Apple Cider Vinegar and Virgin Coconut Oil



  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Ok i've had 19 grams of coconut oil today (almost a tablespoon and a 1/2) and now my saturated fat is up to 29 grams - 17 of which came from the coconut oil. i'm freaking saturated fat never goes above 10 (usually its around 5). i'm in the red (negatives) here on MFP for the first time. this is awful :( sabotage!
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Ok i've had 19 grams of coconut oil today (almost a tablespoon and a 1/2) and now my saturated fat is up to 29 grams - 17 of which came from the coconut oil. i'm freaking saturated fat never goes above 10 (usually its around 5). i'm in the red (negatives) here on MFP for the first time. this is awful :( sabotage!

    help? :(
  • rrametes
    rrametes Posts: 16 Member
  • LilacDreamer
    LilacDreamer Posts: 1,365 Member
    Can anyone help me? I've had 19 grams of coconut oil today (almost a tablespoon and a 1/2) and now my saturated fat is up to 29 grams - 17 of which came from the coconut oil.

    i'm freaking saturated fat never goes above 10 (usually its around 5). i'm in the red (negatives) here on MFP for the first time. this is awful :( sabotage!
  • Amazon_Who
    Amazon_Who Posts: 1,092 Member
    Don't laugh but I keep a small bowl of Coconut oil in my kitchen cupboard and every time i open the cupboard I rub some on my 47 year old forehead wrinkles :laugh:
    It is great for your skin! It is one of the few things my rosacea prone skin never reacts to.
  • Curvy1taliana
    Curvy1taliana Posts: 371 Member
    I use organic, unfiltered apple cider vinegar (you want it with the "mother" in it) daily in salads and cook my eggs in organic raw coconut oil.
    As you can see... I am doing pretty well! :wink:
  • penroseg
    penroseg Posts: 53 Member
    I have heard horror stories about what acv can do to your teeth. I'd rather slow my weight loss than destroy my teeth. I am going to go to the health food store and see if you can buy a good version of it in a pill. Anyone tried acv in pill form?
  • jrbanta
    jrbanta Posts: 4,277 Member
    bump to read later
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Can anyone help me? I've had 19 grams of coconut oil today (almost a tablespoon and a 1/2) and now my saturated fat is up to 29 grams - 17 of which came from the coconut oil.

    i'm freaking saturated fat never goes above 10 (usually its around 5). i'm in the red (negatives) here on MFP for the first time. this is awful :( sabotage!

    First, take a deep breath and calm down. The fats from things like coconut oil and evoo are healthy fats and are not going o throw off your plan that much. The only numbers I care about if they go over are Calories and sodium.
  • barefoot76
    barefoot76 Posts: 314 Member
    Interesting thread. The theory behind apple cider vinegar helping with thyroid and allergies is that it helps to restore alkalinity to your blood stream. What that likely means is that the remainder of one's diet is not alkaline enough (most likely too many processed foods and carbs and not enough raw foods).

    When I'm experiencing a lot of belly bloat, my first line of action is to look at common culprits like wheat, dairy, soy, etc. When I cut those things out of my diet last year, I stopped bloating, experienced greater energy, and dropped five lbs almost instantly (probably water weight since allergic inflammation causes us to hold excess water for healing). If I had taken ACV daily, I might have also experienced less bloating and water weight gain (since it is a diuretic), but in reality I would have been continuing to bombard my body with things it is allergic to, which would have still caused long-term problems for me.

    I'm pretty critical of "clinical studies" and I rely heavily on anecdotal evidence when trying stuff like this, nonetheless, I do like to try to understand the science behind it, and I like to know side effects up front. Does anyone know of any studies which have more info? This was what I found:
  • ClubbT
  • gldnlark
    I just read some articles about the positives of Coconut oil and bought some to cook with a couple of weeks ago. So far, all I've noticed is my face breaking out. But I hear that's also a detox-thing when you add or subtract something significant from your diet. So I'm not planning on stopping, I'll just give it more time. I need to raise my good cholesterol levels.

    Cider-vinegar? How bad could a teaspoon be in a glass-o-water? I'm going to go get me a glass right now! I didn't know it could help bad joints! I'm riddled with them!

    Thank you for your report! I love this site!
  • pampowell5
    pampowell5 Posts: 3 Member
    Do either of these come in a pill form, if so do they work as well?
  • strongsteps
    mmmmm... interesting.
  • dreamzvt
    Very helpful thread!
  • Mummsy
    Mummsy Posts: 347 Member
    LOVING the coconut oil. But HATING the ACV. That's some NASTY stuff. :noway:
  • dport7
    dport7 Posts: 123 Member
    Ok i've had 19 grams of coconut oil today (almost a tablespoon and a 1/2) and now my saturated fat is up to 29 grams - 17 of which came from the coconut oil. i'm freaking saturated fat never goes above 10 (usually its around 5). i'm in the red (negatives) here on MFP for the first time. this is awful :( sabotage!

