Best/Worst Part of 30DS



  • xmissjasmine
    Anything plank related, doing skipping RIGHT AFTER jumping jacks, and that's about it so far.... Pendulums KILL my knees and ankles (I have SUPER DUPER weak ankles)
  • stufie
    stufie Posts: 142 Member
    Today was my first day of level 3. The best part so far is the ab exercises, because I'm pretty good at those. The worst part was basically the entirety of level 2. Waaaaay too much plank and lunges going on there, and it made me pretty cranky. Level 3 is pretty insane, but I didn't feel as hateful towards Jillian the whole time like I did in level 2. Level 3 definitely made me think Jillian is absolutely crazy. Jumping jacks and punches with weights?! Insane.
  • AmyWalsh711
    AmyWalsh711 Posts: 41 Member
    just finished day 6 level 1. I HATE the push-ups!!! I am getting better but I still can't do them from start to finish, I have to take a break (ironically it's always right when she mentions NOT taking a break lol, I can be a lil rebellious he he). But I'm not a fan of the side lunge with arm raises either, my arms just about give up towards the end. I don't have a favorite lol the whole thing will be my favorite if I get results lol.

    oh and I have noticed an increase in my endurance like she says you would around day 5,6, or 7.

    As far as results, for me it's prob gonna be inches cuz I haven't lost a pound these six days, but I measured myself before I started so I am gonna measure after completing level 1 for 10 days and hope to see a lil shredding :)
  • arctiknitter
    arctiknitter Posts: 119 Member
    Hate those side lunges! My arms kill me. I've been trying hard to do them correctly to avoid injuring my knees. Seems to be working. Can't do the plank thing at all-kills my wrists.
    Don't' hate the pushups, just can't do one. Sometimes I cheat and do pushups on the wall when my wrists and shoulders hurt too bad.
    Just finishing level one today. NOT looking forward to level two after seeing some of your comments.
    However, I am seeing results in my abdomen, so am really inspired to keep up with 30DS.
  • Karmynzahringer
    Karmynzahringer Posts: 192 Member
    I HATE most of level 2! I am terrible at the plank things, and it seems like almost all of level 2 is based around them. In level one, I have to agree with the side lunges with anterior raise. Those sucked. Favorite stuff so far is the abdominals just because I can catch my breath during that time! Kinda worried if level 3 is harder than level 2!!
  • tistal
    tistal Posts: 869 Member
    Best -
    Level 1: Chest flys
    Level 2: Military press w/leg extension
    Level 3: Superman & shadow boxing w/dumbells

    Worst -
    Level 1: Bicycle crunches
    Level 2: Tie between squat thrusts & the V raise with chair squat - I never got good at that one
    Level 3: Mountain climbers & plank rows w/leg raises

    I agree with this! And I hate the Rock Star Jumps in L3.
  • harleygirlT
    harleygirlT Posts: 223 Member
    I hate hate hate jumping jacks, I have big boobs and it hurts LOL! I love all the ab work! I'm on my second month, L2D5 currently!
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    Best part is the whole of level 2!! I love level 2 - well, maybe not the v raises but the rest of it is great!! Worst part is the jump squats in level 3 - I can't do them without getting cramp in my bum :sad:
  • wickedcricket
    wickedcricket Posts: 1,246 Member
    my fave part is finishing with a sense of accomplishment - and this will sound demented but the sweat I work up really gets me excited! I feel like Lance Armstrong LOL
    my least fave is the pushups. Can't do pushups- never could .. just can't quite get there. And the jumping hurts my poor old lady knees so I have to sometimes skip that part altogether & do something else instead.
    But I like Jillian & 30 DS. I loaned mine to a friend and NOW she's loving it too!
  • vichm
    vichm Posts: 174 Member
    Oh yeah...none of it is really that great...but definitely effective. I'm rounding up my last few days of Level two I can comment on Levels One and Two.

    Level One - Least favourite - I totally agree with the side lunges/anterior arm raises. OUCH
    Level Two - Least favourite - V-flies/chair squats - the bad being the V-flies OUCH. And the squat-thrusts...ouch my quads.

    Best on both Levels is seeing a daily improvement in my endurance AND stretching....aaaahhhhhhh
    LOL .... Im the same way with both levels . I start level three tomorrow:smile:

    I have to also agree with worsts as above, fav is ab workouts as this is an area i really am pushing working on so enjoy the focus. Start level 3 in 3days!!
  • katherinemm31
    Oh! I thought 30DS was a horrific bra size! My mistake.
  • judykay500
    How many days are you supposed to do the 30DS Level 1?
  • Lleldiranne
    Lleldiranne Posts: 5,516 Member
    I like that it lead me to other JM DVDs. Really, I didn't care much for 30DS except it was a good starting point. Other than that, I much prefer No MOre Trouble Zones, 6-week Six Pack, and Ripped in 30.

    Haha, 30DS is a "gateway" workout ... be careful, it will lead to addiction :laugh: :laugh:
  • gregavila
    gregavila Posts: 725 Member
    Favorite might be a bad choice of words because I don't really LIKE any of it LOL

    My least favorite part is the side lunge with anterior (?) arm raise. The lunges aren't even that bad, but my arms KILL ME with that one. Oh yeah, the push-ups at the beginning too!!!

    This is almost exactly the same way I feel about the 30DS. Jillian is a mean, slave driving woman... but I am getting better. Still have a long way to go until I can actually start the whole 30 day routine.
  • kak2m4
    kak2m4 Posts: 167 Member
    I struggle with push ups and planks because I dont have a lot of upper body strength, but right now I'm really struggling with pendulum lunges (its killing my knees). My favorite part? Turning it off at the end. :wink:

    I have a really hard time with the forward portion of the pendulum lunges, I feel like I can't keep my knee from going over my toe. I do all backward lunges instead since I feel I have better control. Maybe try that?
  • DatEpicChick
    DatEpicChick Posts: 358 Member
    those darn lunges with the arm lifts, and the bicycle crunches were probably the biggest thing i have improved on, i am on day 7 today
  • ClareB1974
    ClareB1974 Posts: 224 Member
    I hated the bicycle crunches in L1 - no matter how hard I try, I do not have the co-ordination required for those.

    My favourite move is the plank jacks in L2 - love 'em love 'em love 'em.

    I'm just about to move to Level 2 of Ripped in 30 for the first time and I am lead to believe that there may be plank jacks there :happy:
  • keeping_on
    keeping_on Posts: 20 Member
    Best: It's time efficient.
    Worst: She never shuts up.
  • shefury
    shefury Posts: 56 Member
    I hate hate hate jumping jacks, I have big boobs and it hurts LOL! I love all the ab work! I'm on my second month, L2D5 currently!

    I wear two (if not three) bras....hold them puppies down.
  • Werglum
    Werglum Posts: 378 Member
    I hate hate hate jumping jacks, I have big boobs and it hurts LOL! I love all the ab work! I'm on my second month, L2D5 currently!

    I wear two (if not three) bras....hold them puppies down.

    Me too!! I wear an industrial underwire sports one with an adidas sports one over the top - I tried it without the one over the top the other day (it hadn't dried in time) and had to hold on to my boobs!! I hope the neighbours didn't wonder what I was up too through the windows!!! :embarassed: