Does the cashier make fun of you?



  • jimmie25
    jimmie25 Posts: 266
    that hasnt happened to me, but once i bought a bottle of wine for my mom and the lady at the cashier asked for my ID. when she took a look at it she burst out laughing and I was like WTF... i mean, my ID pic is kinda old and weird but not that funny,really :D and if i would laugh right into my customers faces at work, i'd be fired sooner or later. probably sooner.
  • I1ahunt
    I1ahunt Posts: 72
    No, but I tend to be a real tool when someone else is showing their *kitten* and I would have probably said something like " Yes I am going ot eat it, and if you ate some of this stuff you might not look the way you do." I know...not very nice.
  • pniana
    pniana Posts: 254 Member
    I've had a cashier ask if we have animals, like rabbits or something because of all of the leafy greens I've purchased!
  • Starslight9
    Starslight9 Posts: 4 Member
    I looove boiling and eating whole artichokes, so most of the cashiers are confused as to what it is! But I've never had anyone nasty to me about it.
  • JanetLM73
    JanetLM73 Posts: 1,226 Member
    I went to wal-mart this morning and bought v8 sweet corn and chipotle soup, I love it, I add chicken to it, anyhoo the cashier actually said "that looks gross, like baby food". Mind you she was about 16, but still.
  • xjackie83
    xjackie83 Posts: 23 Member
    I'm a manager at a grocery store and I'm over the cashiers so I end up on a register a lot too. Sometimes it's just cashier banter we are trying to make. A lot of times I'll play the "guess what you're cooking game" where I try to figure out what people are making for dinners that week or if they are buying a product I've never tried I'll ask if they like it. I had one guy that did buy a lot of health foods, so I asked if he was on a diet...he was and he had already lost a lot of weight. I guess some people could consider that rude.

    You'd be very surprised with how many people just buy not-so-good frozen and processed stuff. It is not uncommon that people spend $100-$200 on a cart of food and they don't have one whole grain product, lean meat, or any fruits or vegetables. So when I have customers that do eat healthy foods, I congratulate them and talk about recipes.
  • shelby623
    shelby623 Posts: 55 Member
    That's when you kindly remind the cashier that she is upset because her job is being outsourced to a machine.
  • bushidowoman
    bushidowoman Posts: 1,599 Member
    I'm from the deep south, and I had a cashier ask me about my ethicity. I said "excuse me?" And she asked me where I'm from. I told her I'm a home-grown southern girl. She said she figured I was from another country or from "up north somewhere" because of the foods I usually. I think it was stuff like dried chickpeas and maybe tabouleh? I dunno, but I thought it was funny.

    (I used to eat much healthier--having more kids now and the gas/grocery prices makes it harder to buy the things I used to buy. I miss quinoa.)
  • marycmeadows
    marycmeadows Posts: 1,691 Member
    Yes! this has happened to me! I've had them ask me if I was on a diet or something? Really - that's rude because are you implying that I'm fat and that must be why I'm dieting, or only a person on a diet would eat this stuff? LOL.
  • Victoria2448
    Victoria2448 Posts: 559 Member
    I was at the grocery store and had my usual assortment of the best foods I could find this time of year, and the cashier made fun of me because I had too many fruits, veggies, and whole grains. She said "You aren't really going to eat this stuff are you?" and when I said of course I am , she preceded to sneer and give me dirty looks. This happen to anyone else?

    I've never had this happen and I think it would be quite ignorant of someone to do this. The worse (and it's not bad at all) I've had is comments on the amount of eggs I buy...usually between 5-10 dozen. If someone says anything I tell them I love eggs! :laugh:
  • I think maybe some of you are making a bigger deal out of this than need be?
  • paulamarsden
    paulamarsden Posts: 483 Member
    in britain, people dont dare make those kind of comments.

    anywho, i have a fave check out lad i always go to, he is so polite and funny.
  • Godzirra
    Godzirra Posts: 19 Member
    Eh. Ignore her. She's likely going home after grabbing her typical meal of mcdonalds and wondering why she's gaining weight. Don't let little people sway you from doing the right thing. :)
  • stevewynjones
    stevewynjones Posts: 1,052 Member
    Err no, I've never let anyone judge my eating habits....... :glasses:


    one're single, yes?

    Err..yeah. You can tell because of my purchases?

    No..your really ugly!


    Old joke but it make me smile....
  • lkblazek
    lkblazek Posts: 36
    i prolly would have told the store manager about the attitude of the cashier. who does she think she is to judge you on the food you eat???

    Cashier needs to be reported!
  • She said "You aren't really going to eat this stuff are you?"
    Next time, stare directly into her eyes, tense your neck until your head shakes a la Henry Rollins, and speak the following words:
    "You will die FAT and UNLOVED."

    Betcha a dollar she'll never do it again.

  • supertracylynn
    supertracylynn Posts: 1,338 Member
    I would have reminded her that her job is to ring up my purchases, not criticize them. I mean seriously. Does she have dirty looks and comments for people that buy condoms and lube too? How about cookies and chips? Or toothbrushes and mouthwash? I think her manager would probably want to hear about it. Treating customers poorly leads to them not coming back, that's not what the store wants to happen.

    Makes me wonder what she would have said last night about my purchases: big bottle of wine, bread, milk, big box of condoms, and almond milk.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    She said "You aren't really going to eat this stuff are you?"
    Next time, stare directly into her eyes, tense your neck until your head shakes a la Henry Rollins, and speak the following words:
    "You will die FAT and UNLOVED."

    Betcha a dollar she'll never do it again.

    Aaaaahahahaha!!! :laugh:
  • I was at the grocery store and had my usual assortment of the best foods I could find this time of year, and the cashier made fun of me because I had too many fruits, veggies, and whole grains. She said "You aren't really going to eat this stuff are you?" and when I said of course I am , she preceded to sneer and give me dirty looks. This happen to anyone else?

    I am a cashier at my grocery store, and i never do that. I compliment people on what they get, like- "Oh that looks good!" and "Have you tried this yet? Well let me know how it is!" because thats just me being nice, and actually wondering how the product tastes and whatnot, and if I ever did what that woman did, i guarantee you that I would be getting a complaint, and into trouble. That woman should have never done that, it was very rude of her.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    Midwest...there's the problem. I'm in rural Indiana...a challenge to find anything organic...impossible to afford if you do. Usually, I have the problem of the cashier not knowing what the produce even is. Haven't had them make fun of me though. That's just nuts!