What was your WORST binge ever?



  • Lanna74
    Lanna74 Posts: 203 Member
    Ha ha...this reminds me of my best friend. When we were 16 we decided to diet (we didn't need to). Anyway, I went over her house one day and she was getting in trouble from her mother. Apparently, she had just eaten a whole can of frosting! I was like, wtf?? The dieting was HER idea to begin with! =D
  • GeminiMel02
    GeminiMel02 Posts: 36 Member
    A whole medium pizza once....A large chocolate chip cookie, a banana nut muffin, and a pastry another time...Countless items at a buffet...
  • tlinval
    tlinval Posts: 175 Member
    2011 - Generally speaking....

    Yup, I hear ya...mine was 1999...oy!
  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    A few years back, probably like 7-8 years now, McDonalds had Big Macs on for cheap on Tuesdays. So on my way to work (I'd walk - wanna get that exercise to get healthy, right!?) I'd stop in and buy 8-12 of them and eat them at work...

    I did this many times. Occasionally I'd share a burger with one of my buddies, but usually I'd have most of them to myself.

    I wonder how I got to be Err2 pounds?!?
  • 2011 - Generally speaking....

    I've had binges on and off my whole life, so it's hard to quantify which was the worse. I've done things like eat ten Burger King burgers, three onion rings and a soda. Taco Bell, something similar. At home, sandwiches, lasagna, huge cookies...yeah. I haven't had one of those in years because my lap band limits it, but when I binge now, I can get to 4000 calories in a day if I don't watch it. Eat a bunch of cheese cake or something similar and the calories can soar.
  • Kymwho
    Kymwho Posts: 183 Member
    Oh Gawwwwwd!! Where do I begin? I've had plenty of them :-( I've came to realize that I am a STRESS eater!!
  • When my eating disorder was at its worst, I would sneak into the communal fridge in my dorm at 6am and eat frosting out of cans, slices of cheesecake, ice cream cake, frozen whatever, then purge. Then I would go to the dining hall and get an omelet with cheddar and bacon, two breakfast sandwiches, oatmeal and yogurt, and then purge. After exercising I'd eat an entire tube of raw cookie dough, then purge. Then go to a fast food restaurant and order like 2 different value meals, and purge. Then I wouldn't eat for the rest of the day and be somehow famished the next morning. Repeat.

    It was a rough time. :P
  • 5 doughnuts in one sitting at the office. I would say it was stress eating at its worst. They wern't even that good I just couldn"t stop! But this was a pivotal moment that made me realize I had a serious problem that needed action. :)
  • Diary_Queen
    Diary_Queen Posts: 1,314 Member
    When I started on MFP, I got brave one day and decided to put in what a typical day would have been like for me... my fav breakfast of large chili cheese tater tots and a bacon breakfast toaster sandwich with extra bacon and a cherry vanilla dr pepper, lunch of a dinner portion of hunan shrimp with a double order of fried rice and 6 eggrolls with sweet & sour sauce, a large frozen yogurt ice cream cone - chocolate dipped, and 4 pieces of fried chicken with a cup of dirty rice, a cup of potato salad and two bags of extra butter popcorn before bed.. not to mention a few mini-candy bars and some flavored water drinks through the day and a few more dr peppers....... that USED TO BE a typical day for me. I was eating upwards of 10,000 calories a day and everyday was a binge pretty much. sometimes i would hide in the laundry room and eat pecan pinwheels with peanut butter and chocolate covered honeybuns in the middle of the night too
  • LATeagno
    LATeagno Posts: 620 Member
    I am not even kidding: i had my first real binge a few days ago. I ate like 4500 calories; no joke. I had pizza, pasta, chips, ice cream, cookies, cake... and I can't even remember what else. The funny thing is that I still didn't feel like i was eating **that** much because I think I used to eat like that a lot before MFP. LOL.

    I've been sick for the past few days, though, so I have only eating a few hundred cals per day. Hopefully that made up for it. lol
  • I once ate an entire cake and then the next day ate a whole red velvet cake.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Two slices of pizza, a can of soda, and a bunch of skittles. I actually had a "sugar seizure". I'm very low carb so I have developed a physiological insulin resisance. (And the only things in the body that HAS TO HAVE glucose are red blood cells). My body prefers fat as fuel. It has no use for carbs anymore. I "blacked out" and got really stiff. Then I came out of it, started sweating like crazy and eneded up puking.

    Have I eaten more than that in a sitting? You bet. I do all the time. I eat more than my 6' 185lb man. (I'm 5'2" and 110lbs). I just get it in the form of protein/fat. And not carbs.
  • BPayton27
    BPayton27 Posts: 626 Member
    NYE was my last horrific binge. We went out to a fancy dinner and I had a massive prime rib, mashed potatoes (we're talking 2 cups, probably), a salad that could have been considered a dinner portion w/regular dressing, croutons, etc., and a con queso appetizer. We came home and each had a pint of blue moo cookie dough ice cream watching the ball drop.

  • SuzieZimm
    SuzieZimm Posts: 238 Member
    I've never "binged" per se...but I was reminiscing the other day about how, when I was like 12-13...On the nights I'd visit my dad, our routine was ordering chinese food (an entree each, with rice and crab rangoons), and literally a whole pint of Ben & Jerrys. Just felt like a normal meal to me, not considering th ehealth content. I was never fat, and I was still dancing pretty hardcore in a ballet company, but I can't even imagine what a toll those meals every other week took on my health...
  • twa798
    twa798 Posts: 1 Member
    Oh.....2 boxes of somoas with a few coffees with extra cream. BEWARE it is girl scout cookie time. and I just got a disgusting fundraiser for my daughter's middle school of frozen buttery pastry and frozen full fat cookies. And to think they all wore red for women's heart disease awareness just a couple of weeks ago! The insanity
  • just gotten in from a long day at work, my parents were out so i went to the store and piza place ended up with chicken nuggets, chips, garlic bread, mayonnaise, 2 tubes of pringles, a bottle of diet coke and 2 bars of galaxy.... and i ate them all :/

    i havnt been able to do that since going vegan, thank god! :D now the most i binge on is bread and wheat sausages - literally 1/8th of the calories and god knows how much fat/salt savings!
  • I am only posting this because I am done with bingeing but it took 8 years of hard work and blundering around trying to figure my brain out. I wish I had read this book in 1998 and would have saved myself a lot of heartache. I always thought it was about self control... I learned it was more about compulsion and addiction.
    A Course In Weightloss by Maryanne Williamson... Read it... and make sure you have tissues.
    Some ladies and I actually took this course based on the book and run by a local coach. It was great. I didn't necessarily lose weight, but my exercise increased, my sweets decreased and my spirituality developed. I highly recommend.
  • I have an ice cream problem...there, I said it. I've eaten an entire 1/2 gallon of ice cream more than once in my lifetime. I've given it up for lent and am hoping maybe the habit will stick?
  • teagin2002
    teagin2002 Posts: 1,900 Member
    When hubby and I go on vacation we walk for 6 to 10 hrs with little breaks. I eat a lot when we do that, enough for the waitress to be shocked that most of all the food we order is for me and not him lol

    I will usually burn about 2000 to 3000 cals on these days and eat close to 4000 cals, but my highest was just under 6000 cals.
    It is easy to eat a lot of cals when on vacation. :)
  • a half a pound of fudge from the fair. It only took me about half an hour to eat it :-).