Ripped in 30 Buddies?



  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I've done 3 weeks of week one of Ripped in 30. I do it every other day and started out without using the weights the first week because I wanted to make sure I used the correct form and get used to the movements. After that I started using the 12 pound weight bar I found outside in the parking lot one evening when I got home (I asked around, but no one claimed it). I skip the running man because I'm busty so I do step-ups or pendulums instead. Still not great with the push-ups or side planks, which is primarily why I continued to do week 1.

    I missed four days earlier this week and I felt every bit of those missed days when I started back up. Tomorrow I may finally move on to week two, or perhaps March 1st. I'll probably do the same thing I did with week one and start off without weights. I just want to be comfortable with my progress before I move on. The results have been great and I really notice an increase in my strength and endurance.

    I wish there were more results pics posted on this site.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I read that after doing a workout 6 times your body gets use to it and doesnt get as much from it. Which is why these kinds of workouts are good. Right when you get use to it, you move to a new week.
    So even though I will NEVER be able to duck walk ( the person who thought of those should be in hell) I am still moving on. :)
  • hsandall
    hsandall Posts: 106 Member
    I started two days ago and love it....Did Week One twice yesterday (2 x 20 min)
  • Reinventing_Me
    Reinventing_Me Posts: 1,053 Member
    I read that after doing a workout 6 times your body gets use to it and doesnt get as much from it. Which is why these kinds of workouts are good. Right when you get use to it, you move to a new week.
    So even though I will NEVER be able to duck walk ( the person who thought of those should be in hell) I am still moving on. :)

    Trust me - I'm not used to week 1 yet. LOL. I know the moves, sure, but my body is still struggling with a few of them. For the ones I'm good at, I up the intensity, dig a little deeper, etc. I'm feeling it a lot deeper in my muscles than I did the first and second week. Don't get me wrong - JM kicked my butt in weeks 1 and 2. But for me, taking my time to really concentrate on my body and the moves is paying off. My goal is to do the advanced moves twice completely through without feeling like I'm going to collapse in a heap. (Hopefully that will be soon). I guess that's what is so good about home workouts: you can go at your own pace and still get great results.

    Duck walks are evil. Pure evil, I say. :noway: :laugh:
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Good for you! I get bored and move on. LOL
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Just weighed in I've lost zero pounds :sad: quite annoyed by that but oh well! Ive decided to progress to Level 3 tomorrow....bring it on! Hopefully when i next measure myself I'll have lost some inches :)
  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    My husband is a personal trainer. He said it takes 4-6 weeks for your body to really adapt to an exercise routine.

    Meaning even if you're adding weights to the same moves, you need to change it up.
  • bisforbrandy
    bisforbrandy Posts: 11 Member
    I've been really inconsistent with my Ripped in 30 usage. I did it straight for about a week.. hurt my ankle, fell off for about a week, now i'm just finally finishing up week 1 AGAIN. Today i'm re-starting week 2 and also am starting the C25K program. We'll see how it goes!
  • mom1520
    I did my first day of level 2. I couldn't do everything but kept up the best I could. I'm looking forward to mastering some of these moves.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    I am starting week 4 today.
    I had a really bad eating day yesterday. Went like 1200 calories over! So I might be a bit slow today. I hope I can work though it.
  • Jenny_MSW
    Jenny_MSW Posts: 109 Member
    Good luck! I had a bad day yesterday too. I worked out this morning (I'm almost done week 2) and I feel a bit better. Forget about yesterday, and focus on what you are doing in the present!
  • bekylouisex3
    bekylouisex3 Posts: 242 Member
    Finished my first workout of Level 3 today...woah my quads are killing me :laugh: Officially 15 days into Ripped in 30 wooo! Lol surprisingly no pounds or inches lost though :grumble:
  • sparkly30
    I have started this today so first session on level 1. Harder than I expected but was over quickly. I am going to force myself to do it.
  • shaycat
    shaycat Posts: 980
    Week 4 is AWESOME! It is a very good workout. I am so happy I didnt quit because week 3 sucked.
    I think I have a good plan as far as the calories I am going to eat from now on and with week 4 being so great. I cant wait to see some results in about 7 days!
  • MelissR75
    MelissR75 Posts: 760 Member
    I do Ripped in 30 3 days per week and No More Trouble Zones 3 days a week. Love Jillian!! I just started level 2 of Ripped in 30 and it is tough!!
  • Nadyasmom
    Gonna have to have a week 2 redo. It's been an incredibly stressful past few days, lots of emotional turmoil, and well, just no chance to even attempt to do ripped. :(
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    Did anyone see results almost immediately? I started this DVD like 1 1/2 ago. I did level 2 first thinking level 1 would be too easy since I workout a lot: I was wrong. Well I weighed myself last week and was 206.8. I then got my monthly cycle, so water weight sort of screwed up the scale. This AM I weighed myself again, and my weight was 204.9 when I went to the gym . I am not sure if that is because I got rid of the water weight from my cycle or a result of Jillian. I notice somewhat a difference in my abs. Its not a 6 pack, but I can see lines that I haven't seen in a while.
  • Charlottejogs
    Charlottejogs Posts: 351 Member
    That is great that you are seeing results! I am about to move on to level 4 and haven't had much change. I was hoping to see some inches go but nothing :( I will go ahead and do week 4 but I am not so motivated and kind of want to try something else. Oh well... At least I don't have more inches:)
  • KimmieBrie
    KimmieBrie Posts: 825 Member
    I'm going to start this DVD tonight. I'm also planning to run though... I was thinking of doing the beginning level and then going out to run a quick mile around the neighborhood. Hope I can still run after doing the video!
    EBFNP Posts: 529 Member
    I have to admit, I do nearly 45-55 minutes of cardio at the gym before I do ripped in 30 at home. I work out a lot, so I need it prob to get results.