I've been noticing....



  • Bridget28152723
    Bridget28152723 Posts: 372 Member
    I agree, but sometimes that family might not have much money and have to go with some things that are not exactly healthy like ground beef its cheaper than other meats but full of fat. I was at walmart the other day a this guy(big guy) was pushing 2 carts full of frozen foods, chips sugary drinks, So I dont think he was shopping cheaply , frozen foods are expensive and taste like crap. I do buy icecream as a treat for my kids and my husband has to have his peanut butter panic icecream....I love the produce section and will take my sweet time there . I always look in peoples carts, on a hungry bad day I may have a lot (but not all) junk in mine , but my husband and kids are healthy and slim so people probably wouldnt judge me ( its sad that society will think someone is lazy or a pig because they are overweight) MY extra pounds came mostly from a health condition so I never assume anything about someone else.
  • Dayna154
    Dayna154 Posts: 910 Member
    I love to cook but at one time was one of those processed food eaters..
    Now I use as little processed as possible.
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    This is so very true. The district is so strict on nutrition. Kids aren't allowed soda and candy in their lunches. I agree with this. But also they are not allowed a lot of other things that I consider a healthier alternative like goldfish crackers. Yet they feed the children what they have approved. Pizza is BTW approved as a vegetable (I mean really?) And the teachers wonder why the kids are out of control. Chocolate milk is served with every meal. (not only high in sugar but contains caffeine) They serve sugar loaded cereal for breakfast but they can also have a piece of toast. Toast that is covered with sugar and cinnamon. It's so dumb.

    As far as the shopping thing. I try not to judge. I agree you are what you eat. Those families that are buying junk and are overweight is sad. I don't think it's all because they are uneducated either. Lets face it. Eating healthy is expensive and time consuming.

    hahahahaha omg the pizza thing. I laughed so hard when I read about that, but it's so sad that it's true! I never ever ate school pizza, it was way too greasy and gross! I doubt pizza as a vegetable is any better.
  • mrsmoreno05
    I know! It's horrible! :(
  • joybell32
    joybell32 Posts: 252 Member
    I really hate to see a Mommy's shopping cart full of soft drinks....my pet peeve is to see a bunch of Mountain Dew in a cart that I know kids will consume. It's so bad for their teeth, makes them hyper and sets them up to be overweight.....I could go on and on about this topic.

    I feel the same way about my mom and little brothers. /: She drinks diet soda, always has, but didn't bring us up on it! I would have been so much better off as a kid being given diet Pepsi. Definitely doing this with my kids.

    Don't do that either! I drink diet pesi, so my kids do too. (its something i am weaning myself off of) Diet pop is just as bad, maybe even worse than regular soda. Emphasize water and natural juices! Moderation is key, so i don't restrict everything, just how often they get it.
  • deniseg31
    deniseg31 Posts: 667 Member
    Oh my! I thought I was the only one staring into peoples carts...LOL! I always notice what people buy and what they look like. I am always self concious when I put something "bad" in my cart as well...feel like others are watching.

    You are right though...we are what we eat.
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    My dad worked at KFC, so all I ate when I was a kid was fried chicken, macaroni and cheese and hot dogs, soda and pizza. I was small until I hit puberty, then i blimped up so bad. I hated my parents for really never showing me how to be healthy and me having to fight with it like I always have.
  • mariacolumbus
    mariacolumbus Posts: 227 Member
    While agree with the comments of making wise choices at the grocery and wise choices in what we eat....lets be careful about how judgemental this all sounds. After all, a lot of you have made some super sized mistakes your self or you wouldn't have the weight/eating problems that you have. It sounds like now since you think you have conquered making poor food choices you are better than the people who you are judging. Maybe you don't really feel this way, but in written form, it sure sounds like it.

    Everyone has weaknesses or ignorances that need to be corrected....lets be a bit more compassionate to our fellow human being.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    I work in a grocery store, in a small town. I know what people are eating and I can say with confidence that the families with overweight kids are eating a ton of processed, easy, quick foods.

    Generally the families with smaller sizes are the ones buying fresh foods..

    but I will say there is the odd teenager who eats only sugar and/or skinny adult who is constantly buying frozen pizzas, ice cream, etc... it's just not often.

    Another trend I've noticed?

    If the parents are overweight the kids are almost always the same. It's only very rarely you see a rotund parent with a skinny child or a rotund child with a skinny parent. Clearly the issue here IS the food being eaten, not physical activity levels or even health issues when it's so uniform across the family.

    I only know one family where the parents are all overweight and their child is normal size... I'm sure there are more but I personally have only seen one. (Oh, and the family in question? The mother often calls her daughter fat. Her skinny, normal sized daughter!!! Whereas the mother is at least four times the size of her daughter and an inch shorter! That drives me crazy!!!!)
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    Alot of children these days like cake, candy, and McDonald's. It's hard to break them of that, and not everyone wants to go through the trouble. My kids know that if they don't eat what I cook, they can wait to the next meal. Luckily they're not too bad at eating healthy, but they're kids and they all seem to have a sweet tooth (like me).
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member

    You are right though...you are what you eat.

