Made me laugh....Silly girls in the gym.



  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    She looked amazing and I have nothing against women who look great but all she was was a distraction.

    Sounds like your jealous lol. She was a distraction for you for sure but she can work out any way she wants to just because its not your way doesnt mean shes "practicing"! Sheesh you women are so critical and competitive twards one another why cant you all just get along and Jello wrestle :laugh:

    Haha okay buddy.
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    Also to add:

    I sometimes like seeing these fit petite girls there. It gives me motivation to work harder. I see them and think to myself "Someday that will be me!" and it gives me a good boost of motivation!
  • sjohnny
    sjohnny Posts: 56,142 Member
    ...big ol fake breast ...skimpiest outfit you could imagine. ...little grunting sounds. She looked amazing .... She was beautiful ..had real low self esteem ...

    Exactly where was this and when is she usually there?
  • Shock_Wave
    Shock_Wave Posts: 1,573 Member
    ...big ol fake breast ...skimpiest outfit you could imagine. ...little grunting sounds. She looked amazing .... She was beautiful ..had real low self esteem ...

    Exactly where was this and when is she usually there?

    x2^ lol
  • chrystee
    chrystee Posts: 295 Member
    How do you know that she isn't just starting out? Maybe she's never really had a trainer or anyone show her how to do anything other than what she was doing? She was thin, but she could have been coming back from an injury?

    I know what you mean, but there could be a reason why.
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    ...big ol fake breast ...skimpiest outfit you could imagine. ...little grunting sounds. She looked amazing .... She was beautiful ..had real low self esteem ...

    Exactly where was this and when is she usually there?

    Haha :) nice man....
  • Abrasue
    Abrasue Posts: 218 Member
    How do you know that she isn't just starting out? Maybe she's never really had a trainer or anyone show her how to do anything other than what she was doing? She was thin, but she could have been coming back from an injury?

    I know what you mean, but there could be a reason why. guess you had to see it.
  • would ignore her
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    I sometimes think the people Judging these "silly girls" are really just jealous.

    Be at the gym for you, and only you. Who cares about the other people. Maybe she thinks overweight people sweating is funny? who cares.

    Sorry, I need to leave MFP for a bit today I think :wink:

    I think the same thing when I see these posts on mfp. Just do your own thing and let others do theirs. Does it really matter what she's wearing/doing/how her hair is/if she has make up on or not?
  • thoffm12
    thoffm12 Posts: 2 Member
    This would make me laugh too-- I'm not sure why people would get offended from your post. Obviously we all have eyes how could you not be distracted by that while walking into the gym? If someone really wants the attention that bad they are pathetic. And if she's taking a break from work to go to the gym to lift five pounds then why not just do it at your desk? Ha I'm with you on this one!
  • lakersfan4life
    lakersfan4life Posts: 322 Member
    So you had a problem with a hot girl being at the gym? and why is this exactly? chalk it up to eye candy. who cares what she's doing.

    the only problem i have with people at the gym are ones who dont use deoderant...........
  • Savyna
    Savyna Posts: 789 Member
    Also 5 lbs after a ton of sets can become even heavier. I can lift about 30 pounds doing bicep curls but when I do about 6 sets of 20 with my 5lb resistance bands around the 4th or 5th set I begin to have "grunt" too. She could have just begun, she might have an injury, she might have been sleepy/hung over, who knows. At least she was doing something. Also how can you judge her self esteem from what she was wearing/doing? To me it sounds like hers might be sort of high.
  • MikeSEA
    MikeSEA Posts: 1,074 Member
    Sorry no offense but I see a couple of things wrong

    1) Who cares. Its her business. If she's distracting you, then thats your problem not hers. I have myself been distracted by some very good looking girls at the gym (natural beauties, none of them a show off like you mentioned) and its pleasant for me but at the end of the day, if its distracting me, its my problem. A guy can get distracted by anything...

