Jillian Michaels Body Revolution



  • Fit2befitZ
    Fit2befitZ Posts: 150 Member
    I originally was going to follow the meal plan but it isn't enough calories, especially since I will be doing doubles Mon - Thurs. I am going to toggle some Turbo Fire in the evening (after the kickstart) to have additional cardio options. However, I am going to do the BR exercise program exactly as it is layed out. Also, since I travel for a living, my meals are a lot more plain...simply because I don't have my own kitchen (and spices etc). But, I am fine with that and am pretty accustomed to it. I have a gerorge foreman machine and an egg poucher/omelette machine in my room. So, I do what I can.
  • mymelody_78
    mymelody_78 Posts: 657 Member
    Can't wait to hear more about this! I really want to buy it because I love 30DS and Ripped in 30
  • HotChrissy
    HotChrissy Posts: 6 Member
    I did day one this morning. It seemed a lot easier than I remember the 30 day shred being. It was a lot more fun too, because I felt there was more of a switch up in what we did. I liked it a lot! I tried the greke yogurt this morning. It wasn't my favorite, but I got it down. I have the salmon salad waiting for me in the fridge. I didn't see where it said on the 7 day kickstart you had to do two workouts? Where did you see that? I want to do it right. :)

    The Fitness Guide, Page 19
  • phatsoslim
    phatsoslim Posts: 257 Member
    I just completed the 7-Day Kickstart, with great results. I will be posting them on my blog today...http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/phatsoslim. Today is Day 8 of 90...BRING IT ON...oh wait, been there, done that already this morning at 6:30am.

    I have also posted the same blog on Blogger Blogspot....http://phatsoslim.blogspot.com
  • I ordered mine Thursday and never received my email saying it was shipped. Was wondering if anyone could tell me the customer support number that I can actually talk to a human?? Thanks
  • labgirl73
    labgirl73 Posts: 4 Member
    I just finished day two. I'm kickstarting. Can't wait to keep on keeping on! I'm digging it so far even though I'm wiped afterwards. I have a LOT of weight to lose.
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Mine just arrived! I am super excited. So question to those of you who are already doing JMBR. Should I start tomorrow (I always rest on Sunday) or wait until Monday so that I get a full 5/6 days in before a rest day? I am not going to follow her diet, but I am going to follow her workout schedule.
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    I'm waiting for mine to arrive. I would suggest waiting til Monday, so that you're on track. I'm also not following her meal plan. I need at least 1400 cal per day.

    Good luck!
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    I'm not following her meal plan either since I am still breastfeeding and need more food! How much is everyone expecting realistically to lose with this program? What are you hoping for?
  • riotgrrl1
    riotgrrl1 Posts: 3 Member
    Okay, I really want to get this, but it is super expensive and I just don't have the money right now. I was wondering if anyone has been doing it and can tell me if it is actually worth spending the money. I have all of her other dvds. Should I just rotate those or is this set really awesome????

    Please someone help? Will anyone share their results?
  • lifeisahighway
    lifeisahighway Posts: 490 Member
    Since its so new I don't think any of us have any major results yet but I've seen some people on week 3 or so that have already lost tons of pounds and inches. I am on day 3 and really think it is even already so much more awesome than the shred. I swear I looked trimmer in my waist this morning but really is that possible after two days??? No clue, but I feel the burn during the workouts. My husband is doing it with me and sweats his butt off. He says that it is a great workout and he is a former marine so he is used to lots of exercise. He has also tried p90x and said that Jillians workout is harder than that in his opinion.
  • mgaither
    mgaither Posts: 115
    I'll be paying attention to all of your reviews, etc. over the next several weeks.

    Love Jillian. Love her videos. They totally helped me look great for my wedding a couple years ago.
    Starting Ripped in 30 tomorrow...and after that, according to your feedback....maybe Body Revolution!?!

    Good luck everyone!
  • hi everyone! I am a JM fan too, so I would like to see how you are all doing with the body revolution!
    Good Luck to all!
  • Are you going to be skinnycate85 on youtube so we know who to look for?

    I ordered mine a few days ago and will be making Videos on YouTube to track my progress, so go ahead and friend me if you'd like to follow with me! xoxo
  • It really is worth every penny. I am not all the way through week 1 yet and I've dropped 5 lbs. I'm not a big guy but want definition and I'm determined to have a 6 pack. This is clearly providing results. I started lifting 20's today to try to build while losing in key areas. I'd jump on it asap!

    Okay, I really want to get this, but it is super expensive and I just don't have the money right now. I was wondering if anyone has been doing it and can tell me if it is actually worth spending the money. I have all of her other dvds. Should I just rotate those or is this set really awesome????

    Please someone help? Will anyone share their results?
  • I ordered my JMBR yesterday. So very excited to get started. Good luck to all!
  • snlperdue93
    snlperdue93 Posts: 210 Member
    Are you doing the kickstart workouts and meal plan?
    It really is worth every penny. I am not all the way through week 1 yet and I've dropped 5 lbs. I'm not a big guy but want definition and I'm determined to have a 6 pack. This is clearly providing results. I started lifting 20's today to try to build while losing in key areas. I'd jump on it asap!

    Okay, I really want to get this, but it is super expensive and I just don't have the money right now. I was wondering if anyone has been doing it and can tell me if it is actually worth spending the money. I have all of her other dvds. Should I just rotate those or is this set really awesome????

    Please someone help? Will anyone share their results?
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    Here's a strange one...I ordered mine on the 20th. I see the money deducted out of my account yesterday, but no confirmation email. I just checked my email, nothing again, AND the deduction is no longer there. Has this happened to anyone else? I am so ready to start this!!
  • BrandNewAmy
    BrandNewAmy Posts: 38 Member
    Here's a strange one...I ordered mine on the 20th. I see the money deducted out of my account yesterday, but no confirmation email. I just checked my email, nothing again, AND the deduction is no longer there. Has this happened to anyone else? I am so ready to start this!!

    I think what happens is that they do a preauthorization on your account. Then it falls off your account until they ship out the product(s) at which time they do the actual charge. Crazy, I know, but that seems to be the way companies do things.

    I placed my order tonight. Looking forward to getting started!!
  • beachdiva2010
    beachdiva2010 Posts: 180 Member
    That makes sense. Thanks!!