Who else hates Conda from biggest loser???



  • solarmal
    Conda is a mean girl and a total bully. Granted we see an edited show, but you can tell from the way she talks, then cries, that she is using the power she has over everyone to control the outcome of the votes. She says she doesn't hold grudges or want revenge, but what about the guy who commented about her brother at the beginning of the show? He called her brother "Tank" and Conda had daggers for him. I think he is long gone..... I feel sorry for her kids, growing up with a witch of a mother like her
  • solarmal
    Worse season ever. The show is going down the tubes. They need to get back to their roots: health, diet, exercise, compassion, support.
  • bgsuecegrad
    Her attitude is beyond toxic in the house. She needs to GO HOME!:grumble:
  • swanner123
    She is one of the most cruel people I have ever had the displeasure to watch. I don't think I will be doing much more watching of this show, since it seems to be less about losing weight and more about attacking everyone around you. I think the producers were unbelievable careless to send them back at that time without letting everyone know about it from the start. They set up the aqua team to fail, especially with the venomous Conda around. These people are wasting the opportunity of a life time. I wish they would all have the attitdue that John had last season, "if my family is going to make the sacrafice of making do without me, I am going to do everything in my power to lose as much weight as possible." I don't remember him spending much time at all sitting and talking. He was continually working out. If not in the gym, then on the bike in his room. Past seasons have all been focused on the fact that everyone there has a life threatening problem, obesity, and they are all wanting to help each other get cured. Biggest Loser producers need to realize that the people who watch the show generally want to get healthy and lose weight. We don't care for or want the drama. Next season, find people who actually deserve to have this type of opportunity, rather than people who are looking to sabotage the house.
  • deb83201
    deb83201 Posts: 10 Member
    I do! She is a horrible person.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    I have LOVED this show in the past - even while there were seasons that had Vicky, and some others that I didn't like. I think it's true that it's getting worse- the caliber of people, just hard to predict what will happen. Maybe Conda has dirt on some of these people, because I can't understand why they don't vote her off- she seems to be the one stirring up all the trouble... Kudos to Chris for sticking with it, although it was out of fear if Daphne would have been the Biggest Loser that they would send her home. EXTREMELY disappointed in Emily (the former Olympic athlete) and Cassandra- I have sorta been rooting for them, as they were both very likable, but just don't understand how you can sacrifice your integrity and your own success because some hater "convinced" you to try and play someone else. I thought Daphne might have a fighting chance if she was biggest loser of the week, and that maybe she could get Conda out of the house - they're crazy for not getting rid of her! It's like they fear her or something!?! I just don't get it - I really don't see any redeeming qualities of this girl EVER portrayed on the show- and I know that can be due to creative editing, but REALLY?!! not one likable quality on this girl. I feel sorry for her daughter - the backlash of her mother's behavior could come back to haunt her - she should be ashamed of herself!
  • Amberelise40
    Amberelise40 Posts: 11 Member
    Show them how you feel through ratings. That's all NBC cares about.
  • Mina133842
    Mina133842 Posts: 1,573 Member
    where are the truly inspiring people, like Abby, and Allie (sp), and Sione, Sam, I mean people you just LOVED and wanted to be friends with, or hug?! I just don't see ANYONE that inspiring this season!
  • grmpy1
    grmpy1 Posts: 462 Member
    Also, have you noticed how there are no real "big" losers..no one is setting any records for weight lost. This whole season there have only been a hand full of double digit losses. Not that I agree that fast huge losses are the way to lose weight, but this season after 8 weeks no one is close to losing over 100 lbs is there? I sure don't remember any.
  • Jellyphant
    Jellyphant Posts: 1,400 Member
    If I ever rolled MY eyes as much as that chick, my momma would slap the *kitten* outta me. -_-;
    This is my first season watching TBL and I can't stand her but am putting up with her because I love seeing the contestants after weightloss. Brings a little tear to my eye :)
    Kim doesn't really bother me, amazingly? Just Conda and Daphne, because it seems like the drama is revolving around that whole.. situation. I'm mainly rooting for Emily or Megan. Maaaaaybe Cass.

    Aaaand I kinda have a girly crush on Bob. :o
  • eawilkrsn
    can't stand to look at her!! wish the other people in the house could see that she is a nasty manipulative B#$%H then they would vote her out!!!
  • EmpressOfJudgment
    EmpressOfJudgment Posts: 1,162 Member
    I hope the show takes the hint and gets this show back on track. This might be the last season I watch.
  • Kimmyapb
    I have always loved watching the biggest loser. It has made me feel good and motivated and I hate to admit it but on most episodes I usually have shed a tear or two just relating to the contestants and their conflicts in life. BUT not this season! Conda makes me furious, I have not been able to stand her since day ONE!!! Drama, drama drama! I am very disappointed in the rest of the cast as well that they would be such followers to such a terrible leader. I have just about reached my limit of even wasting my time watching the show this season.
  • MustangCindy67
    MustangCindy67 Posts: 91 Member
    very annoying and a big crap disturber....nasty is what she portrays...too bad the others cant see...but then this group is one of my least favorites....
  • Just watched the last epidsode played until now.. she is crazy.. she manipulated the entire team to eat carbs like that the daphnee girl can leave!! man i can't wait for her to leave
  • marianon
    marianon Posts: 4 Member
    **** the show. Hit the gym.
  • jenny95662
    jenny95662 Posts: 997 Member
    i can not stand her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • nnylee
    nnylee Posts: 814 Member
    B-but I am at the gym when watching this!
    **** the show. Hit the gym.
  • ChiDiva
    ChiDiva Posts: 2 Member
    I'm only watching for Dolvett. He's dreamy. DREAMY!

    Boo Conda. What a royally bad woman. And just like Marianon suggested, we should skip the show and hit the gym. Let's show NBC we don't can't be manipulated this way. Booooo Conda!