Is taking my own pancake mix too far?

I've been invited to my friends house tonight for pizza and pancakes. There's about 15 of us going, and i'm going to eat before i go so hopefully i don't eat any pizza, but i don't want to let food get in the way of me having a good time so am going to allow myself some pancakes. I've seen a few low cal recipes on the message boards on MFP, but i don't know whether taking my own pancake mix is too far. I don't have that much to lose, so the few extra calories could prevent me from losing any if i didn't take my own, but this also means i always have people telling me i don't need to lose weight - what would you do in this situation? Either way it's going to be a big test of my self control!


  • castadiva
    castadiva Posts: 2,016 Member
    Ruby, I have to say I think this is taking things a little too far. Insisting on using your own pancake mix could complicate things for your hostess, which is never a good idea. Enjoy one or two pancakes, and if you are worried about the few extra calories, compensate a little tomorrow, either with food choices or exercise. Life is too short not to enjoy spending time with friends, and it sounds like insisting on using a different pancake mix is likely to make your evening more stressful for everyone, including you.

    If you know the hostess really, REALLY well, you might be able to email her one of the recipes you've found (provided it doesn't require any unusual ingredients AT ALL), saying that it's a great recipe and low in calories, and you thought you'd share it in case she might want to use it. Only go down this route if you are VERY close, though, and she knows and supports your weight-loss goals. It's perilously close to being very rude, but if she's your BFF, you'd probably get away with it.

    The only other possibility that comes to mind is that you could offer to bring some pancake mix, so that your hostess doesn't end up providing all the food. No-one need know that the recipe you've used is low-calorie.
  • desirae500
    desirae500 Posts: 146 Member
    I agree with orpheus_chick! Life is too short and good times are too precious!
  • Pinnagerjaggin
    You could also offer to bring something in addition to what she's offering like popcorn or something. That way you're not potentially stepping on any toes but you can have something to keep your mouth occupied instead of going for more pancakes.
  • tigersword
    tigersword Posts: 8,059 Member
    I find it sad when I read the words "hopefully I don't eat any pizza." :sad:

    I can't fathom restricting any food from my life, it's just sad.
  • mamamc03
    mamamc03 Posts: 1,067 Member
    Premake your pancakes & put them in a baggy. Then sneak them on your plate while everyone else is getting some. ;) JK...

    Honestly, I dont see anything wrong with that!! Premake your batter and if yall are cooking them up @ the shing dig, then throw yours on the griddle and offer them to anyone else. Call the hostess and ask if she cares. This is no different than a recovering alcoholic requesting non-alcoholic drinks as an option, or a vegetarian asking for no meat options.
  • gleechick609
    My theory is: If you can't attend social events without constantly worrying about calories and diet, you might as well stay in your house forever!

    Life is way too short. Eat, drink and be merry! You won't gain 10 lbs overnight and you will most likely be under your TDEE.

    Enjoy the pancake/pizza party!
  • picassoadagio
    picassoadagio Posts: 407 Member
    Don't sweat it. Pancakes are not high in calorie (around 100 calories more or less), so enjoy the ones your friend makes. You don't want to offend the person.
  • jmaffett
    Just use this as an opportunity to work your willpower muscle and say NO to anything that isn't on your food plan for today! I wouldn't bring my own pancakes .... it just opens up the door for comments that you already are expecting.
  • Moonbeamlissie
    Moonbeamlissie Posts: 504 Member
    Premake your pancakes & put them in a baggy. Then sneak them on your plate while everyone else is getting some. ;) JK...

    Honestly, I dont see anything wrong with that!! Premake your batter and if yall are cooking them up @ the shing dig, then throw yours on the griddle and offer them to anyone else. Call the hostess and ask if she cares. This is no different than a recovering alcoholic requesting non-alcoholic drinks as an option, or a vegetarian asking for no meat options.

    This is what I would do. I see nothing wrong with it at all. If someone asks you can say why you brought them for real or just say you have an allergy that prevents you from eating the others lol!
  • PenguinPrincess
    I think that is perfectly okay. You can still enjoy pancakes with your friends, and not feel down on yourself for eating something you felt you shouldn't. Your friends should understand and be supportive of your goals, so there is no reason it should be a problem. They may be intrigued to taste your healthier pancakes!
  • Contrarian
    Contrarian Posts: 8,138 Member
    If someone showed up to a party with their own food, I would think they were weird and rude.
  • butterfly10398
    Why don't you prepare your food before hand and bring it over with you, that way you can eat along with everyone else AND be able to stay on plan...
  • Michele7091
    Michele7091 Posts: 256 Member
    I find it sad when I read the words "hopefully I don't eat any pizza." :sad:

    I can't fathom restricting any food from my life, it's just sad.

    Agreed. You can still enjoy the pizza...and the pancakes too for that matter...just in moderation. Since you're eating before, I suggest eating a salad or a low-cal but filling soup. That way you can still enjoy the pizza and pancakes without feeling quilty. There is no way I could ever give up a food that I love for good.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    I think that's going too far & you may end up insulting the person whose hosting the get together...
  • Shweedog
    Shweedog Posts: 883 Member
    I always bring my own stuff to my friends gatherings. They know me and just laugh at me. It's all good though. I'm at my goal and that's how I got there. :)
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Um, no. Not ok at all. It's bad enough if you pre-cook your pancakes and bring them but at least you're not causing any trouble to the hostess that way. Bringing your own batter and expecting to use the hostess's kitchen really takes it to another level of rudeness.

    Go, have fun, eat a couple pancakes or don't eat them. You can do it!
  • savdbygrac
    Hun, you can always call and tell your host your situation and ask if it's ok to bring your own. If this host cares about you, they won't care! I would ask and go from there! :o)
  • curvygirl512
    curvygirl512 Posts: 423 Member
    I have mixed feelings about this. I don't complain when others bring their fav foods into my house for a party or meal, but I know others who make a stink about it.

    I'd recommend eating the healthy foods you want to eat at home, before the party starts. You'll be less hungry and less likely to crave tasty, but unhealthy foods.

    I'd bring something everyone can enjoy, including yourself.

    I'd go to the party with the attitude that it's a party, and the main reason you are going is to spend time with friends, not for the food. If your friends can't understand your simple reasons for wanting to eat healthy, are they really your friends?

    Have fun!
  • love22step
    love22step Posts: 1,103 Member
    Pizza and pancakes sounds like a strange combination to me. Anyway, have a pancake and a small slice of pizza, and enjoy the party! Exercise before you go, and you can work the calories into your day.
  • alyssaanagram
    I don't see anything wrong with this. Give the host a heads up about bringing your own mix and try to bring enough for a few other people. There might be at least 1 other person there that has the same concerns as you.

    My friends know me well enough to know that this is important to me . If you're good friends with the host then he/she should understand. Its not a big deal.