June 1 is in 20 weeks!



  • im in! june 1st is my birthday and been my goal date from the begining. currently at 147.5lb and want to be at 130 by june!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    What motivates you?
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    My weight is coming back down!
  • I want to jump in on this one! I want to lose 30 pounds by June 21 (first day of summer). I also have the goal of lossing 10 pounds by St.Patricks Day.
  • elviraluvzu
    elviraluvzu Posts: 33 Member
    wow...feels good to be back, sure ill join...my sons 1st birthday is till july 2 but ill take the challenge...wanna be a fit mommy for my sons bday!
  • i'd like to join you too. I am currently 145 ish depending. I am a total of approx 75 lbs lost and would love an accountability partner because I am STRUGGLING with this last 10 ish pounds. Goal? 135 and to finish a half marathon in 2 hr 15 min or less!!! WE CAN DO IT!!!! add me!
  • CCSunlight
    CCSunlight Posts: 249 Member

    anyone else? just me? okay cool.

    here's to hoping you had a great february 22!
  • is it to late to join?! i want to to atleast 10 by end of may!:)
  • sprincess88
    sprincess88 Posts: 17 Member
    I'm totally with you! Hopefully I'm not too late :smile: I want to lose a total of like 60 more pounds so maybe like 1/2 that by june would be AWESOME! I'll take even 20 pounds though. I have already lost 27 total...10 just in the last month so I think 30 pounds by june is a reasonable goal. I'm ready. Anyone can friend me :-)
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    wow...feels good to be back, sure ill join...my sons 1st birthday is till july 2 but ill take the challenge...wanna be a fit mommy for my sons bday!

    Is that your son in your pic, because he is just adorable!

    It's never too late! I look forward to everyone sharing their SUCCESS later on! We've got 14 weeks to go. Take care of yourselves and stay motivated!
  • ishallnotwant
    ishallnotwant Posts: 1,210 Member
    Hope it's not too late to jump in! My wedding anniversary is just 2 days before June 1st, so this would be a great challenge for me!

    Minigoal: By St. Patty's i'd really like to be under 160. :flowerforyou:
  • I hope to get to 152 by St. Patrick's Day and 135 by June 1. Let"s do this!
  • woodstockmom
    woodstockmom Posts: 29 Member
    Next stop -- St Patti's Day! Ok....between Valentine's Day and St. Patrick's Day....my goal is to loose another 8 pounds for a grand total of 24 pounds lost since Jan 6! Guess I better up my exercise game! Good luck everyone!
  • ashleighk90
    ashleighk90 Posts: 112 Member
    Hey everyone! Just figured I'd let you know where I'm at/where I hope to go!

    Current Weight: 137.6 (today was weigh-in, I'm down a full pound!!!)
    Saint Patrick's Day - Under 135
    Easter - 130
    June 1st Goal - 125 + Toned!!

    St Patty's Day - If I'm under 135, I will buy myself new gym shoes! (much needed!!)
    Easter - If I am 130 I will get myself a new bikini!!
    June 1st - If I reach my goal by June 1st, I won't need any reward except looking in the mirror and being able to say I did it!

    Does anyone want to set a challenge like we did for V-Day? I think that was 650 minutes exercised. Anyone have any suggestions?
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    It's looking really good for me to make my March 15th goal and I'm so excited! I've just decided to move back home in three weeks (I've been in Japan for a year and a half) and I know the transition will make it hard for me to keep up.

    Good luck everyone!
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm definitely using St. Patrick's day as my next mini-goal. June is a great place to aim but it is so far away that it's really helping me to set shorter mini-deadlines in the meantime!

    So for St. Patrick's day I'm hoping to have lost a total of 20lbs! I have 7 pounds to go between now and then. I'm afraid this goal might be a twinge ambitious, but I'm hoping this keeps me motivated!

    Good luck everyone!

    Only one pound away!! So close!!! Hope everyone else is doing well on their mini-goals, too!
  • iishnova
    iishnova Posts: 259 Member
    I am so close! I've been slacking but I am determined to do better tomorrow (I say tomorrow because I'm about to go to bed!) Good luck everyone!
  • I think June 1 is only about 11 weeks away.
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    I'm with you OP! I have about the same stats as you (except a lilttle older :wink: ) and I have a music festival on June 2nd and kickball tournament on June 3rd. I reaaaaalllly wanna rock a tank top at this concert - something I've never had the guts to do before. I'm in!
  • jpoulsen2
    jpoulsen2 Posts: 65 Member
    Yay! I made my mini-goal and lost 20lbs total by St. Patrick's day! Celebrated with a new necklace from JCrew (it was on sale!) and a new spring shade of lipgloss! June is coming up fast, but setting these mini goals is helping to keep me on track!