Does the cashier make fun of you?



  • BaconMD
    BaconMD Posts: 1,165 Member
    I think maybe some of you are making a bigger deal out of this than need be?
    Maybe, but people like that should think before they open their mouths. I know people who have had lifelong issues with food and weight because of words from other people earlier on in their lives. Contrary to what many people may think, words can and do hurt others.
  • _VoV
    _VoV Posts: 1,494 Member
    I've been a vegetarian since forever, and always buy tons of produce. No cashier has ever commented on my purchases per se, but I have had a few inquiries about how to cook some of the veggies. I'm always happy to share ideas.

    That cashier had no business questioning you about whether you were planning to eat the stuff you were buying. I think I would have asked in a sort of stern way "Why do you ask?"
  • Mirth
    Mirth Posts: 77
    I sometimes get comments if I have to run to the store and only pick up the missing ingredients for a week's meals. But if I saw someone buying a lime, caramel, and GF pasta, I'd be a little suspicious of what they were planning as well.

    I don't think I've ever had someone outright judge me based on what I'm buying, but I think that happens a lot. I know I'm slightly judgmental of the people in checkout lines who are buying a stack of frozen junk food, cookies, and ten cases of soda at a time. I would never voice those thoughts to those people, though. It's very disrespectful and really none of my business.

    Most of the time check out is just a big game of 'watch the cashier guess the produce!' It can be endlessly entertaining, but I also have to double check what the screen says they entered. There's a big price difference between celery stalks and celery root!
  • Mythel
    Mythel Posts: 72
    Never the cashier but I have had other people in line make comments. I buy organic, very little to no highly processed foods, lots of fresh fruit & veggies (hardly ever canned or frozen). Many people have made comments under their breath about "waste of money" and "no real food" and "her poor kids". People also seem to hate that I bring my own shopping bags and I never put anything in plastic. This includes all my produce....I NEVER EVER use those plastic produce bags. I have a set of my own mesh ones I use for things like green beans and such.
  • littlesis412
    littlesis412 Posts: 314 Member
    Wow, as a cashier, I don't know what she was thinking and that was just plain rude. I'd complain. I'm sick of rude cashiers making us all look bad. As for commenting on people's items? Yes, I do that. But it's because it's something I've never seen before, would like to try, or have tried and love. And anything that hints dogs or small children. It's easy (and safe) to talk about those. As for personal items like condoms, lube, or pregnancy tests, I act like they're no different than anything else. And they're not to me. But some customers are uncomfortable about those things and you don't want to make it a bad experience for them.

    I will admit that I mentally note some of the foods people eat. Like if they're stocking up on pizza and junk food, I tell myself it's delicious but that's why they're overweight (and why I am too lol). The people that have mostly fresh food and produce are usually smaller. So, it's like motivation for me to eat better so I can be fit as well. But I sure as ____ wouldn't say anything negative to the customer themselves.
  • Sweet_Potato
    Sweet_Potato Posts: 1,119 Member
    I'm a manager at a grocery store and I'm over the cashiers so I end up on a register a lot too. Sometimes it's just cashier banter we are trying to make. A lot of times I'll play the "guess what you're cooking game" where I try to figure out what people are making for dinners that week or if they are buying a product I've never tried I'll ask if they like it. I had one guy that did buy a lot of health foods, so I asked if he was on a diet...he was and he had already lost a lot of weight. I guess some people could consider that rude.

    You'd be very surprised with how many people just buy not-so-good frozen and processed stuff. It is not uncommon that people spend $100-$200 on a cart of food and they don't have one whole grain product, lean meat, or any fruits or vegetables. So when I have customers that do eat healthy foods, I congratulate them and talk about recipes.

    My first job ever was at a grocery store. Even as a 16-year-old I was pretty surprised at how much red meat, cheese, frozen meals, processed foods, etc people were buying. That said, my shopping cart is usually not representative of how I actually eat, since I get most of my fruits and vegetables at places other than the regular grocery store. It's best to avoid judging.

    I do like it when an employee makes small talk about what I'm buying (usually they ask what kind of dogs I have). But once a cashier wrinkled up her nose and refused to touch a bag of mussels I was buying. I found this pretty offensive, and it also made me worry that maybe the mussels were bad and I just couldn't smell it.
  • Koketa0510
    The only time they ever say something is when I'm buying baby diapers, wipes, condoms and a pregnancy test... and they scan them in that order. :blushing:
  • garnet1483
    garnet1483 Posts: 249 Member
    I've actually always wondered if the cashiers notice what I buy... I used to work cash in a grocery store in high school, and it's an interesting experience. The only time the fruit and veggie people would ever aggravate me was if they acted like I should have all 350 produce codes memorized, and were angry or impatient when I had to ask them to identify something for me so I could look up the code. I actually still remember the code for bananas, because every single person in America (or at least my hometown) buys bananas weekly.

