How old were you when you had kids?



  • mikellsmom
    mikellsmom Posts: 51 Member
    18 and 23
  • Luvmyboxerboy
    Luvmyboxerboy Posts: 130 Member
    I had my first at 32 and my second at 35...
  • bonthomas85
    19 and 21 :) eek they are 6 and 7 this year!!!!!!
  • jam3114
    jam3114 Posts: 250 Member
    one when I was 19 & one when I was 33 :smile: seemed easier & less stressful at 33 :happy:
    RILEYRED Posts: 647 Member
    19 AND 21
  • surfrgrl1
    surfrgrl1 Posts: 1,464 Member
    eeegads, I was 15................. I don't recommend that!
  • Alexstrasza
    Alexstrasza Posts: 619 Member
    21 with my son and 22 with my daugther. We had meant to wait longer for our second child but I guess she was deteremined to be created, lol.

    There are days I get frustrated enough that I do regret having them so early. However most days it's all worth it. I think you're smart for wanting to wait. Because I had mine so early I have to work extra hard towards a better future for them. I should have waited until that future was already in motion.

    Still, they are my everything and give me a reason to breathe every morning.
  • rblair_22
    rblair_22 Posts: 202 Member
    I had my son at 28, we want another one, but probably won't until 32 or 33!
  • fionarama
    fionarama Posts: 788 Member
    I was 38. Its been a great age to have a little girl, I enjoy every moment. And I've done lots , p;robably my only regret is not enjoying the freedom more when I had it.
    The only comment I would make about putting off having kids, is you need to know how many you want. I only ever wanted the one, so 38 was fine but had I changed my mind and wanted more there hasn't been enough time or any window of opportunity to have another one. For that reason I think around 30 is a perfect age as you have plenty of time.
    I certainly think its better to have them later rather than earlier any time under 25 would be too young as you haven't had enough time to sort your self out.
  • mrsstafford618
    mrsstafford618 Posts: 9 Member
    I had my first child at 22 and my second at 24. I matured with each child, and it was easier as I got older. There is nothing wrong with waiting until YOU feel comfortable having children. If you have children before you are ready, it will be more stressful and you will always wonder what would have happened if you had waited. Don't let someone else's opinion sway your own opinion about when you should have children. You know your situation better than anyone else.
  • avafrisbee
    avafrisbee Posts: 234 Member
    I was 27 when my son was born we plan at least one more and I'd like for my son to be in preschool so likely around 30 or 31 for #2. I want a third my husband isn't so sure but if we do have a third it would be three years after #2 so 33-34 age range.
  • bkw2488
    bkw2488 Posts: 190 Member
    I have six kids, I had my 1st when I was 19, and my last at 31. I wanted to have all my kids right away, so I could be able to enjoy my grandkids for a long time. :smile: ( I am only 32 now and my oldest is 12) Hoping no grandkids for awhile though!!!
  • lururu
    lururu Posts: 123 Member
    I had my first at 31 and my second at 34, I had 10 great years with my husband before we had children and now I feel like I can dedicate my time to them rather than worrying about missing out on experiences. However, I have a good friend who had her first child in her very early 20's and she is a brilliant Mum, I take a lot of advice from her as she seems to manage it so naturally.
  • nk17
    nk17 Posts: 141 Member
    I got married at 27 and had my first son at 31.
  • samanthaalgar27
    samanthaalgar27 Posts: 31 Member
    I'm 23 (24 in April) & My husband is 32 and we don't have any children yet....I worry that the longer i leave it the older we're both going to get & if i wait until i'm 30 he'll be 38....Everyones different i suppose....we don't own our own house yet so i think that is our prority at the moment....It's your choice, noone elses! x
  • tropaze
    tropaze Posts: 317 Member
    I had my first when I was 23 and my last when I was 28, when you want children is a personal choice. I don't want to have children in my 30's, but there's nothing wrong with it. If that's when YOU feel comfortable having YOU'RE children then power to you! Let what they're saying be heard and acknowledged, and let them know you're going to do it on your time table, not theirs.
  • Steffi330
    Steffi330 Posts: 110 Member
    I had my oldest daughter when I was 19. I loved being a mother to her but now that I have basically started a second family in my thirties I realize how much more mature I am and so I think I am enjoying it a whole lot more. I am now 36 and my youngest is 6 months. My children are 17, 3, 16 months and 6 months. Mr six months was a surprise blessing. He ended up being born just 10 days after my father-in-law passed away. You and your hubby have a plan.... stick to it bc ultimately you are the ones that have to raise them so do what is right for you. Your parents are probably thinking a little selfishly than anything bc they are probably just anxious to be grandparents. Hopefully that means they will give you some much needed alone time and take the kids from time to time when you do have them. Being prepared to have kids is so much better than just jumping into it. Good luck and may you be blessed with the family you want when you want it! :happy:
  • NashvilleShelley
    Married at 24, three kids - I was 30, 33 and 40! All are healthy. We saved so I could stay home with my boys. Love every minute of it!!
  • southofmadness
    southofmadness Posts: 316 Member
    23 , 24 , say i had them might be a bit of a stretch... how about,.. how old was i when my wife had them? i was there for the birth.. and i hope for the conception!Pretty sure they are all mine.. the two crazy ones im sure of…. the one normal kid... I have my doubts:smile: ! Doesn’t seem possible that someone that sane came from me. I just don’t have the nerve to ask my wife for a blood test after 20 years. Im crazy...not suicidal :wink:
  • briggsy13
    briggsy13 Posts: 161 Member
    26, 28, & 30. Worked for me :) I'm now 32 and love my life.