Anyone starting from around 230-250?



  • CareyGay
    CareyGay Posts: 10 Member
    I weighed in at 250.0 today. I'm well not glad that there are others starting from such a high weight but it's good to know that I'm not the only one. I've got a bet going with my Daddy, the first to lost 50 wins. No prize but that's okay.

    I've been working with a trainer since November to help teach me how to work out, except for a month when I had pneumonia. But next week is my last week with the trainer, and I'm a bit worried about how I'm going to do it on my own. I'm starting several things at once, hoping I don't overload myself. But I'm going to do the 30 day shred starting March1, maybe the 2nd if mail is late. Then when I finish with the trainer I'm going to start riding the exercise bike daily. Only every other day now. Plus I'm having problems with my ankle so I get to start physical therapy on it Friday.
  • SunnyAndrsn
    SunnyAndrsn Posts: 369 Member
    I weighed in at 250.0 today. I'm well not glad that there are others starting from such a high weight but it's good to know that I'm not the only one. I've got a bet going with my Daddy, the first to lost 50 wins. No prize but that's okay.

    I've been working with a trainer since November to help teach me how to work out, except for a month when I had pneumonia. But next week is my last week with the trainer, and I'm a bit worried about how I'm going to do it on my own. I'm starting several things at once, hoping I don't overload myself. But I'm going to do the 30 day shred starting March1, maybe the 2nd if mail is late. Then when I finish with the trainer I'm going to start riding the exercise bike daily. Only every other day now. Plus I'm having problems with my ankle so I get to start physical therapy on it Friday.

    Just wanted to share...I started at 252 last November. I started with the treadmill, but not counting calories/watching my diet. From November to when I started here, I lost 10 pounds. My starting weight here on MFP was 240. I'm now able to do 2+ miles on the treadmill, with the goal of 3 miles by the end of March. I also have a chronic problem with my ankle, and take pain medication daily for it, have orthotics, where a brace, have to buy expensive shoes, etc. Since starting to monitor my intake, I've lost 5 pounds.
  • Xylena88
    Xylena88 Posts: 12 Member
    I am starting at 260lbs I am 5'3" with one child. I feel like I have let myself go and just want to be normal again. My goal for right now is to get to 180lbs. Don't worry your not alone!!!!
  • cgdiaz24
    cgdiaz24 Posts: 21 Member
    Im 5"11 @ 260 looking to lose 50 + Ibs
    Im also from california, 19 looking for a bro to help motivate me to get myself to the gym
    INGSA Posts: 6
    Is anybody having a problem with logging their weight loss on their iPhone? Since starting, I have twice logged weight loss and it appeared in my diary, announcing that I had lost weight! But today it is just not playing along! I weighed this morning, added it to my diary and even though it changed to my new weight both on the website and on the iPhone, it still does not "announce" it. Any suggestions? Thanks! INGRID
  • lxymthw
    lxymthw Posts: 20 Member
    I'm 5'7" and when I started, I was weighing in at 260 lbs. Now 11 months later, I'm down to 172. It can be done!!! :happy:
  • Hi there,

    I started last Monday at 229 - lost 6 pounds last week so now at 223. I am 5' 6".

    This is a great place to get motivated so good luck and if you need another friend feel free to add me.

    Soo :O) x
  • I'm 5"4 and I started at 236
  • Schwarzeaugen
    Schwarzeaugen Posts: 129 Member
    I started 7/11/11 @ 234 and weighed in today @ 174.5 -- it cannnnn be done!
  • Hello,
    I'm 5'11, started @ 240 pounds and now I am @ 230 pounds. If you keep up with the calories and walk you too will see results. I have an 8 month old and need to lose this baby weight. STAY STRONG
  • SherryR1971
    SherryR1971 Posts: 1,170 Member
    i started at 256.4, am at 214 now-so Ihave bben there! Feel free to add me! :smile:
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    Hey add me as a friend! I started around 257 after I had my baby...I'm only down to 244...lets help motivate eachother!
  • prettylyzard
    prettylyzard Posts: 98 Member
    I'm 5'11, started @ 240 pounds and now I am @ 230 pounds. If you keep up with the calories and walk you too will see results. I have an 8 month old and need to lose this baby weight. STAY STRONG

    I also have an 8 month old! I'm at 244 now...I haven't been walking cause it's so cold, and I've been lazy about my calories the past week. But I've been doing here's to restarting my motivation!
  • Hey there. I started Jan. 27 @ 238 lbs. I am 6' tall. I am down to 224 as of today, Feb. 29.

    You can do it, eat a bit less, exercise a bit more, drink lots of water! Simple as that.
  • gettinghealthy77
    gettinghealthy77 Posts: 16 Member
    Hi - I started at 242 in late December - down to 232.
  • Firsidh
    Firsidh Posts: 1 Member
    for all of the posts I have seen here and no I have not read them all, it seems to me that I might be the heaviest starter to comment, coming in at 313 pounds, from Brisbane, Australia..

    over the years my weight has been pretty high, with a significant drop 2 years ago, and now I am at my largest I have ever been in my life..

    So no, you are not the only one of us starting out at a high level of weight, there are many of us, and it is not that hard to do,
    you must have patience, none of us gained this weight over night and it wont go away overnight,
    remember this is not a diet, this is a correction of lifestyle...
  • Hello. I started i'm 5'7 and i started off at 243 last Monday. I joined a weight loss program sponsored by my primary care doctor and joined planet fitness yesterday. I am down 5lbs since last Monday hopefully i keep on losing my weight loss goal is at least 50-60lbs its going to be a challenge but i believe i can do it. feel free to add me.:blushing:
  • 69saab
    69saab Posts: 24 Member
    Don't feel alone....
    Started MFP last week at 262 (Started loss Jan 1 at 282).
    I am at 259 now
    My goal is 205 by Christmas.... Wish me luck!
    I will take on any friends as I can use all the help/support I can get.
  • adamb83
    adamb83 Posts: 719 Member
    I started at 255 in June 2011 and I'm now about to break into the 180s. Happy to support you in anyway I can - feel free to add me!
  • rosebayer
    rosebayer Posts: 27 Member
    I started at 226 :)