    We cook with it sparingly, actually a little bit goes a long way, and like what was mentioned, the fats in coconut oil are considered good fat, like anything, in moderation and you'll be fine.for instance, one tbsp & 1/2 cup of popcorn, makes a tasty popcorn, just like movie theater pop corn. Don't stop using it!
  • NewLIFEstyle4ME
    NewLIFEstyle4ME Posts: 4,440 Member
    I purchased some the other day, because of all the great things I've been hearing about ACV. Being the type of person I am, I looked up the possible dangers of consuming ACV and wanted to post what i found here;

    What Are the Dangers of Apple Cider Vinegar
    Jul 31, 2011 | By Karyn Maier
    Read more:

    Apple cider vinegar has long been used as a folk remedy for dandruff and sunburn. This product of fermentation is also touted to help you lose weight and ease arthritis pain, health claims yet to be substantiated by science. However, there are known but less publicized dangers associated with the long-term use of apple cider vinegar, especially if you have a history of esophageal disease, gastric ulcers or diabetes.


    According to a Natural Standard review published in the July 2005 issue of the "International Journal of Naturopathic Medicine," the acetic acid content in apple cider vinegar may cause potassium depletion with long-term use. In an article published by in 2006, author Carol S. Johnston, a registered dietitian, described a case report in which a 28-year-old woman developed hypokalemia, a potentially life-threatening metabolic disorder that occurs when there is a significant decrease in serum levels of potassium. The woman reportedly consumed about 250 ml, or 8.45 oz. of vinegar every day for six years.

    Blood Pressure Effects

    The patient in the case report referenced in the article also suffered from hyperreninemia, according to the original report published in 1998. This means she had excessive levels of an enzyme produced by the kidneys called rennin, which is released to facilitate the eventual conversion of angiotensinogen to angiotensin II and the subsequent release of aldosterone from the adrenal glands. Because these agents are potent vasodilators, they restrict blood flow to the kidneys, which triggers the release of more rennin. In short, this cascade of events sets up a repetitive cycle that leads to long-term arterial high blood pressure.

    Blood Sugar Effects

    Studies show that including vinegar with a meal decreases glucose levels in healthy people and improves insulin resistance in people with type 2 diabetes due to delayed gastric emptying. However, a study published in the December 2007 issue of "BMC Gastroenterology" reports that apple cider vinegar increases the delaying effect in people with type 1 diabetes even further, making glucose management more difficult.

    Throat and Stomach

    Swallowing apple cider vinegar from a spoon or glass may irritate tissue in the esophagus and intestinal tract, although any damage is usually repaired within a few days. If you have a gastric ulcer, however, your immediate reaction might be akin to receiving lemon juice in a paper cut. Also, Dr. Keith Wrenn related a frightening real-life experience in the "Annals of Emergency Medicine" in 2006, in which his brother-in-law aspirated on vinegar from the cucumber salad served at dinner. After a severe coughing fit, he surrendered to laryngospasm and then vasovagal syncope. In other words, the man lost his breath and passed out. Fortunately, he regained consciousness a moment later and the situation resolved itself. This doesn't mean you should avoid cucumber or other vinegar-based salads, but be aware that the accidental inhalation of vinegar could duplicate this rare event.

    * "Dr. Earl Mindell's Amazing Apple Cider Vinegar"; Earl Mindell, R.Ph., Ph,D.; 2002
    * Natural Standard Review: Apple Cider Vinegar
    * "Medscape General Medicine"; Vinegar: Medicinal Uses and Antiglycemic Effect: Safety of Vinegar; Carol S. Johnston, Ph.D., R.D., Cindy A. Gaas, B.S.; 2006

    Read more:


    Dangers of apple cider vinegar. Weight Loss, Health Tips & Morning Rituals

    With all the benefits and different uses of apple cider vinegar you must be prepared for some dangers if used incorrectly.

    For instance, if you do use apple cider vinegar on the daily basis be careful of the following:

    * Undiluted apple cider vinegar may damage the esphagus and other parts of the digestive tract.
    * May damage your teeth and enamel if sipped.
    * Excessive consumption has been linked with low blood potassium levels and low bone mineral density.
    * Here's a no brainer, if your allergic to apples stay away from apple cider vinegar.
    * Vinegar applied to the skin may cause scaring and burns.
    * Excessive doses can cause damage to the stomach, duodenum and liver in animals.
    * Could increase the toxicity of drugs such as Lanoxin (dogoxin), insulin, laxatives and diuretices such as Lasix (furosemide).

    "The quality of apple cider vinegar tablets will vary. A 2005 study compared eight brands of apple cider vinegar supplements and found that the ingredients didn’t correspond with the ingredients listed on the packaging, and that the chemical analysis of the samples led researchers to question whether any of the products were actually apple cider vinegar or whether they were just acetic acid." WEBSITE

    What I recommend is brushing your teeth before you drink the apple cider vinegar and brush immediately after. That way you can try to be more protective of the enamel on your teeth and help prevent teeth damage.

    Other than that, use everything in moderation. Too much of any one thing isn't good for your health. There's many options out there optimal health. Explore them all and find what works best for your body and needs.
  • Kendrawinn

    I started reading this at work 10mins before leaving for home, and apparently I have ACV at home (Heinz brand). Can I use this, or does it have to be this Unfiltered with Mother type?

    Thanks for the input.

    It should be organic unfiltered with mother and unpasturized.
  • BProudOfU
    BProudOfU Posts: 83 Member
    what ever you do dont burp soon after drinking that glass of acv water. Some one might think you are a douche bag.

    LOL!! :laugh:

    Now THAT's funny!! LOL :laugh: