
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    ugh ive had such a hard morning with the bf..hes being a butt head and i forgot to post 158
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Real name: Kristen

    Current Weight: 146.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 130

    01/02: 146.4
    01/09: 142.2
    01/16: 141.8
    01/23: 140.4
    01/30: 138.8 <<<mini goal weight 138>>>
    02/06: 137.8
    02/13: 137.2
    02/20: 136.2
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight 136>>>
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 130>>>
  • b757
    b757 Posts: 61 Member
    weighing in at 140.6 today. Yes! I made progress this week!
  • redbird99
    redbird99 Posts: 298 Member
    aerdna88 - Staying the same is ok - I know it isn't as nice as losing though!

    vallejos6 and SenseAtional - You can make your mini goals - don't give up!

    bellamia88 - Happy Family Day! Today is our President's Day!

    Sallycc and Pam 3 - hope you feel better soon!

    ncytiz - here's to lifestyle changes!

    sanifrey - just watch the sodium this week and drink lots of water - it'll turn around!

    yay2012 - Water is important! When I don't drink enough, I notice I stall out, too.

    trimformecmb - Hang on - you'll get there!

    rosiebug - I'm so sorry your husband did such a rotten thing.

    Congratulations to everyone who lost or stayed the same, and I hope your week is better for those that had scales that went the other way, the dratted things!
  • Time2getFit4Life
    Time2getFit4Life Posts: 521 Member
    name / real name: Charmaine

    Start Weight: 178
    Challenge Goal Weight: 155

    01/02: 178
    01/09: 178
    01/16: 176.8
    01/23: 176
    01/30: 169<<<mini goal-actual weight>>>176
    02/06: 173
    02/13: 171.4
    02/20: 171.4 Please 170's let me go I know you love me but it's time for me to go and no I wont be back for visits!!!
    02/27: 160 <<<mini goal weight>>>
    04/07: 155<<<challenge goal weight>>>
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    sew1222 - I'm sorry you did not have a nice morning. :-(

    RaindropWishes - You are almost in ONEderland!

    Time2getFit4Life - Loved your 170's comment!

    From this post, no one else will be on the chart this week.
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    I am checking in at 188.0 this week .
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member

    kristinkt - I moved you up into Group 1 to keep those two groups a little more even.

    kris1085 - Sorry you missed being on the chart. Please see the post above yours...

    Congrats to those who made it into the next decade! That is always sooo nice!

    To our biggest losers this week - darina23, LadyPersia, julidav, RaindropWishes, ChristineHetz80, stressd1mom, annehdavis, and rosibug... Congrats!!

    A BIG CONGRATULATIONS to RaindropWishes (lbs) and julidav (%) for being our, overall, biggest losers!!

    rosiebug - Would you please give us our mini challenge for the week?
  • cathyl3
    cathyl3 Posts: 67 Member
    Oops I missed the cutoff this week! 180.2 for me. Have a good week everyone!
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    Oops........Sorry for being tardy!~

    01/02: 243.8
    01/09: 238.8
    01/16: 234.2
    01/23: 232.8
    01/30: 232.6 <<<mini goal weight 234 >>> MET!
    02/06: 230
    02/13: 228.6
    02/20: 225.4
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight 228>>>
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 224 >>>
  • kcthatsme
    kcthatsme Posts: 5,136 Member
    Oops........Sorry for being tardy!~

    01/02: 243.8
    01/09: 238.8
    01/16: 234.2
    01/23: 232.8
    01/30: 232.6 <<<mini goal weight 234 >>> MET!
    02/06: 230
    02/13: 228.6
    02/20: 225.4

    You would have had the most weight loss for your group AND you are just under being tied for the most overall lbs lost! You're doing great!
  • sew1222
    sew1222 Posts: 241
    im making it my goal to be down one pound my next weigh in...this 158-159 crap is driving me crazy!!!!!:grumble: :mad:
  • darina23
    darina23 Posts: 114 Member
    Ladies, sorry for flunking the last week. Had a high blood pressure problem and this week I'm think with a nasty head cold. Ugh!!! Plus the weight loss has stalled, it keeps going up and down 4 lb.

    Darina23. Real name Olga.


    Start weight 183.
    Goal Weight 170

    01/02: 180.8
    01/09: 180.2
    01/16: 178.0
    01/23: 176.2
    01/30: 174.0 <<<mini goal weight 180>>> 6lb less then my goal!!!! Yay!
    02/06: 172.4
    02/13: 172.4
    02/20: 172.4
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight 175>>>
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight 173>>>
  • rosiebug
    rosiebug Posts: 53 Member
    Wow! Can't believe I'm finally one of the biggest losers this week!

    Since I'm having such a rough week, I thought an appropriate mini-challenge would be to avoid emotional eating. If you are stressed, bored, upset, etc... find an alternative to turning to food for comfort. Take a walk, chat/vent with friends or family, clean your house, get a workout in, anything but eating your feelings!

    I'd also like to thank those of you who had some kind words for me. It's a tough situation I'm in and I appreciate any support I receive. You are all great.
  • AmyMW7
    AmyMW7 Posts: 364 Member
    ok, so i almost always have a cheat meal on monday's.
    today i did and it has not been pretty.
    it's been good to read about how one cheat meal and lead to another and to another.
    mine never has, but today has that potential.

    so i'm done for today and think i might need to stop the cheat meals for the next few weeks.

    so glad i'm in this group. don't think i'd be where i am without it!

    have a great week, everyone and hang in there and check in!!

  • dixedreg
    dixedreg Posts: 276 Member
    Thanks for all these great tips. I'll be looking into the Olivia method. It seems straight forward enough.
    I'll hold out until the end of this month. If I still see no results I'll move to the Olivia method suggestion.

    I think I'll try to cut out the chocolate. First I'll have to send out warning notices to everyone around me! LOL
    This is my best advice for all that are having your problem. Try the Olivia method.

    Make sure your numbers (carbs/fat/protein/sodium too) stay in the green. Move your body as much as you can. Drink as much water as you can. If you aren't drinking 8 cups a day, try your hardest to get up to it. Get more than 6 hours of sleep. Less than that cuts your metabolism by 15%. Lose the alcohol. That cuts metabolism down A LOT!! Take a good prenatal multivitamin (I use Belly-Bar. I'm not pregnant but something I read about.) and Biotin (also read about).

    Something that will make my scale NOT MOVE is eating chocolate. I don't know why but there it is. I'm almost 51 and have been in menopause for over three years. I'm in the 130's and my scale is still moving. I'm not saying this to na-na-na-na-na but to show that what I'm writing about is working. I make sure my weigh in is after a complete rest day. I truly hope this will help you also!
  • Jewcybabe
    Jewcybabe Posts: 241 Member
    Oops........Sorry for being tardy!~

    01/02: 243.8
    01/09: 238.8
    01/16: 234.2
    01/23: 232.8
    01/30: 232.6 <<<mini goal weight 234 >>> MET!
    02/06: 230
    02/13: 228.6
    02/20: 225.4

    You would have had the most weight loss for your group AND you are just under being tied for the most overall lbs lost! You're doing great!

    Thanks! Love the Egg-cellence Chart! It feels great to see the numbers going down every week!~
  • staceyb2003
    staceyb2003 Posts: 203 Member
    Name/ real name: staceyb2003/Stacey
    Current Weight: 185.4
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170

    01/09: 183.4
    01/16: 183
    01/23: 181.6
    01/30: 179.6 180
    02/06: 178.6
    02/13: 177.2
    02/20: 176.6
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>> 175
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 170
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    Darned long weekend, forgot to log...

    Name/ real name: jllipson/Jennifer

    Current Weight: 193
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170

    01/09: 192
    01/16: 189.4
    01/22: 188.0
    01/30: <<<mini goal weight>>> 185 - actual 190.4
    02/06: 190
    02/13: 191.2
    02/20: 191.2 - maintained for a week, now to start back downhill!
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>> 177
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 170
  • sailingsal
    sailingsal Posts: 285 Member
    Starting Weight: 191.0
    Challenge Goal Weight: 170

    01/02: 191.0
    01/09: 189.8
    01/16: 188.8
    01/23: 186.2
    01/30: 185.4 (mini goal weight was 185)
    02/06: 189.4
    02/13: 187.2
    02/20: 189.2
    02/27: <<<mini goal weight>>> 178
    04/07: <<<challenge goal weight>>> 170

    Gained 2 this week! Was on holiday as it was half term and have been on crutches all week too. So exercise was reduced to walking with crutches. Hope fully will get back on track this week, hips are getting better!