Piercings & Gauges... Like them, hate them, or have them?



  • mandykandi
    mandykandi Posts: 7 Member
    iv got my lip pierced and my ears are at a 0 gauge right now/. :3

    I plan on getting my nose pierced or my septum.. I dunno but thats what I gots so far. ^_______6
  • Barribomb
    Barribomb Posts: 260 Member
    love 'em. have navel, tongue, tragus,had my lip, had a dermal on my chest (was so pretty, but problems)
  • iPlugs
    iPlugs Posts: 16 Member
    To those who don't like them, what do you think about gauges that look like the blue earrings in my profile photo? Would you even know what they are?
  • kekl
    kekl Posts: 382 Member
    My ears are pierced twice, I used to have 00g in the first hole and 4g in the second but I got bored with them and took them out.

    For all you worried mothers with kids with gauges, once I took them out, they shrank down to "normal" size in less than 6 months. I now wear normal earrings and the holes are only the tiniest big bigger than what I originally had. The only people who know I had gauges are people who used to have them aswell. ;)
  • Twister19
    Twister19 Posts: 43 Member
    I don't hate them, I really like them & think they can be really cute, just not when they're so big you can fit your fist through them.

    I agree, I love them but only if they're not too huge! I adore plugs! As for me, right now I just have my lip pierced as well as a few ear piercings. But I reeeeaaally want to get my hips done!! And more but I'm not sure what yet lol
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    i have a dermal anchor in my wrist...

    my ears pierced (i did stretch when at uni)

    belly button pierced at the lower naval

  • theblondetrick
    theblondetrick Posts: 192 Member
    gauges are just disgusting. i have my ears pierced,but i don't wear earrings often. i want to get my nose pierced,but my mom won't let me do it,until i lose enough weight.so a nose piercing would be like a prize for losing weight.
  • Skeemer118
    Skeemer118 Posts: 397 Member
    I really like small gauges & I like a lot of piercings. A guy at my church has really big gauges & it just freaks me out to watch him put 3 fingers through his ears. *shudders* Lol :noway:
  • brittanidigby
    brittanidigby Posts: 247 Member
    Love everything. 3/4s 'Gauges', Nose piercing, 3 piercings in my bottom lip(snake bites & spider bite), Monroe, 5 other ear piercings in each ear. Plenty of tattoos. Always plan for more.

    And I don't give two ****s if anyone likes or dislikes them. :D
  • jjennyb4
    jjennyb4 Posts: 1,581 Member
    Love piercings and Gauges...... I have 7 piercings (nothing gauged) not including my ears.
  • HorrorChix89
    HorrorChix89 Posts: 1,229 Member
    Only my ears are pierced right now. I had my belly pierced but it closed up (the bottom part only actually). Once I get rid of this chubby tummy I'm getting it re-opened and probably get my tongue pierced as well.
  • iPlugs
    iPlugs Posts: 16 Member
    i have a dermal anchor in my wrist...

    my ears pierced (i did stretch when at uni)

    belly button pierced at the lower naval


    I'm always weird about dermal anchors. I heard that people have a hard time with them sometimes because of rejection and that the body tends to eventually push them out? (That may sound stupid, I could be confused)
  • skittybang
    skittybang Posts: 1,525 Member
    Used to have my ears at a 0 gauge - along with about 3 or 4 extra piercings in each ear and an industrial piercing (which now makes one of my ears look rather elfy) ... also rocked the nip rings. Those were fun. Love piercings but I've crossed over to the tattoo side and can't wait to get some more.
  • iPlugs
    iPlugs Posts: 16 Member
    Those with gauges... do you not agree.... grossest thing about them
  • lizdavis07
    lizdavis07 Posts: 766 Member
    Ahhh, it drives me crazy seeing them called "gauges" lol
    That's like saying, "I have millimeters."
    Gauge is the actual size they are.
    -sorry just a pet peeve lol

    Anywho, I have 10 piercings: My ears are stretched to size 2, have second holes done, left tragus, right rook, lip, belly button, hip, and horizontal bar under my belly button.
  • I used to have a tongue ring but it was slowly chipping away at the back of my front bottom teeth. Took it out last year and haven't looked back. i did have it in for 10 years mind you! Don't have any tats and no other piercings besides the standard 1 in each ear.
  • catfish9
    catfish9 Posts: 138
    I think piercings and gauges are awesome, but mine are pretty tame. No gauges for me (too chicken), but I have my nose pierced, and 5 holes in each ear. I've tried for a 6th hole in each on two separate occasions, but my ears just don't like it. I tried to get an industrial at one point, but was told that my ears were the wrong shape and would more than likely reject. I was super bummed out.

    When I don't have quite so much belly, I think I'd like to get my belly button pierced, too. ;P
  • ChitownFoodie
    ChitownFoodie Posts: 1,562 Member
    I used to have a Marilyn, belly button and a bunch others, but had to take them out for work. I didn't really need to take out the belly button or a couple others, but I decided to since my Marilyn was actually my favorite. Now I miss them!
  • monocot
    monocot Posts: 475 Member
    When I was in high school, I had 10 in each ear, But they were simple little hoops up and down.
    I took them all out and Started Fresh When I discovered Real Ones.

    I have a 2 orbital in a 16 Gauge,
    a industrial. a daith? a Vertical Tragus and a couple other ones only in 14 gauge though. also have my nose done and my eyebrow done
    I plan to get another 2 industrial
  • Bentley2718
    Bentley2718 Posts: 1,689 Member
    I have 8 piercings (not counting my ear-lobes) plus 2 I've had to retire. I love them. The largest gauge I have is a 12 though. I think stretched ears can look cool, but it wouldn't work for me career wise.