Getting back at someone



  • ddrap
    ddrap Posts: 2
    We shared a cell phone "family plan" which was under my name. I called his phone in stolen and I truly hope he was in the middle of a call when the phone shut off. Yes, I paid the $175 early cancellation fee but it was totally worth it.
  • BarbWhite09
    BarbWhite09 Posts: 1,128 Member
    This is sooo amusing!
  • JanaMatchett
    JanaMatchett Posts: 50 Member
    Revenge is best when you have no hand in it.
  • muffin_shufflin
    muffin_shufflin Posts: 239 Member
    Getting back at someone...

    is lame.

    You want to get back at someone? Live a happy life and succeed in your goals. That's the best way to get back at them. Damaging property, slandering, etc... is the mark of a 12 year old trapped in an adult's body.

    Well then you don't have to take revenge on anyone & don't have to read this thread :wink:
  • rammsteinsoldier
    rammsteinsoldier Posts: 1,552 Member
    Came across very nice and expensive dear stand in one of my trees that was clearly inside my property and posted as no hunting. When initially came across it I just tore it down and figured that was the end of it. Happened to go back to that same area of property a couple of days later to see the dear stand in the tree again. At this point, it was only a couple of days before dear season opened.

    That is when I put my plan into action....

    The morning of opening day of dear season, my Uncle, neighbor and I had gone out to the same area and hid in full camo, waiting until the a-holes show up. And they did all happy to see the dear stand still in place. I let them get in the stand and get situated, still hidden and waiting for the perfect moment. Then is happened, the perfect dear came through, but I still waited until they had them in their sites. At that point I got up from my hiding spot, walked over to the tree, started the chain saw that I had brought with me and began to cut the tree out from under them.

    Needless to say, after they scurried out of the tree asking my what the hell I was doing. I explained they didn't have permission to hunt on my land and was clearly marked as no hunting. I needed firewood and this was the tree I picked. I told them they would be escorted off the property without their dear stand or guns and could return with the Sheriff and game warden to retrieve them. They came back with the Sheriff trying to twist the story a bit but didn't work. In the end, they got fined, a 45 day hold put on their guns (well after dear season) and I ended up with the dear stand.

    That is classic. I would have loved to see their faces. I bet the sheriff laughed about them too. Well played!!!!!!!
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    the best revenge is a life well led.
  • SilverStrychnine
    SilverStrychnine Posts: 413 Member
    Man I always wished I had the balls to try and get someone back. I seem to have the luck where I always get caught for everything bad I do.

    I accidently did some mental warfare on my ex by befriending his new girlfriend. He was quite paranoid that all the things that he lied about would come out - it was kind of funny watching him panic anytime that we would hang out.

    Oh that's goooood :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • Sophiepoo
    Sophiepoo Posts: 264 Member
    take all the penis pictures he ever sent you and make a collage and hang it in a bathroom in a lesbian bar, explaining (with his phone number) that he thinks they only claim to be lesbian for the attention.

    Make popcorn.

    OMG!!!! LMAO!!!!

  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I blew up someones fully restored 1968 Corvette.

    Literally blew it up.

    Why? I'd like to find out the reason before I decide if I'm impressed or appalled :)

    Next door neighbor and local bully who picked on me unmercifully for years. Culminated in him killing my cat in a rather horrific manner.

    No one was injured and no damage other then the car (interior totally destroyed, blew the engine apart and off its mounts, completely severed right front tire and cut the front axle in half).

    This happened well over 25 years ago- since then I have read in the local papers through the years his constant arrest for domestic violence, drunk and disorderly, DUI, etc. All in all not a nice person.

    My initial thought was, "wow, what a jerk." Shame on me for judging too quickly. As long as nothing alive was
    hurt, I think that's justifiable. Poor kitty. :(

    The only thing I ever really did was to my 10th grade biology lab partner, and it's downright tame compared to some of you guys' antics. He constantly teased me about my weight and about the fact that I had a panic attack and had to leave the room the day we were supposed to be dissecting fetal pigs. He also routinely copied my work.One day I had had enough, and went through an entire test, bubbling in all of the wrong answers. I waited until he diligently copied all of them and handed in his paper before I erased all of my answers and filled in the right ones. I believe that was when he stopped speaking to me.

    And as an added bonus, I actually saw him at the gym the other day. He has gotten chubby and is balding at age 25. I smiled. :)
  • smantha32
    smantha32 Posts: 6,990 Member
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