    2) How hard or how little she workout is, once again, her business and not yours (unless you're her trainer).

    3) Maybe she was going somewhere right after the gym or is coming from someplace. Chances are low the way you described but still

    4) Maybe she's wearing that kind of outfit to make herself feel good. I know whenever I clean up, put on some nice clothes I feel alot better about myself and everybody needs those days and I workout better when I feel better about myself

    In short, dont worry about others. She's paying for the membership and staying out of your way. This isnt Facebook where you come to complain about every little thing. From the sounds of it you were a distraction to her with your judging eyes to her

    I don't see how you managed to say that without any irony at all. Here I'll rephrase so it's more obvious.

    1) Who cares. Its her business. If she's distracting you, then thats your problem not hers. I have myself been distracted by venting on internet forums and its pleasant for me to troll them, but at the end of the day, if its distracting me, its my problem. A guy can get distracted by anything...

    2) How hard or how little she complains is, once again, her business and not yours (unless you're forced to read it.)

    3) Maybe she was going somewhere right after posting and she wanted to decompress before getting there. Chances are low the way you described but still

    4) Maybe she's venting to make herself more relaxed. I know whenever I vent, I feel alot better about myself and everybody needs those days, and I workout better when I feel better about myself.

    In short, dont worry about others. She's using this free site and staying out of your way. This is actually fairly similar to Facebook where you come to complain about every little thing. From the sounds of it you were a distraction to her with your judging eyes to her.

    See what I did there?
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    I go to the gym at the college I am attending. As a general rule I am much older than most of the patrons and I really just try to focus on what I'm doing. However, I can't help but giggle at the young ladies and gentlemen that show up ONLY to flirt with eachother. It's like watching some weird play. It's also annoying because they are hanging all over and posing on the equipment instead of using it which holds up the line. Lately, I started taking my little sister with me and she is college age and very pretty. Now we have these little boys following us around the gym trying to impress her. Also annoying, but it makes me laugh because she doesn't even notice them.
  • I am with you! Go look for a guy on your time not mine and not in the gym! My son told us of a woman like this in his gym. The guy staring at her actually fell over another woman doing sit ups!!!!!
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    That would not bother me because it's none my biz.
    I just don't like people who stink so bad that I have to move to another work out equipment when they are next to me
    or when they sweat dripping all over the equipment and don't bother to clean after themselves but since I
    can not change them so I have to change myself. I just clean my equipment before I use them and it does the trick for me.
  • agreement with most people. Think your being a bit harsh and judging way too quickly.

    I don't think my clothes are skimpy, but i do wear makeup mostly because I am coming straight from work and it help that I have a huge crush on a guy that works there and we like to flirt.

    I'm fit, thin, no fake boobs and I go to the gym's not necessary but I do because it makes me feel good. I have heavy weight lifting days and on the days I feel sore yea so what I pick up the 5 or 10lbs because I don't want to over do it. Sometimes I sweat ALOT and sometimes I don't...

    I guess i'm just a 'silly girl'...thought MFP was a friendly place to go to but more and more i'm finding post to be very harsh, I feel bad for people just starting out that might get scared away.
  • _Bob_
    _Bob_ Posts: 1,487 Member
    I actually feel bad for girls like that. poor thing has probably been used and is out looking for male attention. and the guys that are drawn in by that are usually the ones that will just use her again to start the cycle all over again. poor girl. but I could be way off base, just my thoughts
  • I understand what you mean.. I expect people to be all business in the gym. Yes you have a right to look great but I have a right to question your dedication to fitness if you are just prancing around with a full face of makeup lifting only 5 lb weights on TOP of looking like you're afraid to sweat.

    Its a waste of time and space. lol.
  • sammi402
    sammi402 Posts: 232 Member
    Two things I've learned on MFP-

    1. Ugly guys are creepy.
    2. Pretty girls have self esteem issues.

    But only at the gym...

    And the mall and public pools