    That is odd............. I don't remember eating any sexy beast!
  • beerbomber
    beerbomber Posts: 184 Member
    My friend told me the other day he met a girl at the Golden Corrall and my first thought was wow she going to be big, cause you ever go to the all you can eat buffet's nothing really to small in there.
  • jrrflr
    jrrflr Posts: 109
    I get really bothered when I am in the checkout line at the grocery store. While I am waiting my turn, I can't help but to look at other carts. It really bothers me when I see a mom with young kids and nothing but frozen dinners. One time, and I am not exaggerating, the lady in front of me had thirty dinners. She told the cashier that she makes her kids fix their own meals and that the frozen dinner was the easiest thing for them to do. I am all for teaching your kids to learn to do things on their own, but I think she was doing more harm by letting them fix *just* frozen dinners for each meal.

    In a similar vein, my mother has always had poor eating habits. After her sixth heart attack, we decided it was not safe for her to drive any longer. As a result, I now accompany her on her grocery shopping trips. We have argued about her food choices, to the point of her crying, right in the middle of the grocery store. One argument was over the health benefits of Spam (one of her favorites). You just can't help some folks.
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I understand what you mean, but sometimes the soda isn't for the children. I always buy six - eight bottles of soda a week for the guys (all well over 18) in the house, my kids drink crystal light and juice. I prefer crystal light since it has less sugar, I also make sweet tea, but you know.
  • cHaRlIe0411
    cHaRlIe0411 Posts: 137 Member
    I get this, but there are people who can't afford a stove and their apt. "units" only come with or can fit a microwave. Maybe their only choice to lose weight is low calorie food that does not need to be cooked (fruit, veggies raw) and flat out calorie restriction.

    My husband and I can are living in a small trailer, so conventional cooking is not an option. It's not an excuse either, so people like us can really just focus on eating less, if not necissarily "better". All though, raw foods like nuts, apples, and carrots are better anyway!

    Instead of a microave, I would opt for a toaster over... I live in an appartment where real ovens are forbidden, so that's what we use. It's just as good as a real oven and can cook pretty decent sized things.. it even takes less space than a microave!
  • Run4UrHealth
    Run4UrHealth Posts: 348 Member
    very true and just as sad!! my biggest issue.......have you seen the school lunches that the kids get. NASTY!!!!! My kids will never buy school lunch.

    ^^^ So true! My daughter takes her lunch to school every day. I'm so happy she does because that food is all crap.

    ^^^Not true anymore...school lunches are now healthier than what most parents fix for their kids to take. I see kids who bring their lunch and it is PB&J or other type of sandwiches EVERYDAY. How is that healthier than meat, veggies, salad, and fruit that are offered at school. My kid's school offers two meats to choose from. Kids need variety too! The schools here in Alabama have gone to all wheat bread and offer healthier food items but of course they offer pizza. They have even started serving sweet potato fries. The kids must put a meat, veggie, fruit, and milk on their plate. I have eaten with my kids and the food is wonderul!
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    Alot of children these days like cake, candy, and McDonald's. It's hard to break them of that, and not everyone wants to go through the trouble. My kids know that if they don't eat what I cook, they can wait to the next meal. Luckily they're not too bad at eating healthy, but they're kids and they all seem to have a sweet tooth (like me).

    This is why building good diet habits are so important. Your kids might be skinny now, but if you teach them that cookies and cakes and potato chips are okay and keep them in the house, they won't be when they're in high school (what happened to me.)

    My 9 yo brother is unhealthily over weight and mom's all but pushed every drop of snack food out of the house and replaced them with diet sodas, fruit, and other alternatives. He has tantrum after tantrum about it, but I'm so glad she's staying strong!
  • nml2011
    nml2011 Posts: 156 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    While agree with the comments of making wise choices at the grocery and wise choices in what we eat....lets be careful about how judgemental this all sounds. After all, a lot of you have made some super sized mistakes your self or you wouldn't have the weight/eating problems that you have. It sounds like now since you think you have conquered making poor food choices you are better than the people who you are judging. Maybe you don't really feel this way, but in written form, it sure sounds like it.

    Everyone has weaknesses or ignorances that need to be corrected....lets be a bit more compassionate to our fellow human being.

  • CrazyDaisysMommy
    I don't buy processed foods, and the last time I was in the grocery store I started to feel very self-conscious. I put all my items on the belt: beets with greens, oranges, papaya, mangos, sweet potatos, fennel, spinach, pineapple, acorn squash, celery and turnips. I also had chicken and fish. The woman immediately behind me just stared at my food, looked up at me, stared back at my food, looked at me...I looked at her food and there was not one thing "fresh" in her basket. I started to feel awkward about how weird by shopping list was. :noway: