously started) I am now addicted to going to the gym - love working out! Had my first NSV (non-scale victory) today - went walking/jogging/skipping and playing at the park with 2 of 4 grandkids and felt great instead of like slug.....

    This site has been such an inspiration for me and the friends I've made on here are awesome!!!!!

    A crowd is stronger than a single person - We will be our own crowd!!!
  • Yes, I'm just starting too, and would like to hear about your successes or difficulties, and share mine also. I have a bit over 40 pounds to lose and have been saying for years that I'm going to do it. I'm in my late sixties and have diabetes, and in spite of fears for my health and some symptoms already, I could not seem to stop eating too much and the wrong things. I recently rejoined OA which I think is great too, and will continue going to meetings, but finding this program and downloading it today has given me the 'missing piece' that I needed. I had a great day for the first time in over a year, felt under control, was fully aware of what I ate, and amazed that I'm not the least bit hungry. Thanks for being here too...I think social support will be a great help with keeping on working it. Joanie
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    so happy to see all of you join in ! we can do this togther! i'm signing off for the night and will "check in" in the morning! Night all! You did GREAT today!
  • I'd love to join! :) I have no family support so I need this website!
  • So happy to see more girls for support! What do all of you think about "sassy water?" Has anyone tried it? A friend at work suggested it to me to help me drink my water for the day. I made some today and will let it sit overnight to drink tomorrow. We shall see. If anyone else wants to try it with me, google "sassy water recipe" and follow instructions. If not, I'll let you know what I think of it.
    I had a hard time last night not eating McDonalds as I let my granddaughters have that for supper, BUT I didnt do it. I'm trying to find more creative ways to make chicken.Anyone know of some good recipes for that not high in calories?

    Another new day begins ladies. Stay with it and please check in at the end of the day or whenever you feel like it for support. We are here to help each other. I know I need all the support and motivation I can get to stay on track. Let's do this!!!

    Have a great day everyone!:smile:

    A BIG problem with chicken these days is the breast portions you purchase raw in the store are twice as big as a 4oz serving. Enjoy your chicken the way that you like it, but cut your portion in half. This should make a huge difference. It has for me.
  • erzille
    erzille Posts: 524 Member
    I am 5'2" I have lost 30 pounds....not done with my journey yet. Good Luck!
  • fromfattofine
    fromfattofine Posts: 80 Member
    For now 40 lbs is my goal. I still have more to lose but I sure could use the support since I have none at home.
  • Just started two days ago, and my goal is to lose 30 lbs. Love all the groups like this that support everyone else!
  • bxbutterfly
    bxbutterfly Posts: 47 Member
    i have 50 to lose and i would be happy to join you. i need support to.
  • HI!
    I would love to join the group and get some TLC from people going through a similar experience.

    I have gained my weight over about 14 yrs after moving in with my husband (he used to do all the cooking and liked to eat dinner at bout 10pm and it was always high fat like hamburgers and fried potatoes) and add to that a baby, a Pulmonary Embolism that left me kind of stationary for a few weeks, and quitting smoking.

    I am a stay at home mom who started on this journey the middle of Oct. I am down 26lbs and have another 50 to go. I have been looking at my weight, but look at my inches more than weight since it can fluctuate and makes me disheartened.

    As for Chicken recipes, I have found a few on the Taste of Home website. I replace the meats in some recipes with chicken and voila. I need to make sure that what I make is super tasty since my son and husband eat the food too.
  • usernamejoe
    usernamejoe Posts: 219 Member
    I'm in! my goal is 12 more pounds. I'm down to 212 from 270 2 years ago. You can do it!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Can't sleep , and how surprised I was to see more people to join our group! Welcome! Thank you for the ideas for the chicken, you are right about the size,I need to get that in check. That will definately make room for more veggies and fruit, which I need. I appreciate all of you!
    Hope you are all sleeping and gettling your much needed rest! See you in the morning!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Morning everyone! I have a question for all of you.

    What is your BIGGEST challenge in reaching your goal weght/eating healthy? I have several , but my BIGGEST is the fact that I love food. Food to me is happiness. I have to change my thought patterns so that food becomes my fuel and NOT my happiness. That is my BIGGEST challenge.

    Anyone else? Please chime in!

    Have a great day!
  • I think my biggest challenge is that when I do not have either my body or brain in motion, I get bored and want to eat. I have tried to combat that with Gum. I have about 6 different flavors and try that before I reach for food. Doesn't always work, but it does at least 70% of the time...