30 pounds to lose...anyone else want to join for support?



  • I have 30 lbs. tp lose and have been on the roller coaster ride like you. So count me in. Now I have to put down the Girl Scout cookies. (:
  • nextrightthing
    nextrightthing Posts: 408 Member
    I lost 30 lbs. several months ago and have 30 more to lose. I need to pick up the momentum here and get serious again so I can get back to losing. Count me in. I am having way more days where I eat over my calories than days I eat within my calories, I want to change that. I really would like to lose at least 10 by summer.
  • alexbelly
    alexbelly Posts: 277 Member
    count me in!
  • drich1989
    drich1989 Posts: 95 Member
    I just joined and have a little over 30 pounds to lose. Im in!! :)
  • Ozzyzmommy
    Ozzyzmommy Posts: 142 Member
    I just turned 49 and I'm in the same boat your in...
    I also need to lose 25-30 lbs...
    I have been having them "Slipping" moments lately...
    I too need support from friends here...
    I can say I have found many friends on here (MFP) that are just so wonderful :)
    I'am also looking for more finds to join my journey... :)
  • smplycomplicated
    smplycomplicated Posts: 484 Member
    i'm in! :) added.
  • I'm in, but I have to loose at least 40 pounds, 50 ideally.... 1 week finished, I hope to keep on going
  • I'm in!
  • I'm in!
  • I too have 30lbs to lose, but am not very active on the forums
  • polkie05
    polkie05 Posts: 28 Member
    Cool. everyone is on board. I hate over eating guys. I feel gross after I eat a lot and not only do I feel gross psychologically...I'm physically sick. All the grease in my body. I feel like my body is trying to flush out the toxins and it's slowly moving its wheels :*(
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    Cool. everyone is on board. I hate over eating guys. I feel gross after I eat a lot and not only do I feel gross psychologically...I'm physically sick. All the grease in my body. I feel like my body is trying to flush out the toxins and it's slowly moving its wheels :*(

    I hear you. After I eat healthy for a while, and my body gets used to it, I'm not such a fan of the junk food. My body doesn't like it and tells me so...
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    So what does everyone have planned for the week-end if anything? We have two of our grandchildren staying overnight so I will be hanging out with them over the course of the week-end and sticking to my eat clean plan. I wish it wasn't so cold out today, I could take them outside, but maybe another day.

    I really like this board and hope you are all gaining strength from the support. Everyone have a great week-end and I will check in again later on !
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    Count me in too!! I've already lost 10lbs and have 25 more to go.
  • cbenzerga
    cbenzerga Posts: 65 Member
    Sent you a request...we all need motivation and support! :)
  • deb126
    deb126 Posts: 5 Member
    I would like to join this group also. I need to thirty plus pounds. This board sounds like it has the motivation and support that will help me. I have lost 17 pounds and really struggling to lose more. I am 52 years old and it really hard to lose weight because of my age. For the past 2 weeks I have been doing cardio exercise at 3 times a week. Hopefully the weight will start coming off.
  • cbenzerga
    cbenzerga Posts: 65 Member
    I'm eating a lot cleaner...I can't realisticly do it all the time. But since joining MFP, my diet has improved drastically. I'm eating a ton more fruit and veggies too (raw) or steamed...trying to avoid the frozen variety. No fastfood, unless it can hardly be avoided, in that case I try to make the best choice, and not eat the whole thing...remembering to eat slowly has been a big thing for me, to give my body time to tell my brain that it's full....that sounds funny but it works for me! Good luck on your journey. I hope you have a life long lifestyle change!
  • Count me in too!! I need to lose 30 lbs too. Really more but 30 would be a good goal to start with!!:smile:
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I would like to join this group also. I need to thirty plus pounds. This board sounds like it has the motivation and support that will help me. I have lost 17 pounds and really struggling to lose more. I am 52 years old and it really hard to lose weight because of my age. For the past 2 weeks I have been doing cardio exercise at 3 times a week. Hopefully the weight will start coming off.

    I'm close to your age, will be 50 next year, and I understand how slow it goes at this age when trying to lose weight. I am eating clean, and plan to keep it up and then maintain when I get where I want to be. Glad to have you aboard with all of us. We are all here to support each other. Best wishes!
  • here_I_go_again
    here_I_go_again Posts: 463 Member
    I'm eating a lot cleaner...I can't realisticly do it all the time. But since joining MFP, my diet has improved drastically. I'm eating a ton more fruit and veggies too (raw) or steamed...trying to avoid the frozen variety. No fastfood, unless it can hardly be avoided, in that case I try to make the best choice, and not eat the whole thing...remembering to eat slowly has been a big thing for me, to give my body time to tell my brain that it's full....that sounds funny but it works for me! Good luck on your journey. I hope you have a life long lifestyle change!

    Nice! I'm glad to hear you're changing to such a great lifestyle. I understand not being able to realistically do it all the time. It doesn't matter as the healthiest you can eat will go a long way with your insides and out. Wishing you all the best on your journey too! Welcome!