Last 10 - kick-off



  • ctmom1
    ctmom1 Posts: 189
    Congrats to everyone who lost this week!

    Dewdrop, great job fitting into the skirt!

    I'm down 2lbs since last week, just by getting back on track with my eating and exercising. It feels good!:wink:

    cw: 132
    gw: 120

    hoping to stay on track throughout the weekend!!!

  • Schaff
    Schaff Posts: 83
    Sorry for not posting in a week, work has been CRAZY!!!

    So I gained 4 pounds over the holiday weekend by eating WAY too much and not really working out. Since I got back I have brought that down 2 pounds (yay!)

    So here are my stats for the week:

    current weight: 137.4
    Hours slept last night: 8 1/2
    Calories consumed so far today: 299

    Lessons learned this week, let's see. Two big ones come to mind. I really do think that getting at least 8 hours a night makes a big difference with regards to control and my hunger level in general. I have a real problem with trying not to consume everything in the house when I get home from work, that is where my downfall is. I have been coming home, eating dinner, and then going right to the gym. This has helped A LOT since after I work out I really am not hungry and I have a small glass of chocolate milk for muscle recovery afterwards. I also realize that I have a problem with binge eating. There was a post about it earlier this week and I realize that I have been doing that for at least a month, maybe longer. Realizing that I do that has made me more aware of preparation before and sort of "tricking" my body into not eating too much at night. If anyone else has this problem check out that post, it really had some helpful insights into how to get it under control.

    One more thing I learned, I need to stop weighing myself daily, it really doesn't work for me and I get very obsessed and upset about THE NUMBER. I am cutting it back to 2 times a week, and I already feel a lot better!

    Hope everyone else had a good week, let's try and keep it up through the weekend!

    Created by - Free Food Diary
  • ChaChaMommy
    I really burned a lot of calories yesterday. Husb and I walked around the trails downtown for minutes, I was beat when we got back to the car, burned 300 cals!! total for day about 600. Had a big dinner, flank steak with lots of zuccini, squash blossoms, mushrooms, so really worked that off. total cal for day about 1600.

    when is weigh in day? I weigh in at work on Weds.

    I've started keeping almonds in the house to munch on instead of crackers ( i have a bad cracker addition) though I'm still craving 'em. Might have to still have some around so I don't overeat on the almonds.

    I have trouble exercising outside when it gets hot too!! Forunatelt here in Pitts, all week its been cold and cloudy, good for exercising at least, going to get hot by end of week.

    going on vacation next week, we rented a cabin on seneca lake in NY. Hopefully i'll be able to plan meals and have good choices there to eat. the only thing is we're going there to visit the wineries and go to wine festival.
    Almonds are a GREAT snack to add protein and some calories when you need them.....but they can be as addicting as the crackers (I too am addicted to crackers, pretzels, and any bread product!) Hope you have a great time at the wineries! I LOVE wine and touring where we live in California and in Baja has lots of opportunities to do the wine tours (which usually includes cheese and those yummy crackers and olive oil combinations!) My suggestion is to try to keep to the healthy choices for meals...but enjoy your wine festival knowing that its a VACATION that you can get back to your normal routine when vacation is over. HAVE FUN!:drinker:
  • ChaChaMommy
    What I've learned since starting this program:

    Keeping my food log REALLY helps me stay accountable even when I can't do a weigh-in check in while camping. I normally can get internet service every other day or so (at least so far) and reading all your posts really encourages and motivates me to stay with the program!:love:

    second: I really enjoy logging in my exercise and that usually helps me enjoy my dinners more! (I really like having a glass or two of wine with dinner)

    third: having my husband ALSO working on this weight "loss" and maintenance program really helps me......BUT (emphasis here) I need female "partners" to motivate and encourage me which I have been blessed with in all of you, my mother, and my best friends. Thank you all!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Hi, everyone,

    I hate it being such a lousy motivator, but I haven't been doing great lately... Even thought at some point about deactivating the account... Nothing terribly wrong, just throwed in a couple of weeks to trash the results of some good 5 weeks and feeling a bit low and tired and stressed. Other than that, life is good :tongue: . Hope you're all doing much better than myself...
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    hey there everyone

    seems like everyone is doing great at the weigh ins.. good luck to you all..

    emm. i'm going off this for a long while now.. emm.. i'm pregnant.

    heh.. emm i'm happy.. but apprehensive and i dont know.. kind of feeling overwhelmed.. ofcourse i was planning it.. but you dont know what to feel till it really hits you i guess..

