All u successful people: What are your top 3 tips for weight



  • kayhatlen
    As a woman you must remember that your hormones fluctuate throughout the month and that can lead to water retention. That may mean you have a week where you don't lose or may even gain weight. This just happened to me during my last period. I was so frustrated. My trainer looked at my food log on here and even though I was at or below my calorie goals every day I had too much sodium in my diet. Then my trainer explained to me that period water gain and my high sodium consumption had led to me retaining too much water-thus no weight loss. I must really watch my sodium intake! I've been a salt-a-holic my whole life and am slowly learning to give it up. I am weight training 3 days a week and doing cardio 6-7 days a week. So lots of hard work, but I'm getting results. Plus make sure to drink lots of water or you won't lose especially if you are too high in sodium consumption. Check labels on foods there is so much hidden fat, salt, etc. Hope this helps!

    P.S. The week after my period at my weigh-in with my trainer... 4+lbs lighter.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    Top three are:
    1. Eat only whole foods/lean meats as a rule. If you are eating whole foods IN CORRECT PORTIONS, you won't have to concentrate as much on counting calories because it would be unlikely that you would go over your calories for the day. Also, whole foods are much more nutrient dense and will help your body to function more efficiently.
    2. There's no such thing as too much water....okay, well, maybe there is, but you'd have to drink an ungodly amount to get to that point. I would definitely say, with the exception of one or two glasses of fat free milk/day or the occasional fruit juice, drink nothing but water.
    3. DAILY exercise/activity. You don't necessarily have to do a full workout EVERY day, but try to get some sort of vigorous activity in your day for at least thirty minutes. In addition, make sure you are getting enough recovery/rest in between each workout as well.

    If I were to add a fourth tip, I would say, Make sure you are getting plenty of sleep. Everyone is different, and I realize personal schedules determine, to some degree, how much sleep you can get each night. If possible you should try to get AT LEAST 7 hours of good sleep per night.
  • kayhatlen
    I forgot to say that I also purchased a digital food scale and that really helps too!
  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    I'm not going to argue what LEGITIMATE IF is. I know, I've done it before. But I certainly know an unhealthy starvation diet when I see one, and not eating for two days certainly falls under that category!

    Two days out of seven doesn't, by necessity, mean two continuous days.

    Say your TDEE is 1750. 2 Days is 3500. Over a week, that is 500 per day. 1 pound of fat per week.
  • ajhart321
    ajhart321 Posts: 7 Member
    Stupid question maybe, but what is BUMP or what does it mean here?
  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    Stupid question maybe, but what is BUMP or what does it mean here?

    a) keeps the topic current
    b) a way for you to respond to a thread in order to have that thread show up in your "My Topics"
  • ajhart321
    ajhart321 Posts: 7 Member
    Stupid question maybe, but what is BUMP or what does it mean here?

    a) keeps the topic current
    b) a way for you to respond to a thread in order to have that thread show up in your "My Topics"

    Ok. Thanks!
  • danmoffett
    I've lost 152 pounds in the past 2 years. I'm still losing. If I can do it, you can do it. It's easy, its free.
    Don't listen to those still inslaved by calorie counting. It doesn't work.
    It's all about what you should eat and what you should avoid, not how much you eat.

    1. Cut out all wheat products. Whole grains are bad too.
    2. Cut out all sugars, even the so called natural sweeteners and especially the artificial sweeteners.
    3. Cut out most vegetable oils, like corn, soy, canola...
    4. Eat lots of good fats like butter, coconut oil, and olive oil.
    5. Eat lots of meat like beef, poultry, and fish. The fattest cuts are the best.
    6. Eat lots of green leafy vegetables.

    You can't over eat on good healthy food.
    You will never have to count another calorie, ever.
    The weight will fall off.
    Your energy level will increase.

    Check out my profile for my blog. I talk about my two year weight loss journey. A journey that began with the sudden death of my wife of 37 years to diet related causes.

    Obesity causes many health problems, including heart disease, high blood pressure, liver disease, and strokes. Obesity can kill you by the things it causes!
    About 822 people a day, 300,000 a year die from obesity related illness.

    On the day my wife died about 822 people died of the same thing that killed her.

    We can't go on dong the same things and expect change. Stop worrying about calories and eat right.
  • sweetoblivion314
    I only have 1 tip. Because all the methods in the world wont work with this one factor.

