The real key to losing weight is Metabolism!!



  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    It's not broscience, it's Biology 101. Food equals fuel, and as long as you have food in your system being digested, you are not burning fat. Period. Eating constant small meals, and keeping your body in a fed state all day every day can create havoc on a hormonal level, as insulin stays high all the time (yes, eating constantly keeps insulin from spiking and crashing, as it stays continuously spiked

    How do you explain my 63lbs lost then? I eat every couple of hours and have lost very consistently since I started this. I'm not diabetic, I don't even have IR anymore (confirmed by blood tests in Nov) I'm lifting weights and am a somewhat decent number for a beginner. Surely I have lost some fat in there?

    I did a program a couple of years ago called SureSlim. They are advocates of three meals a day. I was to not eat for five hours at a time. I couldn't keep that up and fell off the wagon and gained.

    There's no science to prove that constant eating works. There's none to prove it doesn't either. Like the endless debate over exercising in the morning or evening, it's whatever works best for the person doing it.
  • HonkyTonks
    HonkyTonks Posts: 1,193 Member

    Again your over simplifying the science of nutrition. You've proved your point, yes Burning more Calories than you consume means an eventual drop in weight but the real questions are

    1) Is it a healthy way of doing it
    2) Are you losing the weight from the right areas.

    You're making it more complicated than it is. You cannot choose where you lose weight from. Saying that eating certain things allows you to lose weight from certain areas is junk nutrition. There is no magic. A calorie is a calorie is a calorie. The reason we're overweight is we underestimate how many calories we consume and overestimate how many calories we burn. Thank you for acknowledging that burning more calories than you consume is what leads to weight loss. That's the great thing about MFP. If you're honest and dilligent about your food diary and your exercise, the answer is right in front of you.

    Thank you thank you! This is so true. It is calories in vs calories out. People overcomplicate it!
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    There's no science to prove that constant eating works. There's none to prove it doesn't either. Like the endless debate over exercising in the morning or evening, it's whatever works best for the person doing it.

    Actually there are lots that prove frequency doesn't matter. I even believe many of them have been posted here already.

    1 meal, 3 meals, 6 meals, it's all a matter of personal preference, but not the reason for weight loss. It might make it easier for you to stick to, but the fact that you ate less than previously and moved more than previously is the reason you lost weight.
  • Anomalia
    Anomalia Posts: 506 Member
    I can't believe this **** is still going.
  • KekeHighlyFavored
    spot on!
  • lacystucky
  • tross0924
    tross0924 Posts: 909 Member
    I can't believe this **** is still going.

    11 more pages and it'll clear out forever!
  • coachredhead
    coachredhead Posts: 26 Member
  • jan5555
    jan5555 Posts: 35 Member
    Having read the entire thread, (Whew!)

    I appreciate the detailed information everyone provided. Contrary to a number of posters, I found very little negativity, just posts hoping to better inform the OP (and the rest of us) with information they do understand. I've heard many of the myths thrown around the fitness and weight loss arena, and I'll admit it takes time to figure out which are "polkadot dresses" and "grass clippings".

    I for one truly appreciate the work, detail and attitude of Sidesteal. Thanks for taking the time and sharing the details you have.

    In the end, I'm convinced that the statement - "The real key to losing weight is Metabolism" - and some of the details in the original post - are flawed. No offence intended to the OP, I believe his approach has worked for him - In fact, from the websites I've looked at it appears this may be a business for him, and I suspect his advice - along with hard workouts, logging of food intake, etc. have been successful for many clients.

    But, I think that today I found a way I can keep a few grass clippings out of my laundry as a result of reading this post.

    I'm new here, and I appreciate the opportunity to learn from the dialogue. I've seen many many internet forums with far less polite conversation - Thanks Moderator - great job keeping the thread on topic. (I know, it's a thankless job sometimes.)

    I'm a fan of the support forums here and I see a great number of people here who are positively inspirational, and are open to being friends and helping others - a nice place in the internet world (from my looking around so far) - but I do think critical dialogue and critical thinking are important - I want to have as much knowledge as I can, but I want that knowledge to be founded in facts and reality, not myth.

    Thanks again for the discussion - always love when I can look back and see that I learned something today.

    Agree with this. Appreciate science-based info to help me skip the grass-clippings and polka-dots. This journey is challenging enough without having to worry about whether I am slowing myself down by skipping breakfast or not combining food correctly.
  • frugalmomsrock
    fantastic post. Thank You!
    I completely agree with water, water, water. If I do not drink at least 8-10 glasses a day, I retain really bad, cannot workout for any length of time and just overall feel icky.

    I am down 6% bodyfat, but NO POUNDS lost. (still sitting at 183 lbs at 5"9 - shooting to get back to 140 lbs)

    My trainer after 4 months just lost her mind on me last Thursday. I was crushed.
    Decided to regroup and read as much as I can to see what else I am missing.

    Are you sure about the 6% body fat? I'm just asking because that would put you at roughly 172 lbs of lean body mass and is that's so then you are going to have an incredibly hard time hitting 140lbs unless you drop a lot of muscle !

    Also I believe they say that 10% - 12% body far for a woman is the minimal essential fat range and for an athlete it's around 14-20%

    You totally read that wrong. The other poster meant their body fat percentage is down 6% points. Not down TO 6%.
  • Lozze
    Lozze Posts: 1,917 Member
    Actually there are lots that prove frequency doesn't matter. I even believe many of them have been posted here already.

    1 meal, 3 meals, 6 meals, it's all a matter of personal preference, but not the reason for weight loss. It might make it easier for you to stick to, but the fact that you ate less than previously and moved more than previously is the reason you lost weight.

    Of course it is. I never said it wasn't. But eating frequently has helped me achieve that. I was responding to a specific post that stated people who eat that way won't lose weight. That is pure bunk.
  • Rayman79
    Rayman79 Posts: 2,009 Member
    I can't believe I am only reading this thread now. Thanks for the laugh OP


    ('casuse real science just aint jacked enough)
  • Fit_Canuck
    Fit_Canuck Posts: 788 Member
    fantastic post. Thank You!
    I completely agree with water, water, water. If I do not drink at least 8-10 glasses a day, I retain really bad, cannot workout for any length of time and just overall feel icky.

    I am down 6% bodyfat, but NO POUNDS lost. (still sitting at 183 lbs at 5"9 - shooting to get back to 140 lbs)

    My trainer after 4 months just lost her mind on me last Thursday. I was crushed.
    Decided to regroup and read as much as I can to see what else I am missing.

    Are you sure about the 6% body fat? I'm just asking because that would put you at roughly 172 lbs of lean body mass and is that's so then you are going to have an incredibly hard time hitting 140lbs unless you drop a lot of muscle !

    Also I believe they say that 10% - 12% body far for a woman is the minimal essential fat range and for an athlete it's around 14-20%

    You totally read that wrong. The other poster meant their body fat percentage is down 6% points. Not down TO 6%.

    Oops :) Then disregard my post :)
  • brittanyjeanxo
    brittanyjeanxo Posts: 1,831 Member
    Actually metabolism is the rate at which your cells produce energy. Just sayin'.
  • Topsking2010
    Topsking2010 Posts: 2,245 Member
  • melvac
    melvac Posts: 333 Member
    Thanx good information!!
  • tracikearns
    tracikearns Posts: 138 Member
    Thanks for sharing! Great advice :)
  • DyannAlvarez
    DyannAlvarez Posts: 162 Member