    anyway.. not the place to discuss my 'mommy issues'

    good luck to you all.. ill keep posting in every now and then though :happy:

    dewdrop.. best of luck!
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    emm. i'm going off this for a long while now.. emm.. i'm pregnant.

    heh.. emm i'm happy.. but apprehensive and i dont know.. kind of feeling overwhelmed.. ofcourse i was planning it.. but you dont know what to feel till it really hits you i guess..

    anyway.. not the place to discuss my 'mommy issues'

    GREEEAAAT!!! Congrats! I'll tell you how I'd like you to feel: happy, excited, amazed. Happy to be the first place on earth hosting a human being. Excited that you got blessed with this gift. Amazed to think how this little fella is growing inside of you. Isn't this a wonder?

    As for worries and fears, put them aside. Leave them to me (I'm the worrying kind :wink: ). hehe. No need to be worried, it'll all be alright! I am so happy for you.

    Good luck and hey, it's ALWAYS OK to talk about "mommy issues", right, everyone? So do keep us posted. (provided I'll still have my accound, I'd like to hear how it's going and prepare myself, hehe).

    Once again, congrats! :flowerforyou: and wish you from the bottom of my :heart: to have a healthy pregnancy and to enjoy every moment of it!
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    thank you so much :blushing: you a doll dewdrop! :flowerforyou:

    and please dont get low on motivation. i was reading your previous messages and they've been kindov :frown:

    everything seemed well till your vacations.. and then.. ???

    and hey you.. dont you delete your account either.. you know how it is.. some weeks are better than others. logging in your food and exercise diary itself tends to keep one on track and emm that is consolation enough on bad days isn't it :laugh:

    and hey did you ever post your pictures in that skirt! :smokin: show your stuff to us and we'll all cheer you to hapiness again!! :bigsmile:

    im sorry ive lost track of the next weigh in date.. but please.. everybody!! keep this thread going..

    if its any help... i could start posting in my weight increase!!:drinker:
  • fm1304
    fm1304 Posts: 31 Member
    Sorry for not posting in a week, work has been CRAZY!!!

    So I gained 4 pounds over the holiday weekend by eating WAY too much and not really working out. Since I got back I have brought that down 2 pounds (yay!)

    dont worry too much about the few pounds gained in a few days.. mostly its water weight.. you were probably having a lot fo salt based foods :wink: just keep having loads of water..

    and about the cravings.. your body might be low on nutrients.. try snacking on vegetables, salad without dressings and fruits.. that way you can munch without feeling guilty.. vegetables are better than fruit.. hope this helps! GOOD LUCK!!!
  • ChaChaMommy
    Hi everyone! I got through my week and a half of company at our camp park! I love having fun with my friends...but it certainly is a challenge to stay anywhere remotely close to my fitness program with guests. ....not impossible, but a challenge! I'm apt to use them as excuses to blow it myself here and there. (like a fish FRY with hushpuppies!!!; or spaghetti and ravioli OUT) ....oh well. Now, I must get back on the program and I'm READY! What I've learned: straying is not too bad if you get right back on the program ASAP! ....and how your clothes fit are better indicators than a scale (as long as you stay away from sweat pants!:bigsmile: ). Good luck for this week to everyone!
  • ChaChaMommy
    :sad: Hey....where did everyone go?????:ohwell:
  • CasperO
    CasperO Posts: 2,913 Member
    Good question,

    I'll check in:

    12 pounds from goal, but i'm a pretty big guy so for me that's getting close. Been stuck for a week or 2. Had some time outta town and eating a little heavy and a little salty. It's Ok, still making progress.

    When I started out I was somewhere around 35% bodyfat, and wow,,, it was easy. I could drop 5 pounds by skipping lunch and going to the bathroom. Calipers say I'm around 19% bodyfat now, and it's not so easy anymore.

    Height- 5'8"

    Weight- 212 pounds (started mid-January @ 270).

    Measurements- 37-1/2 waist (was 46 @ New Years ).

    Sleep- 7 hours most nights.

    Started my day with: 30 great minutes on the elliptical. Got my 1700 strides in before the 30 minutes, with much time @ resistance level 4.

    Broke out the dumbbells this morning, need to set 'em up for 30 pounds each. Want to take 10 minutes and knock in a little upper body stuff 3 morn's a week. Getting leaner, starting to define a little. Man, I've lost a lot of muscle mass from the old days. Don't know if I can build muscle while in a calorie deficit, but I'm gonna work a little and see what happens.

