So everyone keeps telling me if I stop smoking I'll gain weight, is that true? They had proof behind it too... but I still don't know.. :/


  • poedunk65
    poedunk65 Posts: 1,336 Member
    You need to exchange a bad habit for a good one. Remember it takes approx 5 weeks to develop a good habit.
  • kehowe83
    kehowe83 Posts: 79 Member
    As long as you stick to your calorie intake you will be fine.
    People usually gain weight because they need the fill that oral fixation.
    Gum was my best friend
  • RoboLikes
    RoboLikes Posts: 519 Member
    All about self-control. If you replace the cigarette in your mouth with food, then you will gain weight. If you quit smoking, but also watch what you eat, you will not gain weight. There is no direct link between quitting and gaining weight.
  • coffeegirl1998
    coffeegirl1998 Posts: 121 Member
    I think it is different for everyone. I am a former smoker.I did put on weight....BUT that was because I turned to food instead of smoking. I smoked when I was bored...so then I started eating when I was bored. However, if you find something more healthy, like exercise or something, in my personal opinion, that will be much better for you than continuing to smoke because you are afraid of weight gain.
  • Shannonigans84
    Shannonigans84 Posts: 693 Member
    I couldn't focus both on quitting and eating well. I took a break so I could put all my attention into quitting. I was successful and it has been 3 months, but eating whatever I wanted has put me 9lbs heavier. Some can do both and I applaud them! It was too much for me though. No regrets! Now I'm back on track and ready to reach my goals. Good luck!
  • timjai
    timjai Posts: 113
    I gained weight due to being ill-diciplined and replacing the churning feeling in my stomach from the lack of nicotine with cake. Work hard, stick to a plan and you'll be fine, best decision ever.
  • Sheriemae
    I gained, but that's because I stopped doing everything. I quit running, all I wanted to do was sleep and I ate a lot of junk. So it was my own fault. If I would have stuck to it, I don't think I would have gained at all. If you stick to a good routine you will be fine. One of my MFP friends quit and didn't gain anything. She took up running right after she quit and lost a lot. Best wishes. Quitting is a good choice! I feel 100% better than I ever did. Just don't get lazy.
  • Miss_dannii
    Miss_dannii Posts: 1,351 Member

    If you quit smoking, and replace cigs for food, then of course you will gain weight. But if you watch what you eat you won't.

    I gave up smoking 7 weeks ago, and started MFP the same day, and I have lost 22pounds and have been 7 weeks off cigs

    So there ya go xx
  • BeautyFromPain
    BeautyFromPain Posts: 4,952 Member
    As long as you stick to your calorie intake you will be fine.
    People usually gain weight because they need the fill that oral fixation.
    Gum was my best friend

    Yup, me & gym also.
  • meggersd
    I started to losing weight the same time I quit smoking because I knew I would eat more.
    So I started MFP and quit smoking at the same time and that was three years and 50 lbs ago...
  • MattBoySlim
    MattBoySlim Posts: 62 Member
    I gained a bit, but i ate a lot of haribo, I think I gained maybe 9lbs.

    3 months on i now weight less, and dont smoke.

    I once read you have to gain something like 70lbs inorder to negate the health benefits of not smoking.
  • daspscho
    I quit smoking once for about half a year and put on a lot of weight because every time I felt like smoking, I subconsciously started eating instead, but there were other reasons for the weight gain, too.
    Then I quit again, nearly a year ago, and have lost weight since then, because that was pretty much the same time I started exercising moderately (i.e., going for walks and such) instead of eating more. So if you don't replace cigarettes with chocolate bars, you'll be fine and able to keep your weight!
  • ebaywidow
    I gained 18 pounds after I quit smoking in October but I have lost that and down 5 pounds off original weight. I didn't think I had been stuffing my face with food. My doctor said the nicotine increases your metabolism so thinking it might have been a combination of the two. I don't know really...everyone is different. BUT...I'd rather weigh what I weigh right now than ever go back to smoking. I feel so much better & really see all the benefits from not smoking....good luck!! OH...I used a e-cig...which really helped with the whole hand to mouth thing.
  • MrsSWW
    MrsSWW Posts: 1,590 Member
    I quit in 2007 and replaced Ciggies with food and gained weight. With hindsight I wish I'd thought of something else. Like a 10 minute walk every time you would have had a cig. Get healthy AND quit, that would be the clever way.

    Oh, and even though I gained weight I still felt healthier - best thing you'll ever do! :flowerforyou:
  • jennieemily
    The last time I quit, I changed my eating habits at the same time and started going to the gym. The gym helped me get out some frustration (which was one of the reasons I smoked) and eating healthy food and controlling my calorie intake actually caused me to lose weight. Lately I've been eating more, giving into food cravings, and I've slowed down on the weight loss. But I haven't started smoking again, and that is what matters most to me. Quitting smoking is always the best way to go! Good luck! :)
  • Sagefemme76
    Sagefemme76 Posts: 45 Member
    I used carrot sticks and grapes as a healthy substitute for those hand-to-mouth cravings.....they pass after a couple of weeks anyway, so if you can keep a check on calorie intake for that long, you'll be fine! Wishing you all the best with your quit :) I found the why quit website very useful, especially the Nicotine Addiction 101 e-book
  • Natx83
    Natx83 Posts: 1,308 Member
    I'm not 100 percent sure as I'm only 3 weeks into quitting but I have been told, however sounds like it may be untrue from reading other posts that it can affect your metabolism?
  • gigiwaterloo
    gigiwaterloo Posts: 102 Member
    That depends on what you choose to replace the habit! I gained a pound here and there, but it wasn't from quitting smoking it was from my choice in replacements. If you do like it says and never allow yourself to get "HUNGRY" you won't have a problem. In other words keep a bag of celery, carrots, sunflower seeds, broccoli and such with you at all times! Every time you have a craving or get "hungry" munch a little. It keeps your hands busy as well as it's good nutritional foods. Also drink water water water water water and trust me you won't have to worry about weight gain! Also a fabulous website that tells you this and more and is FREE is quitnet.com! it helps you with quitting and gives you fabulous tips and tells you how you will feel day after day thru your quit. Try it out!

    GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!! I'm 100 days quit today!!! :bigsmile:
  • KitTheRoadie
    KitTheRoadie Posts: 641 Member

    If you quit smoking, and replace cigs for food, then of course you will gain weight. But if you watch what you eat you won't.

    I gave up smoking 7 weeks ago, and started MFP the same day, and I have lost 22pounds and have been 7 weeks off cigs

    So there ya go xx

    This and we've lost about the same amount!
  • lilyjay_
    The reason you would gain weight is because a lot of people find they snack more instead of smoking... I gave up around 8 months ago and didn't notice a gain in weight (although I wasn't weighing myself then). After I started exercising & regularly going to the gym a few months after quitting, I found that really helpful if I was craving... I wouldn't be able to smoke and exercise and it gave me something else to focus on. I would also be thinking how much more I can BREATHE now that I don't smoke so that stopped me from craving!!

    So like someone said, replace that bad habit with a good one - exercising! Good luck with it, if you need support or motivation feel free to add me!