5'3 - 5'5 women Whats your goal?



  • jjoseph329
    jjoseph329 Posts: 39 Member
    I am 5'5 and my goal is 150 I use to weigh 157 and I use to think I looked fat but I realize I was tripping. Please add me I need more motivational friend on mfp. I lost 4 lbs so far. this is my second week
  • Hey-o! I am 5'5" (and 1/2, on a good day) and started around 150. I think 135 is a good weight for my frame, where I'll look good while still being healthy, and reasonable to maintain without a 7-day/week crazy workout schedule. I'm aiming a little high (low?) in the hopes that I'll be around 130 at my wedding in August, but plan to try and maintain 135ish after the big day.
  • purplemilly12
    purplemilly12 Posts: 31 Member
    5'3 i want to be around 130
  • Hi. I'm 5'5", 41, and i just started MFP, too. I'm a Slooooooooow runner. I STILL huff and puff, but it does get better. I started running when I turned 39 and have done 3 half marathons. Seems like I can get the exercise thing down or the diet thing- but not both! I found Hal Higdon.com to be really helpful for training. I'm 164 and would like to be 150.?.
  • New_Atti2ude
    New_Atti2ude Posts: 114 Member
    I'm 5'6 and my initial goal is 180. I'm 302 now. I would love to lose 40 there after and gain back 25 lbs in muscle through definition and toning.
  • i'm 5'4, currently 151lbs and I wear my weight well between 130-135lbs. Anything lower than 130lbs doesn't look good on me and my body really fights to get back to the 130's.
  • amanda8o
    amanda8o Posts: 352 Member
    I'm 5'5 and, I'm at 245 and hoping to get back to where I was at around 140 to 145 then I'll be happy. I'm so bad at excersing so today I just started to doing the Kinect Adventures for about 45 minutes,figured I'll work my way upto more strenous things but it really took a lot out of me!! Any motivational people would be a real blessing I am so bad at sticking with dieting and excersing!!
  • I'm 5'4 and would be happy to get to 140! I really would like to be at 130 but am thinking since I'm older now that might not be realistic.
  • I'm 5'4"...My ultimate goal is around 120. Right now, I'm aiming to get down to 150
  • MrsSullivan08
    MrsSullivan08 Posts: 274 Member
    I am 21 years old, 5'5", and my goal weight is 145. Once I get to that point I may lower it to 135.
  • I am 5' 4" and around 140 but this is too much for me, I have a tiny frame. I see other women on here who are the same height and sometimes weigh more than me but it looks better on them, different frame and body shape. I reckon my ideal is between 125 and 130, though my face sort of disappears if I go too slim. And I am 8 years older than last time I was that weight and have crossed to the dark side (over 40) so it may not work so well now. Time will tell!
  • huracan_mery
    huracan_mery Posts: 47 Member
    I'm 5'2" and my goal weight is 115-120. A girl can dream, can't she? That's what I weighed my freshman year of college and I didn't feel too skinny at that weight at all.
  • shonora
    shonora Posts: 48 Member
    5' 4' current weight is 176lb (started mfp at 189) want to get done to 142lb, thats where my body is happiest :smile: but more importantly my bmi will be in the normal range
  • i'm 5'3 and my goal weight is 125 lbs, i weigh 152lbs right now and i use to weigh 125 and it looked healthy on me. i gain muscle fairly well and i really just want a flat stomacch and get rid of the muffin. :)
  • mommy1126
    mommy1126 Posts: 146 Member
    I am 5'4". My goal weight is somewhere in the 115 - 125 range. I am currently 159. So, a long way to go, but hopeful!
  • dirtbaby13
    dirtbaby13 Posts: 4 Member
    I am 40 - 5' 5" and I am at 180 (from 191) my goal is 155-160. I have always been muscual- medium build and chest heavy. I think I would like to be at 145-150- I haven't been that weight since my late 20"s! So I will take it one goal at a time!
  • grumpy2day
    grumpy2day Posts: 198 Member
    I'm 5'3" and weighed between 97 and 103 all my life until I got laid off. Went up to 116 and lost my muscle tone. I want to get back to 103 and then regain the weight the proper way; I guess it would be considered bulking.? I have a small frame and I seem to be carrying the weight in my middle. The only time I ever had a belly was when I was pregnant LOL!
  • I'm 5'4 and weigh 182lbs. I started MFP at 186lbs. I have a small waist and carry my weight at the bottom. In my profile picture I'm 177lbs. My goal weight is to be 155-160lbs.

    I need friends...feel free to add me!!
  • Honey_gold_queen
    Honey_gold_queen Posts: 23 Member
    5' 5" and goaling for 135. @167 right now. Seems like so far away, but my goal time frame is by end of june. Working my butt off litereally. :)
  • I'm 5'4.5" and started out at 163 before joining MFP. I have a small frame but a big booty and small chested. I'm currently at 147 and would like to get down to about 130-135. I was about 125 for years and was thin, but was not very active and no muscle mass. Now that I work out and am getting more muscular, I think 130-135 would be a happy weight for me.