    1.) DESIRE
    You need to make yourself want this fat-loss more then you have ever wanted anything in your life. More then the donuts. More then the fast food. More then sleep. More then everything else. Where food before may have been an obsession, your goal weight must become that obsession. It must be the most important thing in your life.
    Envision yourself in 5 years without losing the weight (and probably gaining some) and feel how oppressive it will be, now 10 years, now 20 years, now 30, 40, 50 (if you live that long without change).
    Now envision a new you in 5 years, 10, 20, 30, 40, 50, 60. See all the things you can have and be. Feel how it will affect your life. Now list all the things you will gain from it and all the things you will lose from not doing it.
    If you ground your conscious and subconscious in this idea; this fact that the most important thing in your life is healthy eating; that being a strong and fit person is your greatest desire, then your you will subconsciously make it happen. It will be so easy for you to avoid the crap.
    When you truly decide on something and make it the most important decision to you, your entire body will work to make it come true.
    If you aren't making progress you haven't truly decided.
  • crazycat80
    crazycat80 Posts: 121 Member
    1. Make small lifestyle changes over time. Trying to toss everything out and hit the ground running is really hard. Little things like switching to whole wheat bread and walking 30 minutes even once a week get you started down the road to a healthier you.
    2. Understand that it does take time and falling off the wagon is okay as long and you climb right back up.
    3. Stay away from haters. Surround yourself with people and situations that will support you. Forgo the potluck or the happy hour until you are sure you can control youself.
  • DeathMedic
    Everyone seems to have great advice. Here are a few things that I have learned
    1. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup! Unfortunately it is in just about everything, so you have to watch the lables and stay away from it. Research literature has studied and is still studying it. The research agrees, it will promote obesity and increase your appetite, causing you to eat more.
    2. Avoid fast food and junk food. Try to find an afternoon or evening where you can make a few healthy dishes and store them in ready to go containers for lunch. That way when you are in a rush, you can grab a container and have your dish ready to go.
    3. Drink water not sodas. Sodas have tons of empty calories that add up quickly.
    4. Be aware of your portions! This is my biggest issue; I love to eat!
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    #1 - Honesty : in logging and goals

    #2 - Keep a head light : pushing too far doesn't make any good

    #3- I work my *kitten* off 1 hour earlier every morning to cook my lunch and brush my kitten

    #4- Log everything, thus you'll learn pretty quickly how to contain excesses

    #5- Never making excuses for being lazy, never ever

    #6- Laziness kills

    #7- Remain realistic : I won't have the Brad Pitt's body in Fight Club the next week

    #8- Endurance makes the trip worth it - "easy" and "lazy" : sound same

    #9- Anticipation - people who fail don't anticipate

    #10- Look at myself every morning in the bathroom - dam, I rock

    EDIT :
    #1a : Make yourself comfy here on MFP with cool MFP friends - I love mines
  • Sublog
    Sublog Posts: 1,296 Member
    Everyone seems to have great advice. Here are a few things that I have learned
    1. Avoid High Fructose Corn Syrup! Unfortunately it is in just about everything, so you have to watch the lables and stay away from it. Research literature has studied and is still studying it. The research agrees, it will promote obesity and increase your appetite, causing you to eat more.
    The research certainly does NOT agree about HFCS.

    "The bottom line is that there is no valid reason for HFCS to be any different than sucrose in the way that it affects your body. They are both nearly identical in their composition, containing roughly half fructose and half glucose. They are both nearly identical in the way they are metabolized by your body. There is no practical difference between the two as far as your body is concerned. Now, I’m not saying that you should go out and consume all the HFCS that you want. The point is that there is nothing uniquely “bad” about HFCS compared to regular sugar. HFCS is not uniquely responsible for weight gain as some people would have you believe."
  • carolann_22
    carolann_22 Posts: 364 Member
    1. Eat enough
    2. Log honestly
    3. Move - I do something every day, aiming for 60 minutes of moderate and 30 minutes of high intensity right now
    4. LIFT!
    5. When I'm confronted with a food situation, I ask myself, what will I do when I'm at goal? I'm on a low carb diet and the doctor said I probably will be for the rest of my life. So - Am I okay with turning down rice/potatoes/pasta for the rest of my life (Yes, I am - those aren't my big things). Am I okay with turning down birthday cake with buttercream frosting or home made rolls forever? (Nope, I love those things). So, I eat a sensible small serving, get my exercise in, and realize that if I lose a little slower because of my treat that day, it's okay, because I'm LIVING- it's my lifestyle and it's one I can do the rest of my life.
  • fstmaintsuper
    fstmaintsuper Posts: 1 Member
    I wont weigh myself but every three months. I get defeated easily when I cant see instant results.

    Second develop better eating habits. For me, I started with, cutting second helpings of meals and drinking water before and after every meal. Also It doesnt hurt to share meals when dining at a restaurant or snack in between meals to keep your metabolism going.