    The thing is, rudeness is never called for, and that girl was being rude. She needs to be called out on it, either by your or her manager, for a couple of reasons... One, it gives the store a bad name, and they will eventually lose business if all of their cashiers have that attitude. Two, I'm assuming she's young, and that's just not part of a good, productive work ethic, which she should be trying to learn. Part of being a good cashier is being friendly and flexible, and having a really good poker face. Because YES, the guy who comes in at 6 p.m. and buys roses, a "happy belated birthday" card, and condoms comes off as a little skeezy. As do the college students buying ALL the orange juice. But you don't say anything to THEM about it, because that's not your job, and they're going to buy the stuff anyway, and your day will go by a lot quicker if you're friendly to people and they're friendly to you, whether you actually mean it or not.
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    I only ever have issues with them not knowing the code for the produce I purchase. Or even what it is. Especially ginger root! I didn't realize so few people buy it. Shame, since it's delicious!

    ^ Exact same experience with GINGER.
    Yep, every time I buy it.
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    Not when I'm buying a pair of pliers, paint thinner, eggs, lantern oil, a pack of lighters, milk, 3 portabello mushrooms, and a pair of gloves. I also make sure to look hurried with a crazed glare in my eye and a twitch in my hands. No questions are asked. EVER.
  • ItsMeRebekah
    ItsMeRebekah Posts: 910 Member
    I would have reminded her that her job is to ring up my purchases, not criticize them. I mean seriously. Does she have dirty looks and comments for people that buy condoms and lube too? How about cookies and chips? Or toothbrushes and mouthwash? I think her manager would probably want to hear about it. Treating customers poorly leads to them not coming back, that's not what the store wants to happen.

    i bought 20 boxes of 1store pregnancy test recently for a bachelorette party and the lady ringing them up looks at me, and says, you know you only need one, they work just fine. I was pretty appalled by her remark on my purchase! And just to be snarky i said "well not everybody has the same success when trying to conceive" hahahaha to which she immediately apologized and wished me luck
  • JoyousRen
    JoyousRen Posts: 3,823 Member
    Err no, I've never let anyone judge my eating habits....... :glasses:

    one're single, yes?
    Err..yeah. You can tell because of my purchases?
    No..your really ugly!
    Old joke but it make me smile....
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Doesn't happen to me unless someone wants to be kicked in the shins.

    Yes, assault is clearly called for in this situation. Good Lord. rolleyes.gif
  • ajlarz
    ajlarz Posts: 155 Member
    Eh- I'd just take it as a compliment and move on.
  • _Timmeh_
    _Timmeh_ Posts: 2,096 Member
    You should have seen the look the cashier gave me when I was checking out at Target on Tuesday night :smokin:
  • brybre0413
    brybre0413 Posts: 212 Member
    Actually yes, When you have everything but meat in your basket they look at you like where's the beef! Yup especially in Oklahoma
  • ElizabethRoad
    ElizabethRoad Posts: 5,138 Member
    Doesn't happen to me unless someone wants to be kicked in the shins.

    Yes, assault is clearly called for in this situation. Good Lord. rolleyes.gif
    I'm sure that was meant literally.
  • PinkEarthMama
    PinkEarthMama Posts: 987 Member
    The only real question that has made me a bit annoyed was when the cashier winked at me and said

    "Almost time, eh? "

    It took me a second.... she was ringing up feminine supplies and thought I was pregnant. I just raised my eyebrows and stared at her with what I thought was an " Not amused " expression.
  • MyFeistyEvolution
    MyFeistyEvolution Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hmm no not quite.

    I will say that at my grocery store the cashiers are very young and don't seem to realize how they say things at times. Usually they're just asking about a product because they see them all day.

    If a cashier said that to me, I wouldn't think much of it...what do I really care? I feel like it's more of just being ignorant than being judgemental in many cases.
  • killagb
    killagb Posts: 3,280 Member
    I would simply reply "Oh god no...I'm not going to eat this, I'm going to shove it up your a**!" :bigsmile:

    Otherwise, a punch to her face would be another great solution.