Sunday - What exercise are you going to do today?



  • boelyn
    boelyn Posts: 90 Member
    Going to do my EA sports active workout, and may pop out for a walk later......once I get off my very comfy sofa :laugh:
  • have just spent 1.5hrs mucking out the horse and lungeing him
    have a 1hr riding lesson at 3pm
    will go to the gym around 7pm tonight and do some cardio and weghts.
  • I don't get much time during the week to exercise so I try and make up for it Saturday and Sundays!

    So far I have done 45 minutes pump it up exercise DVD.
    Later I will walk to Tesco to stock up on food-that's 45 minutes each way.
    Then I will squeeze in 30 minutes on the cross trainer at home tonight :)
  • Level 2 of the 30 DS (done)
    Level 1 or 3 of 30DS
    60+ minute walk
    crunches/sit ups
    Maybe more, I'll see what happens... :)
  • DinaRobin
    DinaRobin Posts: 61 Member
    30 day shred level 2 done.
  • monicay75
    monicay75 Posts: 9 Member
    Today is a cardio day
  • gazerofthestars
    gazerofthestars Posts: 255 Member
    Usually I take Sundays off but I woke up today and said "what the hell". Did a 50 minute walk on the treadmill and got it over with =) Now I can go a little overboard with eating without worrying.
  • Lauracork2005
    Lauracork2005 Posts: 14 Member
    Just finished Kenpo (p90x), burned 600cals approx. I wore sweatz vestz and zaggora hot pants. Does anyone have any opinion on these? Apparently you burn more calories.x
  • nymple
    nymple Posts: 55 Member
    Turbo Fire 55 - I've just finished and I really went for it. It shows as my HRM says I burned 1001 calories :)
  • Hurricane_C
    Hurricane_C Posts: 806 Member
    After work I plan on going to the gym and doing a C25K run in my new running shoes and then maybe some weights.
  • I have work to do so I won't be able to do much :( going to aim for a 20 minute cycle, possibly a bit longer because 20 minutes isn't much!
  • JennieAL
    JennieAL Posts: 1,726 Member
    Doing my 3rd strength training workout of the week.
  • AlliGM
    AlliGM Posts: 86
    Day one of week five of the C25K program... nice morning for a run. :wink:
  • 2 hours of womens' flat track roller derby training, with an amazing coach who has the magic ability to push me way beyond what I think is my absolute limit. I LOVE IT!!!!
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    I went with my family to the ocean and we played in the water for 3 hours. Lots of fun and added a walk on the beach.
  • Rayman233
    Rayman233 Posts: 51 Member
    5k run on treadmill this morning , then p9ox shoulders and a short abs session . Should burn 1000 cals. today ! 200# is really close. I've gotta see it before the end of the month...
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    I'm on the last day of Level 1 today - will probably drag the children out for a walk this afternoon too, we normally go 4-6 miles - the more they moan and/or bicker, the further we walk :D

    Yeah I think this will be my last day of Level 1 too! Can't wait to start Level 2 :)
  • dcmat
    dcmat Posts: 1,723 Member
    Pre-breakfast ride done. Only had time for 2.5 hours as now decorating!
  • firemaiden
    firemaiden Posts: 10 Member
    dog took me for a moderate/fast walk 60min. feel like a cheat for saying i did light moderate house work for over an hour. but i was up and moving and thats the main thing. interesting to see what others are doing. i feel lazy now
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Sunday is nearly over for me. This morning I did a 7km walk with a few bursts of jogging thrown in. Felt so good!!