    Third, when I workout, I focus on weight training. I am light years away to becoming Ms. Universe so I am not afraid to do free weights rather than machines at the gym. I see quicker results when weight training.
  • srogers01
    srogers01 Posts: 29 Member
    I calculated my BMR it came to 2549.13 calories per day. I currently have my daily calorie goals set to 1500 cals but my weight loss is extremely slow?? Any suggestions?

    Since you are Moderatetely Active (moderate exercise/sports 3-5 days/week), Your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is 2389.48 calories per day. If you are trying to lose 1 lb per week, then you would cut 3500 calories per week from your diet, or 500 per day. That puts you at 1889 calories per day. I would only eat back exercise calories that exceed 240 minutes per week
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I don't eat anything at all 2 days out of 7 each week.

    This advice is idiotic!

    This is fasting and its amazing.
    Before calling someone an idiot you should research it!

    Better insulin sensitivity
    Better strength when lifting heavy
    Better HGH when sleeping
    Longer lifespan

    IMO you are an idiot for saying something you know nothing about is idiotic.
    Rant done!
  • DL121004
    DL121004 Posts: 214 Member
    The research certainly does NOT agree about HFCS.

    "The bottom line is that there is no valid reason for HFCS to be any different than sucrose in the way that it affects your body. They are both nearly identical in their composition, containing roughly half fructose and half glucose. They are both nearly identical in the way they are metabolized by your body. There is no practical difference between the two as far as your body is concerned. Now, I’m not saying that you should go out and consume all the HFCS that you want. The point is that there is nothing uniquely “bad” about HFCS compared to regular sugar. HFCS is not uniquely responsible for weight gain as some people would have you believe."

    "[N]early identical in the way they are metabolized by your body."


    I don't have the study reference at hand, but another study did a simple test of keeping all macronutrients the same, just varied fructose/sucrose.

    The fructose rats got fatter.
  • Helloitsdan
    Helloitsdan Posts: 5,564 Member
    I don't eat anything at all 2 days out of 7 each week.

    Yeah, that'll work. Just like anorexia, doin' drugs and smoking :huh:

    Don't listen to this nonsense.

    It does work, and there's nothing unhealthy about it - I would not compare it to anorexia, drugs or smoking. It is called Intermittent Fasting, I would do the research before declaring it nonsense.

    I know what IF is thank you very much! And not eating for 2 days is NOT IF. YOU do your research lady. During IF you still eat once every 19 hours. Give me a break, you aren't fooling anybody. Sure you can lose tons of weight STARVING YOURSELF. I'd like to know what your body fat % is vs. lean muscle mass. I bet your body fat is through the roof! Skinny fat, anyone??? LOL

    The thing about the body obviously dont know what Intermittent Fasting does. PM me for more info so we dont hijack this forum.

    I believe the "Dont eat for 2 days a week" person was referring to an Eat Stop Eat method and its very effective.
    The human body needs to go through 24-36 hours of ZERO food before starvation starts.

    Intermittent Fasting should be a fasted window of 14-18 hours then catabolism starts.
    Some people can handle the catabolism and not lose too much lean mass between 18-24 hours then they feast like champs, replenishing their system for a few days then fasting again.

    Lets do some research before we start saying this way or that way is wrong people.

    I IF 14-18 hours daily and the effects are fabulous!
    energy is through the roof.
    Body fat drops at about 1% every 2-3 weeks while my weight stays the same.
    I dont do cardio because I dont need it.
    My lifts are 20% stronger and i'm more alert.
    I fixed my insomnia with it and while IF isnt for everyone, it is a very good tool for concurrent fat loss with muscle gains.

    If you like to take this up feel free to PM me.
    I can point you in the right direction.
  • sweetoblivion314
    The research certainly does NOT agree about HFCS.

    "The bottom line is that there is no valid reason for HFCS to be any different than sucrose in the way that it affects your body. They are both nearly identical in their composition, containing roughly half fructose and half glucose. They are both nearly identical in the way they are metabolized by your body. There is no practical difference between the two as far as your body is concerned. Now, I’m not saying that you should go out and consume all the HFCS that you want. The point is that there is nothing uniquely “bad” about HFCS compared to regular sugar. HFCS is not uniquely responsible for weight gain as some people would have you believe."

    "[N]early identical in the way they are metabolized by your body."


    I don't have the study reference at hand, but another study did a simple test of keeping all macronutrients the same, just varied fructose/sucrose.

    The fructose rats got fatter.

    Instead of arguing over sugar vs HFCS, we shoudl just be limiting our exposure to both of them. A family friend of mine is a diabetes researcher and once told me that the human body is not designed to process sugar (cane, processed white, HFCS, etc), It is a major cause of disease. We should be getting our sugars from fruits.