    Today already entered and planned. Dinner of lean country style pork ribs, asparagus and corn and maybe a leftover biscuit if the kids don't kill 'em today. That'll make wife happy, she loves ribs & asparagus.
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    :sad: Hey....where did everyone go?????:ohwell:

    I plan to return soon. Maybe if I can motivate myself, I'll manage to play this role for the gorup as well :).

    Jill, hang on in there! You're not alone.

    Oh, and btw, when I'll be back, I might be a bit over "last 10", if I were to be honest. Darn!
  • ChaChaMommy
    :sad: Hey....where did everyone go?????:ohwell:

    I plan to return soon. Maybe if I can motivate myself, I'll manage to play this role for the gorup as well :).

    Jill, hang on in there! You're not alone.

    Oh, and btw, when I'll be back, I might be a bit over "last 10", if I were to be honest. Darn!

    thanks Dewdrop!!! I was worried since I hadn't seen any input for awhile! .....and CasperO....thanks for responding too!....where are the rest of you????:grumble: .....I'm still on our 5th wheel vacation, so my exercise has been "hit and miss"....mostly walking with a little bicycle riding and occasional golf....and its hard to get on the internet as regularly as I'd like since access is limited. But I'm doing the best I can, and hope that when we get home to the dreaded weigh-in, hubby and I will be able to at a minimum maintain our current status. I changed my photo to a current one and I can see my weight loss so I'm very happy:happy: My current goal is to get rid of my blubber belly, so I need some suggestions that I can work on outside of a gym and without any machines. I bought an ABS tape that I'm going to try to do today within the confines of a very space limited 5th wheel. ....any other suggestions?
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    My current goal is to get rid of my blubber belly, so I need some suggestions that I can work on outside of a gym and without any machines. I bought an ABS tape that I'm going to try to do today within the confines of a very space limited 5th wheel. ....any other suggestions?

    As long as you're on the move and walk a lot, don't worry about following a precise fitness training plan. I meant to say: I :love: your pic. You're so full of life, so happy, so living it and enjoying it. :smile:

    Get a tummy band (see to get what I mean). I've seen a post here by someone whose before and after pics were proving that it works. I've been using mine inconsistently, but looking at how much I sweat when jogging with it, it must be working! :smile:

    Enjoy your time off and get yourself ready for my return :happy: . :glasses:
  • ChaChaMommy
    Thanks Dewdrop! ....staying active IS the key!!!! ....not just for the calories burned, but my overall mental / mood state! I get REALLY cranky and self-loathing when I don't do something to pump up the endorphins! goes into a self-defeating spiral so I count on motivation to GET OUT and move!!!:laugh: We're moving campsites tomorrow morning so I don't know when I'll be able to get access to the internet (am hoping for sooner than later) Stay in touch! Jill
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Thanks Dewdrop! ....staying active IS the key!!!! ....not just for the calories burned, but my overall mental / mood state!

    I agree 100%. We we on a bike tour yesterday. 4 hrs of biking, over 35 miles. It was so good to be outdoors, burning calories and not close to the kitchen, from which I continuously grab some food otherwise. I think I'm back! I must be back! :glasses:
  • ChaChaMommy
    Thanks Dewdrop! ....staying active IS the key!!!! ....not just for the calories burned, but my overall mental / mood state!

    I agree 100%. We we on a bike tour yesterday. 4 hrs of biking, over 35 miles. It was so good to be outdoors, burning calories and not close to the kitchen, from which I continuously grab some food otherwise. I think I'm back! I must be back! :glasses:

    Yea!!!! You're BACK!!!:bigsmile: Thats some SERIOUS bike riding!!!:heart:
  • dewdrop
    dewdrop Posts: 1,715 Member
    Yea!!!! You're BACK!!!:bigsmile: Thats some SERIOUS bike riding!!!:heart:

    Yep, I'm back - 2 hrs of rather fast walking last night. Prevented me from munching all evening, too, so double strike :wink: .

    I wonder if everyone else but Jill (who I take it, does not have a scale handy where she is) and me (I'm the eternal struggler) has gotten rid of their last 10 pounds meanwhile. WHERE ARE YOU PEOPLE? :noway: At least come here and brag :laugh: .
  • Luv_2_Run
    Do you have room for another?