I've been noticing....



  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    well, the biggest loser has to get their contestants from somewhere..

    and i gotta agree with someone, money is usually a very lame excuse. my parents lived on minimum wage (with two kids) and we had healthy food available all the time. how that was possible? well, they didnt buy any crappy snacks (chips and chocolate once a month only, usually the first sunday of every month) and totally no sodas. if you want to make it work, you can make it work. it just takes some effort.
  • mem1086
    mem1086 Posts: 136 Member
    i completely agree with these statements and have observed the same things. At the same time though, I think even if people do eat healthy, some have major portion control issues. for instance a friend of mine's husband had a heart attack, so I made a casserole for them that my family of 4 has eaten for diner and had enough left over for at least 3 more servings. I made the casserole the same size as it normally (7 servings) for this family of 3. They ate the entire thing for dinner, none leftover! And I am sure that this was not the only thing that was on the dinner table for them. This amazed me! On top of that I made them cookies for if people stopped by (5 dozen - this is what the recipe made) and they had them all eaten over a 3 day period. I was just amazed by this whole incident. Sorry if it seems like a rant.

    I guess what I am getting at is people can eat all the health y food they want and still be obese due to no portion control.
  • Cathyvil
    Cathyvil Posts: 230 Member
    Yeah, I notice the contents of people's shopping carts as well. Some people apparently never cook anything that can't be prepared in a microwave.

    There's an ad campaign on tv now for a Virginia power company that says you should use the microwave more instead of the oven to conserve energy. There's shot of a 12ish year old boy taking a hot pocket or some sort of crap like that out of the microwave and chomping on it. It makes me so mad every time I see it. What a terrible example they are setting. I was an environmental studies major in college and I don't care how much energy is saved, it's so much healthier to actually cook your food instead of heating up this garbage.
  • msapril177
    msapril177 Posts: 56 Member
    I get a good mix of both, so I would be one hard cart to figure out. :smile:

    My biggest problem is that I need to plan better. With limited time to prepare meals and be the "single mom" I do sometimes go for convenience...thus, the frozen pizzas and ravioli sometimes. Oops!! I'm working on it though!!!
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    The thing I hate to see the most is a 6 year old kid who is busting out of her 8 year old clothes, is dirty and holding a soda and a bag of cookies. Its like they dont SEE that they are setting this kid up for a lifetime of self loathing and low standards.

    This! I can't wrap my head around how parents don't see it.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    I'm a grocery line bragger/judger myself. I scoff at the person in front of me buying fatty foods if they are not thin and parade around my veggies like I have just cured cancer. I've eaten healthy for years, my problem is cereal, love the stuff but a binge on that vs fast food will never kill me - fingers crossed ;)

    Costco has horrible prices, unless you love 1 thing (I hear people love their meat) or have a 6+ person family it’s such a waste of money!
  • firstnamekaren
    firstnamekaren Posts: 274 Member
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    Yeah, I notice the contents of people's shopping carts as well. Some people apparently never cook anything that can't be prepared in a microwave.

    There's an ad campaign on tv now for a Virginia power company that says you should use the microwave more instead of the oven to conserve energy. There's shot of a 12ish year old boy taking a hot pocket or some sort of crap like that out of the microwave and chomping on it. It makes me so mad every time I see it. What a terrible example they are setting. I was an environmental studies major in college and I don't care how much energy is saved, it's so much healthier to actually cook your food instead of heating up this garbage.

    Yeah save money by using only the microwave but waste it all on expensive frozen crap. :P The only thing I microwave is my peanut butter because natural pb is impossible to spread when it's cold haha.
  • Pir8Rav
    Pir8Rav Posts: 36 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notive the same?

    Agreed - its not cheap eating right believe it or not. Some believe thats by design....

    I try and only shop the perimeter at grocery and only dip into the aisles.
  • Sapporo
    Sapporo Posts: 693 Member
    Do you ever notice the obese/overweight families with the cart full of healthy foods because they want to change? That would be me and my husband, only with our skinny 15 year old daughter. I know there are more of us out there somewhere.
  • hedgiie
    hedgiie Posts: 1,245 Member
    good observation, thanks for sharing. i have to evaluate our cart next time.
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?

    Totally, it bothers me but hey, it's the price to pay for a healthier body.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?

    Absolutely! Especially if the family eats meat. Processed meat is way cheaper then fresh meat.
  • SarahSwimmer
    SarahSwimmer Posts: 125 Member
    Aubie: this is true! I'm glad our school cafeterias are getting SOME recognition. At our (very southen and low-funded) school, "fried" chicken is actually baked and breaded with whole wheat crumbs! It's terrible that we bash our schools when they are doing their best to balance health, funds, and what kids will eat. (I admit I'm biased :)
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    While agree with the comments of making wise choices at the grocery and wise choices in what we eat....lets be careful about how judgmental this all sounds.

    Aww come on, you may not put it in writing but being more physically attractive or thinner than others will always make you feel good. ‘They’ say putting down others does not make you any better but if you are cranky it sure as hell makes you feel better to know so many people are so worse off. Can't be bubbly all the time ya know, I'm human too!
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    Do you ever notice the obese/overweight families with the cart full of healthy foods because they want to change? That would be me and my husband, only with our skinny 15 year old daughter. I know there are more of us out there somewhere.

    :) I see you guys too. And sometimes we end up swapping recipes. ;)
  • eatmeingo
    eatmeingo Posts: 134
    The funny thing is (well not that funny) is that the cart full of processed foods cost less than your cart of fresh good quality produce (in the UK anyways);

    I'm not complaining as it's worth the investment but just making the observation... do you notice the same?

    That may be true, but a week's worth of popular snack foods (at least in the US) cost just as much if not more than healthy things for meals in my experience. Why not save up the money you could waste on junk for things maybe a bit pricier but much more healthy...? I don't get it. You'll spend $5-$10 on liters of Coke and Pepsi and Mountain Dew but not in the fruit and veg section...?
  • EmCarroll1990
    EmCarroll1990 Posts: 2,849 Member
    Do you ever notice the obese/overweight families with the cart full of healthy foods because they want to change? That would be me and my husband, only with our skinny 15 year old daughter. I know there are more of us out there somewhere.

    :) I see you guys too. And sometimes we end up swapping recipes. ;)

    I see you guys as well, and honestly it makes me smile. You're making great and better choices for yourselves and your children.
  • penrbrown
    penrbrown Posts: 2,685 Member
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.

    I don't think that's what people are trying to say at all. I think people are seeing a natural connection between what people are eating and their body size. That's all.

    As I said. I work in a grocery store. I see lots of groceries. Lots of families. Lots of food. I don't look at the people who are large and buying junk and think bad things... I just see the connection between their food and their size. How is that judgmental?

    BTW, I'm overweight. I am hardly sitting in judgment. I know very well that my bad food choices helped me put on the weight I did. Denial doesn't help anyone... what you eat affects your weight. Period.
  • craziedazie
    craziedazie Posts: 185 Member
    WOW I think I can sum up most of the thoughts from this thread with a couple of sentences:

    I look at other people's carts and judge them by what they're eating and what their kids are eating. I then feel better about myself for subsequently judging them.

    Wait you forgot one : Unless they are skinny or healthy looking - then it is ok to buy junk food.